Chapter 7

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"Good luck, and bye Liam." I said as I gave him a hug at six in the morning on Saturday. Liam looked really excited to audition for the X-Factor. I should remember how he looks right now before he starts getting famous and rich.

"Thanks Ade. I'll miss you." He smiled at me. Who knows, this could be the last run with Liam.

"If you get in, just stay as yourself. Don't let anything get to you, and remember that Simon is mean to everyone." I said and he chuckled. I was serious though, there were always those stories where people got famous and their friends didn't like them anymore because of the change of heart.

"Bye Ade." Liam said and gave me another hug.

"Bye Liam." I said and he turned around and left me standing there. He went inside of his car and waved at me before his car drove further and further away from me.

Instead of going back home, I sat in the pathway and watched his car move away from me. If he makes it, who was I going to hang out with now? I was going to run alone every morning at five. I won't have a good friend as much as Liam. I started to get up and I walked home. I couldn't notice the tears running down my cheeks until they dropped to the ground. I'm already missing him.


"Hi!" I heard Mikey's voice behind me as I sat on ground with my back against a tree trunk. I was at a park since I had nothing to do. Usually at this time I would be at Liam's house or he would be at mine.

"Hello Mikey." I said as I plucked some grass underneath me. Mikey sat next to me. He was being a little confident today. Usually he was shy.

"Aren't you excited for Liam? I'm really happy that he's trying this out."

No. I'm not excited for Liam. I'm being selfish and sad that he has the possibility of forgetting me. 

"Yeah. I guess." I sighed and plucked more grass.

"Well while he's gone, we should uh hang out some time. You know to um kill time uh while he's uh gone."

"Sure, but not today. I'm not in the mood."

"Do you like Liam?" Mikey suddenly asked me when I was completely unaware.

"E-excuse me?"

"Do you like Liam?" He repeated.

"No. Liam is just a best friend." I said, but I knew a part of me kind of did.

"Oh okay, just making sure. I have to go. Bye Adrienne." Mikey said and stood up. I watched him walk away over to his friends.

Making sure of what? What did Mikey have to make sure of? Anyways, he called me Adrienne. I guess I wasn't used to be called by my full name because I hung out with Liam a lot. Liam and his family and my family only called me Ade. Now that I think about it, even at school I hung out with Liam the most. I kind of brushed Maddy and the girls to the side. Now I have no one to hang out with at school, unless they were willing to hang out with me again. All classes I had with Liam we sat next or near each other, and we had more than half of our classes with each other. Even every lunch we had our own table.

I went home and took a nap. I have never been so bored in my life. I was fine sleeping and I was okay, until the phone rang. I picked it up, "Hello?" I answered.

"Ade! I MADE IT!! I GOT IN!" I heard Liam shout to the phone out of joy.

"Um, congrats." I said the best I could to sound happy for him. I bit my lip out of sadness. This is the first step before everything happens.

"Cheryl said I was cute too! Louis liked me, but Simon was a little hesitant of me. They all said yes though!"

"Wow, that's crazy. I'm glad for you, really." I said. Some how Liam sensed some sadness in my voice.

"Don't worry Ade, I won't forget you. We'll still be best friends, and if I win I'll buy anything you want. I promise. I'll even give you a shout out on national television! It's going to be on tomorrow! So watch it and look for me on it."

"Okay, I'll watch for you. You don't have to get me anything if you win."

"Thanks Ade. Thank you for everything, you should know that whoever is going to marry you is a very lucky guy. Love you, best friend." Liam said which gave me a small smile. The butterflies came back once again.

"Did you just say you love her?!" I heard his sister in the background.

"No! Shut up! Stop eavesdropping!"

"Well you practically said it out loud for everyone to hear!"

"Ade, I have to go. Bye!" Liam said quickly.


The line went off and I closed my eyes trying to remember our recent conversation.

Oh Liam Payne, I'll miss you a lot.

Just don't forget me please.

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