Chapter 3

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"This is really weird that Mikey is sending you over here to do this." I said as I laid down on my bed and continued to finish weaving a friendship bracelet.

"I know. He even gave me a list of questions to ask you." Liam said as he perched on a corner of my bed with a clip board and a pen in his hand.

"Really?! Why can't he just introduce himself to me and be my friend? This is ridiculous."

"Mikey is a little on the shy side."

"Well let's get this over with."

"Okay. Question one, do you like tall guys with shaggy blonde hair and brown eyes?"

"What if I said no, just to make him disappointed?"

"You can't it says answer truthfully!"

"Gosh, put I don't know. I'm too young to think about these kind of things."

"Alrighty then." Liam said and jotted down the words.

"Question two, if a guy was in a sports team would you be interested in him? If yes, what type of sports team?"

"Are you kidding me?! Wow, someone is trying to impress me." I laughed.

"Answer the question!"

"Okay. Um. I guess so, I'd prefer him to be on track team or boxing team. I like people who can run, cause I like to run. Or people who can box, cause he can be like my body guard or somethin."

"Awkward...I can run and I'm taking boxing lessons." said Liam.

"You do?!" I sat up.

" I'm just going to put football."

"But you said answer truthfully!" I said and mocked his voice.

"Fine." He muttered and wrote down some more.

"Question three, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Put No, I don't care if I have one." I said.

"Question four, would you like a boyfriend?"

"PLEASE. I'm only thirteen! He's only thirteen! You're fourteen! Calm down! No, I would not like one at the moment."

"I know right?! We're only in seventh grade, and all these girls and guys are rushing to find a boyfriend or girlfriend. I'm surprised you weren't rushing."


"Cause earlier when you tripped and I helped you, you said you wanted to be a mom."

"Oh, right! Yeah, I want to be a mom but I don't want to be a mom now!" I said and Liam laughed.

"My body is getting better, so I might be able to go running tomorrow." I added. Liam's face lit up.

"Really? What time should we meet at to go running?"

"Five am."

"Cool! That's the time I usually get to the pathway."

"Are you eating breakfast over here with us?"

"Yeah, my mum has an appointment with a client, so after we run I'll be stalking behind you home." Liam said and gave me a creepy face.

"That's creepy Liam, stop it." I made a face and he laughed.

"My mom's cooking is to DIE for! Maybe you can try your first American breakfast with us!"

"Yeah! It'll be fun!" He cheered.

We ended up talking about the most random topics. Liam is a really good friend, we cracked up over jokes together and helped out with homework. I could hear our moms talking about their husbands and what not. The interview, that Liam and I were supposed to do for Mikey however wasn't complete and left unfinished. I'm okay with tripping over the branch now, because it wouldn't have been awkward with Liam. Imagine how awkward it would be with your mom forcing you to be friends with some boy on your street. After our moms were finished hanging out, Liam's mom called him to go home.

I don't know, but I have this feeling Liam and I will be really good friends. We'll probably even be best friends.

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