"Okay," I released a shaky breath, "You can do this. And go-hmph!" I groaned when my head ran into a muscular body.

I looked up seeing one of the guys with guns pointing their pistol at me.

"Heyyy..." I gulped.

"Who the hell is this, Davis? One of your connections?" The muscular man hissed grabbing my hair and pulling me to my feet.

I yelped at how harshly he pulled dragging me behind him.

"I don't know who she is! Come on man, she's a kid! Let her go!" An African American man yelled.

"I promise I won't tell anyone!" I whimpered.

"HEY!" Another voice yelled, "If you're going to shoot somebody, shoot me! Let her go!"

My eyes widened when I saw Spiderman standing a foot away from us. I had never actually seen him in person, only in the photos hung around the walls of the daily bugle... my full time job now since the coffee shop was destroyed.


I'm glad I made it here in time when I saw the smoke rise over the trees from whatever they were doing, because if I hadn't, y/n could have been-

No, I'm not going to think about it. My heart hammered in my chest when I heard y/n whimper in pain, anger building up not only at myself but at these assholes who were hurting her.

"You're brave, kid. But alright." The shooter smirked raising his pistol at me. I shot a web at it, easily ripping it from his hand. I ran towards him, getting ready to attack when my spider senses tingled at the last second, a powerful left hook hitting me in the side of the face as his brass knuckles from the gauntlet he was wearing hit me, sending shocks through my body.

"Let's get out of here!" I heard them yell through the ringing in my ears.

"Ow.." I groaned sitting up.

"Are you okay?" Y/n asked me.

I shook my head to rid the dizziness before quickly standing to my feet.

"I'm fine, are you alright?" I checked over her body, relief washing over me when I couldn't see any injuries.

"I'm just a bit shaken up. Thanks for getting here when you did. You saved my life." Y/n scratched the back of her neck.

"You're welcome!" I beamed from behind the mask, a sense of pride washing over me. "You should get home now. Don't want to run into any other trouble."

"Right." Y/n nodded, "You should probably go and, uh, you know.. get those guys."

"Oh my god! The guys!" I gasped, "I got to go!" I yelled swinging through the air to try and spot the all white van they took off in.

The metal of the van dented underneath my weight as I landed on the roof of the car. Crawling towards the windshield, I raised my fist to break the glass, my body shooting up in the sky as they blasted a hole in their roof.

"Oh my god!" I yelled falling down into the street. My body rolled. Aiming I shot a web at the back tail light, my body shooting forwards against the pavement.

"Can you please pull over?!" I yelled out to them as I rammed into some trash cans, old food and random garbage falling on me.

The van took a hard left turn down another street, my body jerking to the left crashing into a brick pillar at the end of someone's driveway. My grip on the web was yanked off as I rolled through the pillar.

"I'm going to feel that in the morning." I wheezed standing up, dusting the powder and rubble off my suit.

I watched the headlights of the van turn down another street and I knew I couldn't lose them again.

"Shortcut." I said taking off through the backyards of peoples houses. I needed to get to the end of the road so I could find a high vantage point to see the van clearly.

I crashed through many fences as I neared the end of the road, swinging up onto someone's roof, catching the van turning onto the main road.

"Got you now!" I smirked to myself, proud of how well I seemed to be doing because it could always be worse. Just as I was about to jump, I felt long sharp metal claws dig into my shoulder blades grabbing my body.

The van got smaller the higher in the air I got and I began to panic, turning around to see who snagged me. It was a man in a large metal vulture suit, the metal wings flapping higher into the air.

"Who are you?!" I yelled at him. The vulture man didn't say anything, just head butted me with his thick helmet on making my vision blur. I looked down, not even being able to see the city anymore, just the thick clouds hovering over it.

"Let me go!" I grunted reaching for his throat. My finger tips just barely graced the underside of his helmet before I felt the my body begin to fall, something I've only experienced in those dreams.

"Shit, shit, shit!" I mumbled frantically over and over to myself as I fell through the clouds at an alarming speed. I tried to aim at the nearest buildings, but it was just my luck I needed a full web cartridge in my web shooters.

"Oh no." I grimaced right before my body smacked harshly into the lake.

My body rolled deeper into the water as it began to fill my lungs. I felt dizzy from all the spinning I had done moments ago, having trouble getting hand eye coordination. I jumped in my skin another figure fell into the water, flying towards me. I calmed down when I realized it was Iron Man.

"Thanks." I gasped in the air as he grabbed me and flew us out of the lake. Iron Man remained quiet as we flew to a park where he set me down on the bench.


"And then he just, he just, like, swooped down like a monster and he picked me up and, uh, he took me up, like, a thousand feet and just dropped me. How'd you find me? Did you put a tracker in my suit or something?" I said squeezing the water out of my mask.

"I put everything in your suit. Including this heater." Tony replied.

On cue the heater in my suit went off, steam rising from it as my body instantly became warm again.

"Woah!" I gasped in surprise, "That feels nice. Thanks!"

"What were you thinking?" Iron Man huffed.

"The guy with the wings is obviously the source of the weapons. I gotta take him down." I stated like it was the most obvious thing to do.

"Take him down now, huh? Steady, Crockett, there are people who handle this sort of thing."

"The Avengers?" I tilted my head to the side.

"No, no, no. This is a little below their pay grade." Tony waved it off.

"Anyway, Mr. Stark, you didn't have to come all the way out here. I had that. I was fine." I sighed tiredly standing up from the bench.

"Oh, I'm not here." The helmet opened revealing an empty space where Tonys head should have been.

"Just forget the vulture guy, please!" Tony asked.

"I can't do that! I'm ready for more than just stopping bike thefts and helping old lady's cross the street. I know I can do this."

"You're not ready." Tony chastised like that of a father, "You are far from ready. You almost drowned tonight!"

"You thought I was ready when we went to Germany! Or when I took out Captain America." I argued back.

"Kid, if Cap wanted to lay you out, he would have. Promise me that if you see these weapons again, you'll call Happy? Deal? Deal. I got to go."

"I don't need to go and call- Mr. Stark?"

"Mr. Stark is no longer connected." The AI in his suit said before flying away.

I shook my head, "Awesome."


Definitely a longer chapter than I've been writing. Hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading!


Removing My Mask ; Peter Parkerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें