"Well, there are three women at the front desk asking for you."

Rome suddenly grew afraid, asking for her?

"They say they're with Alejandro......"

Rome felt the air leave her body, "—just come down here as fast as possible, it's too early for this."

Rome stood up immediately, doing what she could to make herself presentable before leaving the room and walking towards the front desk where Rome's eyes widened at the three women standing there, the three women from the mall.

"Rome?" The blonde one stepped forward.

She nodded as the other two looked at each other in surprise, "You were sitting next to us at the mall,"

Rome nodded again finally getting a good look at them and noticing that they were all gorgeous. Rome noticed the Asian woman step forward, her long dark hair was in a high pony tail and her brown eyes surveying Rome discreetly, "I'm Laya,"

"Dallas," the other woman spoke eloquently, her curly dark hair tied in a bun as her brown eyes observed the establishment.

"Do all of you work for Alejandro?" Rome asked.

Laya smiled shaking her head, "Not exactly,"

Rome suddenly felt weary, then what were they....

"We're his family."

Rome furrowed her brows, "How? I thought the Martini's were all men?"

Greece chuckled, "Allegro is my husband,"

Rome made an 'o' shape with her mouth, that meant they were all in relationships with— Rome blushed feeling naive. In truth, she'd never had a relationship and wouldn't have guessed it off off the top of her head.

"So Alejandro is......"

"Single." Dallas smirked.

A deeper blush formed on Rome's face at the question, "He's on his way." Greece said quickly checking her phone.

"He's coming here!" Rome almost shouted.

The women smiled nodding, just as a car pulled up outside and the man Rome had been waiting for stepped out. Rome felt elephants stomp around in her stomach as he approached. Rome felt a blush erupt onto her cheeks as his stormy grey eyes gave her a once over.

"How are you?" He asked, taking a step closer.

Rome gulped, "I'm alright."

"We'll be outside," Rome heard one of the girls yell but she barely heard her as Alejandro was now standing right in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked quietly.

She saw him gulp, "I came looking for you."

"Why?" She asked.

Alejandro ran his fingers through his hair, "I couldn't stand anything happening to you."

His fingertips touched her forehead, moving a piece of hair from her face and Rome almost let her legs give out. Please don't let this be a dream! She chanted before he took a step back and Rome wanted to reach out to him and wrap him in her arms but she didn't know if that was appropriate. It was weird, her father never hugged her, in truth, she hadn't gotten a hug in well, years and the need for human contact was overflowing.

"You came for me?" She asked.

Alejandro nodded, "A—and if you'd like, only if you w—want too, I want you to come home with me."

"Home?" She asked.

He nodded, "You want me?" She asked, her eyes suddenly afraid to meet his, she couldn't believe she'd just asked that.

"More than anything." He answered.

His answer surprised her and Rome immediately felt tears in her eyes, "Really?" She asked.

"Yes," he answered frowning as her tears fell onto her cheeks, "Don't cry," he suddenly pleaded.

She nodded trying to stop but it only made it worse, "Can I hug you now?" She asked.

He didn't answer but immediately took her into his arms. The contact made Rome swoon as she cuddled into his neck, she fit into him like a missing piece of a puzzle and she never wanted to let go, not ever.


A U T H O R ' S    N O T E

quarantine's giving me time to write so here ya go!

also this is the last book in the DIB series & ive already come up with ideas for another series more details later!

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