Chapter 20

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I'm extremely sorry for the long update! I started highschool, and it's weird to adjust to. Anyways, I think the wait was worth it. I wrote the chapter before school started and I was stuck on how to end it. Now, I have a perfect ending for this chapter. :) I'm really happy of the outcome!


Liam wasn't taking me out to dinner.

We weren't watching a movie.

It wasn't a picnic.

We were fricken sky-diving. Must I repeat? Sky diving. How the hell and I supposed to forget this? Liam was serious about a date I wouldn't regret.

"Remember when we talked about why we liked running back then?" Liam asked me while we walked to the sky diving center.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Well, you told me that you liked it because you felt like you were flying. Now we're about to fly, if you count falling from the sky, flying..."

"It's good enough to call it flying." I beamed with excitement. He opened the door for me and I walked in.

After we took our class and changed into skydiving clothes, we boarded the helicopter.

"I'm so excited!" I cheered and he laughed at me. The helicopter started getting in the air slowly. I looked out and around. I couldn't stop smiling. I've always wanted to go sky-diving, Mikey was afraid of heights and Maddy didn't like the feeling of falling. Now I was going sky diving with my best friend. Could I call him my best friend? After four years of bitterness put to an end?

Just when I thought about it, I could feel him staring at me from the side. I felt his eyes on me. they were like laser beams burning through me.


I'm feeling like a fourteen year old again. Dang it, Liam! He was making me feel like a teenager and I'm twenty. I hesitantly turned my head to face Liam and he instantly grinned when our eyes met. I hope I didn't blush, but I smiled back.

We were finally two miles high in the air, and it was time to jump off.

"Egh, I'm a little nervous..." said Liam.

"What?! I'm excited!" I practically cheered. When we were allowed to jump off, Liam told me to go first. Of course, I pulled him off with me by surprise.

We both screamed as we fell off the helicopter. The wind rushing against my body. My stomach was feeling light.

"Ahh, there's a bee!" Liam yelled over to me. I laughed although it was difficult because I was plunging down from the sky. I opened my parachute, and so did Liam. We slowed down and I really felt like I was flying.


Liam had let me fly with him.

I sound crazy for saying that I was literally flying, but it was the closest I felt to flying. We slowly descended to the ground. I laid down on the lush, green grass. My heart beat was racing from the fall and I was breathing in and out so quickly. I stayed down on the grass.

"Thanks Liam." I said to him.

"Anything for you Ade," he replied.

We got up and went back to the skydiving center.


"We're not done yet you know?" Liam said as he signed us both out from the sky diving center. I hopped into his car and in a matter of minutes we were driving to the all familiar building. Liam took us to our old school. I laughed after he parked his car.

"We're too old for school Liam!" I laughed again. Liam turned his head around to face me. He crinkled his eyes in amusement. It kind of had a sparkle to it.

"It's okay, we're going to be adolescents again!" he cheered. He opened his car door and quickly walked over to open mine.

"I'll race you to the front of our school!" Liam beamed and I instantly ran off.

"HEY! THAT'S CHEATING!" I heard Liam shout from behind me.

"Last one there is a rotten egg!" I shouted. I smiled with my mouth open and let the wind rush past my face. I could feel Liam catching up from behind.

We ended up in a tie and nostalgia was lingering in the air. I blinked and I swore I saw a young fourteen year old boy. His hair was brown and straight. He was wearing blue basketball shorts and a gray sweaty t-shirt. I watched him panting and smiling as he ran his hand through his hair.

I must be hallucinating. I feel as though all I saw was the Liam before he was famous. He was still the same fourteen year old I met when I moved here.

"Let's get ice cream from the school's vending machine." Liam suggested.

I think I am hallucinating, because I was still seeing the young Liam. I guess I could say that I felt ... young.

I felt like I was fourteen again.

I was still in a mindset of someone so young. Liam pulled out money and bought us our usuals. Sometimes when it was hot and Liam had his allowance, he would buy us both ice cream. An ice cream sandwich for me and a vanilla fudged - dipped ice cream bar for him. We both sat on the wooden bench and ate our ice cream in silence. Every time we ate our ice cream it was quiet, because if we talked our ice cream would melt.

Afterwards Liam and I went back to the diner. We both sat quietly in the his car. And then I said something that surprised the both of us.

"Hey Liam?"

"Yes?" he answered and positioned himself to face me.

"You made me happy today." I said.

Liam smiled, "knowing that I did make you happy, makes me happy Ade."

I gave him a real, genuine smile.

"Hell. If I could, I would kiss you right now." he said.

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