Chapter 23

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"Wait, so all this time I was crazily in love with an author I didn't know, it was you?!" Harry said in astonishment.

"Yep..." I replied cooly.

"What!? So you're F-f-Francis W-w-Westwick?!" Harry stuttered out.

"Yes, Harry I am." I said for the billionth time. We were in a Coffee Shop as I waited for Liam to take me somewhere. Harry squinted his eyes and didn't seem to believe me.

"If it's a joke then it's not funny..."

"Harry, it's not a joke...I wrote the books you've been obsessed over."

He crossed his arms and looked at me in disbelief. "Prove it then. "

I sighed out of annoyance and pulled out my phone. After doing somethings on it, I looked at Harry.

"Check your Twitter." I simply said. He took out his phone and his eyes widened.

@harrystyles I'm sitting in front of you. Do you believe me now? -___-'

" you are..." Harry said slowly and he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah, now don't go telling people that I'm Francis-"

"I WON'T!" he obligated himself. He pantomimed zipping his mouth up and throwing the key away.

"Wow, it's so weird I thought the girl of my dreams was really you. I mean you're pretty and everything, but your Liam's and perfect for him. Gah! This is mind blowing!!"

"Well same here, it was creepy that you admitted your stalking habits for Francis." I said.

"Oh gosh, we both agree on just friends right?" said Harry.

"Of course Harry." I answered.

Seconds later I felt fingers wrapped around my eyes. I put my hands on top of them. It was Liam.

"Hmm. Womanly hands, they're quite small and bony..." I joked.

"Liam! It's probably Liam!" I laughed and peeled off his fingers. I looked up and saw him frowning.

"Hehe, you're still cute though." I said and gave a cheesy smile.

"Well come on! The place is ready!" Liam said with excitement. He held his arm out for me and I grabbed it.

"Bye Harry!" We both cheered before we walked out the door. It was quite dark outside and it was around nine pm.

"So Harry knows now?" Liam asked.

"Yep, no more Francis obsession for him" I chuckled. He opened the car door for me and I went inside.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see." Liam smirked. 

I looked out the window and the scenery started becoming familiar. We went past our school, into our neighborhood, and then into the trail we all knew about.

Liam and I's pathway.

After Liam parked the car and turned the engine off, he took out a remote and pressed a button. It was pitched black dark for a moment until some lights turned on and I could see a sign. On it, read:

Hey. I really like you, (it's probably love though). Will you be mine? Check yes with a blue marker and no with a red marker.

I turned over to a smiling Liam and went out the car. Walking over towards the sign, I only saw a blue marker. There was no red marker to be found. I took the blue marker and put a big fat check mark on it.

Another set of lights came on and a sign appeared. 

I was hoping you would check yes. Now I can tell you that this land is ours.

I turned around and saw Liam leaning back at the hood of his car. He smiled, and you knew too well that I freaking ran in his arms.

"Are you serious?" I practically said with excitement. Liam nodded his head and grinned at me. He picked me up and spun me around.

"Wanna go for a late night run?" He asked me.

"You bet." I answered.

"Last one's a rotten egg!" 


So the next chapter is the epilogue & it's the last chapter. I also have a one shot in my head, but it'll be hidden. After the epilogue is up, the one shot of Ade & Liam will be a secret hidden chapter. (Like Not So Picture Perfect)

I kind of had a hard time writing & commitment with this story, but in the end I get happy when I finish.

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