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-Several years down the road-

Liam sat on the lawn chair next to mine, as we viewed the blue sky. This was all I really wanted. Nothing too fancy, but nice enough to enjoy. Life was really beautiful at the moment.

Yeah, he was still Liam Payne of One Direction. Except this time, he was older and taking a break from performing. The whole band was. After all, stardom needs a break at one point. Liam though, he was mine and I was his. People said they saw it coming, and that Mikey was a bump in the road. You can't stop fate no matter how hard you try.

The pathway was still there. In fact we live right next to the pathway, and had our house built next to it. From teenagers to adults we were still personally attached to trail. It's silly, because we called it the path that led us to each other. Now, our kids get to enjoy it. The same racing down the trail, Liam and I did happens but with them.

"Uncle Niall!! Uncle Niall!! Uncle Niall!!" The brunette twins would cheer as Niall came and parked his truck. They both strangle him to the green grass and play wrestled with him. I looked to my right and only I see Liam smiling in amusement at his kids. I grabbed his hand and held it.

"Hey there! Wh-"

"Niall I'm not cooking today..." I interrupted. The guy was getting too comfortable, eating dinner with us. In fact, he ate everything.

"What...?" his voice trailed off and his face looked worried.

"I'm not cooking...there's no food. "

"Oh. Pshhh. I'm not coming here to eat food! I'm here to spend quality time with my nieces!" Niall covered up and picked up the twins.

Liam laughed at the absolutely terrible lie. "Which is why you come everyday?"

"Fine. I'm here for the food. " Niall gave up.

"Just marry someone already and you'll have delicious food everyday!" said Liam.

"Hey! It's not easy finding the right girl." protested Niall. He let out a nice fart.

"I'm going to use the restroom I hope you have oust. " he said as he entered our house.

"Is he gone?" I asked.

"Yep!" Liam answered. We went to our backyard where Louis, Harry, and Zayn with their girlfriends.. or wives were waiting.

"LET'S GET THIS BARBEQUE STARTED!!" Louis immediately cheered when he saw us. The kids laughed and everyone started talking. Liam opened his grill and brought out food. We all celebrated and ate with happiness that there wasn't someone hogging the food, and that there was finally enough.

"You guys...you forgot to bring me out for my surprise party. " We heard a Irish accent sound. He was standing next to the gate of the backyard.

"Who invited Niall?!'' I heard a voice whisper yell.

It was awkwardly silent, until Zayn started to laugh. It sounded like an awkward forced laugh until everyone joined in and eventually so did Niall. Niall came over and started piling up his plate. Oh gosh. The amount of food he could take in.

"So our plan failed. " Liam chuckled beside me. The party was over and we were in the porch looking at the stars. The twins were asleep.

"Yeah, but we kept him away long enough to get everyone to eat. " I laughed. Liam stood behind me and wrapped his arms around me waist. He rested his head on my shoulder and nuzzled it towards my neck.

"Why do females smell amazing?! Because you do!" he let out and his voice vibrated against my skin. I was tickled and I laughed. Liam picked me up off my feet and carried me inside into our bedroom.

His kisses still managed to feel like electric shocks. He was imperfect, but perfect for me.

Everyone was finally happy. Two lovers finally realized they were for each other. Never hide your feelings for long if you think about your love all the time. Hiding just causes regret. I was lucky.

And that was the story of Liam and Adrienne Payne.


That's it. The end!! I have more hidden scenes coming & if you want them come and message me! I'm happy I finished the story and I'm happy for at least someone reading it. This might be my last story, since I have so much to do and my writing for fanfics has gone a little stale.

Have a good day <3 :)

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