Chapter 22

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First of all. Whoa, I left wattpad for a break and then I come back to see all these people reading it. I didn't think you guys cared that much. Well here's chapter 22. The story is almost done.

"I wished I never said that." Liam sighed as he was planted on the lush green grass across from me.

"Said what?" I asked after I popped a grape in my mouth.

"I wish I never said that whoever is going to marry you is going to be the luckiest guy ever. I really thought I was going to be that guy. Instead it's..." his voice trailed off. He dug in his pocket and brought out a velvet box. He opened it and in there was a shiny diamond ring.

"Liam," I gasped.

"I promise you this ring means a lot more than the one your wearing. The one you have on isn't as promising as the one I want to put on your finger."

You know the sad part of it all? It was really a dream. Liam and I weren't on a picnic, and he didn't propose to me. It was kind of like those warning dreams, because as soon as I woke up, I read a life changing letter. It was on the front door step and it was from Mikey, who was gone for days already.

Adrienne Hayfields,

You know that there is a special part in my heart for you. I had to tell you this sooner or later, otherwise our marriage would be pointless.

When I proposed to you, I wasn't thinking clearly. To be honest, half of our relationship I was thinking about someone else. I wasn't in love with you, but I was in love with Lindy, my coworker. I thought proposing to you would get my head together and make me forget about Lindy. It only made it worse, it made me want her more. I'm sorry to say this, I really am. I wish I have the guts to tell you in real life, but that night I slept with her, I couldn't handle to face you ever again.

I'll be truthful though, when I first met you I really liked you. I genuinely admired you to the point where you could call me obsessed. I guess that it has changed now. I fell out of love, and things weren't the same. I was bored.

Let's be real. We can't stay ''friends'', because we are ex-fiancés! I can't marry you, knowing that I am deeply infatuated and in love with someone else. You can't marry me either, because I know there is someone you've been thinking about. Marrying eachother would just put us both in regret.

I hope I put this letter in the nicest way possible. If you haven't noticed, I packed my things and moved in with Lindy. Please forgive me, I am truly sorry to put you in this. Don't cry over this, don't cry over me.



Mike knows that if he says not to cry, I will cry. I did cry, how could I not? I really thought he wasn't going to leave me ever. I thought he would have had my back.

So I did what I do best. I threw on my running shoes and drove over to my pathway. The tears rolling down a a constant pace, but then they ran down quicker once I could see what was going on.

There was a construction site. They were getting ready to get rid of my pathway. They already cut down the trees, but now they were digging up and rennovating my pathway. The trail I grew up running on.

I flung the car door open and started wailing. If they were going to take away my trail, then I should atleast get one last run.

"MA'AM! EXCUSE ME. YOUNG LADY!" I heard a construction worker yell after me when I was zooming down the pathway. I ignored him though, instead I just ran faster. I took in everything, the smell, the scenery, and the dirt under my shoes.

I was running for a moment, until that stupid branch all of a sudden came back to my life. It was like God decided to put the same branch that tripped me and made me meet Liam, and put there again.

Of course I went tumbling down and earned myself more scars and shedded more blood. I was too weak to get up, so I stayed there crying. Was life over? I kind of wished it was.

"Ade?" I heard his voice from behind me. He sat beside me and held me.

"You know what they're doing to our pathway..." I stuttered out. Liam stroked my hair softly and rocked me back and forth.

"It's okay, shhhh." he whispered in my ear. He got up to go do something. I sat there waiting for him to walk back.

"YOU GUYS! WORK IS DELAYED UNTIL NEXT MONTH!" I heard a man shout through a bull horn. Then the pack of people started getting ready to go. Liam came back to sit next to me.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Don't worry about it." he replied.

We stayed there for a while as I sniffled. This was it. This was the last time our pathway would be ours.

"Come on, let's get you bandaged now. Shall we?" Liam got up and brushed the dust off his pants. He held out a hand for me to grab on and helped me up.

My arm was around his neck and my body was leaning towards him for support. It was déjà vu.

"If I remembered correctly, my trusty first aid kit should be here." Liam said after he put me down. He went down to a ditch and got his old first aid kit.

"Now, you seemed like you didn't have a good day when you ran. I waved but you were already crying before you saw the construction site." he said as he places bandages on me.

"Mike and I aren't engaged anymore."

He froze and looked at me, straight in the eye.


"He wrote me a letter explaining how he was in love with someone else."

"So you really loved him huh?"

"I'm not quite sure. I just liked the idea of having someone loving me."

"But you do have someone loving you..." his voice trailed off.

"I love you." he faintly said to me.

"It was all for you. X factor. I went because I wanted to come back from winning and win the girl of my dreams. You. It all started on your 14 birthday, that was when I realized how much I liked you. Our first kiss? That was on purpose. I just made an excuse to kiss you, the whole Audrey thing was a cover up. Ade, don't worry if nobody loves you because I always will." Liam let out and he had a puppy face.

I took everything in. Leaning forward, I did something I've been wanting to do all these years.

I planted a kiss on Liam Payne's lips.

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