Chapter 9

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Liam laid down on my bed with his arms behind his head. He was the saddest I had ever seen him. I was perched beside him on the bed as I painted my finger nails. (A new habit I had picked up to kill time while Liam was gone)

"I was so close to making the cut." He sighed out.

"On the bright side Simon said you had potential to be the perfect pop star." I said as I stroked the brush against my index nail.

"Maybe I wasn't a good enough of a singer."

"Liam, I don't know why you said that, but you can sing. My parents are out there in the living room or kitchen saying how much of a talented singer you are. You made it to Barbados, out of all the people who auditioned, does that mean nothing to you?! You can either lie around here and complain how you didn't make it, or you can become a better singer and prove to others you are a perfect pop star."

He sat up and crisscrossed his legs and looked right at me. A smile crept upon his face.

"You know, you're a really great friend." he said as he gave a crooked grin.

"Well you were kind of complaining the whole day..." I trailed off as he looked around the room. He looked above my head and frowned. I turned around to see what he was frowning at and saw the framed flower with Mikey's name on it.

"Do you like Mikey now?!" Liam said with a disapproving tone.

"No! He went to my house one day, since you told him where I lived and gave me a flower from my mom's own flower bed. I didn't have anything better to do so I just framed it." I explained as he nodded with a flat expression.

"But you wrote his name on it. Isn't that what girls do when they get all giddy and happy with their crush?"

"Do you want me to take it down? Is it offensive to you? I just wanted to decorate my room a little."

"No, it's alright. It's just weird."

"You're weird." I muttered under my breath.

"WHAT!? WHAT DID YOU TELL ME!?" Liam raised his voice and stood on my bed. He was jiggling the bed a little. I closed the bottle of nail polish before he jumped on me. 

"Liam! My nails! Gahhh!" I said as I stuck my nails out in the air so they wouldn't get messed up. He wiggled his fingers into my stomach causing my to laugh uncontrollably.

"I'm not a boy! You can't do this to girls." I whined as he continued to tickle me.

"But I'm weird!" he mocked my voice. I managed to get free of him and I stood up on the wood floor. I stuck out my tongue and made a ugly face.

"I'M WEIRD TOO!!" I shouted before I ran out of my room, down the stairs. Liam went after me and you could hear our heavy footsteps.

I flipped open the pantry looking for something to use until I felt arms wrapped around me picking me up. I wailed my legs in the air and tried to wriggle free.

"It's not fair! You're a guy that's stronger than me!" I complained as Liam walked outside. I heard his chuckles and tried to wriggle free once again.

"You can call me normal and be free, or I can continue to be weird and you can get dropped in this kiddy pool that is conveniently placed out here!" Liam smiled evilly. I scowled at him.

"This is taken a little too seriously over-"

"Adrienne? Liam?" I heard a voice behind us. Liam turned us around with me still being carried. Mikey was standing there with a basketball in his hands. How awkward. He blinked innocently and he gave a flustered expression.

"Put me down!" I whisper shouted to Liam. He listened and put me back on my feet. I straightened out my shirt and Liam stood still.

"Um, hi Mikey. Did you want anything?" I asked politely with my hands behind my back.

"Erm. No. I just saw you two." he said and he turned around to go walk back home. The way he walked made him seem mad and angry.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked as Liam and I went back inside.

"I don't know. I'll talk to him later though."

We both went to the living room and settled on the leather couch. I turned on the tv and Disney was on with Toy Story playing. Of course we ended up watching it, if we didn't Liam probably would have kept on whining how we weren't watching Toy Story.

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