Chapter 11

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2010- Age fifteen

I'm glad to have Liam back. I know it's been a while since his last X-Factor audition, but so much more memories have been made. More pictures taken, more laughs made, and just pure joy. The only problem was that the butterflies I had when I was fourteen were still there.

I tell myself that I should man up and just tell Liam the plain fact that I like him. Even though he likes another girl named Audrey in our high school, it wouldn't hurt would it? If he didn't feel the same way back, then I would be the reason we stopped being friends. I hate that these things happen. I even play scenes out in my head to see how I should approach the situation.

In my head:

Scene 1:

Me: Oh hi Liam! I just wanted to say that I've liked you for a while and I still do! Okay bye! (I quickly run away before Liam can react to what I just said)

Scene 2:

Me: Hey guess what? I like you! A LOT. I just wanted to say that. Okay bye! (Walk off quickly)

Scene 3:

Me: I know a girl who likes you. 

Liam: Oh who? 

Me: ME! Okay, I have to go. (Run off quickly and be sure to wear your running shoes)

All of these scenes have me running off from Liam very quickly. I can't stay and bear to face the truth that he likes Audrey and not me. Of course he would like Audrey, she was a brunette and Liam has a thing for brunettes. I just had dirty blonde hair.

"I won again. I don't even think you're trying to play now." Liam said and I woke up from my thoughts. We were both playing Pokemon in the living room. He was battling against me and this was his seventh time winning.

"Sorry, just some things in my head. That's all."

"What is it? You can tell me." Liam sat up and closed his Nintendo DS. I sighed and closed my DS too.

"Um. So Maddy wanted to tell this boy that she liked him, but she doesn't know how." I lied. (Maddy and I caught up and we were back to friends)

"Hm. That's a tough one. Maybe she should wait for him, I think boys should make the first move." Liam said as he popped a pistachio in his mouth.

So I should wait for Liam?! Well it's taking a long while if he likes me! I doubt that he likes me, now that he just said that.

"Well what should the guy do?" I asked anyways, not wanting to go back to playing Pokemon.

"The guy should be really sweet when he tells the girl he likes her. For example here's what I would do to Audrey!" Liam stood up and my stomach sank as he said her name. He sat down on the couch I was on and looked at me with soft eyes.

"So I wanted to tell you something."

"Okay shoot." I played along even though I knew that I would end up sad when I get to sleep.

"I think you should know that you are one of the most beautiful girls I have ever met and I really like you a lot. And if you would just go on one date with me, it would mean the world to me." Liam said with the most sincere eyes ever. He looked serious, but I knew it was just an example.

I would trade anything just to be in Audrey's place right now. She should know she's a very lucky girl, for someone like Liam to like her.

"Um okay." I said and still pretended to be Audrey.

"Then if she said yes, like you pretended than I would do this."

I was completely unaware what he was about to do until his lips collided with mine. The new sensation inside of me sparked. I felt like there was a sixth sense that I was missing all my life. Man, he's an incredible kisser. Soft lips that were gentle and everything! Audrey is one lucky girl alright.

"Whoa, that was weird Liam." I immediately said as our lips departed. I knew I really liked it on the inside, but I couldn't show any feeling at all. 

"I'm so sorry Ade. I didn't know what I was doing and that was really dumb of me to do that." Liam bit his lip.

"Um, it's okay." I said and avoided giving him eye contact. I should have been aware and stopped him before he did it.

"I should get going." Liam said and got up.

"Um, okay." I said but kept my eyes on the floor. I could hear him walk to the hall and then he was gone.

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