06 • Leo Needs an Alias [Part 03]

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"That was so cool," he exclaims.

The headmaster gives an amused smile. "Glad you think so, Mr... Valdez, was it?"

Leo nods and looks at the headmaster in the eye.

That's when a heavy weight drops in his head and he brings his hands up to his temples. Squeezing his head since he feels like his brain is falling apart, he moans in pain. As he closes his eyes from the pain, the weight dissipates slightly but doesn't disappear entirely.

"Ow," he mutters. "My head hurts," he tells no one. Leo's brows furrow as he concentrates on trying to feel better when the weight lifts up immediately.

He lets out a heavy sigh before looking up at an in pain Dumbledore and an angry McGonagall.

"Using legilimency without permission!" McGonagall bellows. "The nerve—the audacity—"

"I apologise, Mr. Valdez," Dumbledore expresses sheepishly.

"Huh? What happened?" Leo asks, confused. "What's legi-legilly-lego-legiliabracadabra?"

"Legilimency, Mr. Valdez, is the art of getting into one's mind," the headmasters states.

"What?! Like... mind-reading?"

"In a sense. I apologise for using it on you, Mr. Valdez, but I am surprised you were able to detect me immediately," he continues.

"You were the headache?" Leo asks.

"I've never been pushed out in that violent manner before. You must be a natural Occlumens," he hums. "Although, I should not have been surprised since you are literally half-god. I am not as strong as you are." [1]

"What's an Occlumens?"

"They are able to detect and eventually push people out of their brains."

"Headmaster, what on Earth were you thinking? Using legilimency on a child!"

"I apologise." "I am not a child!"

"Casting that irresponsible behaviour aside," McGonagall starts, giving the headmaster a nasty glare, "we need to know what to do with you—" she turns to Leo—"and how you are leaving the school."

Leo rubs the back of his neck. "Actually, ma'am," he starts nervously, "I was actually planning on staying."

She blinks once. "I'm sorry?"

"My ride home is currently... destroyed. It'll take me some time to bring him back to pieces. Especially since I am not in my Bunker at Camp Half-Blood, I don't have the proper tools and all. So, I'll have to make do with what I have now. It isn't enough so fixing Festus would take longer and—"

"Festus? Who's Festus?" McGonagall cuts off his rambling.

"Oh, he's my way home. He's a golden mechanical dragon my old siblings made," Leo says the last part proudly, suddenly missing his siblings and Bunker Nine. He mentally shakes his head to rid himself the melancholy thoughts. "I need to stay. Also, I heard there was a tournament here involving dragons. It's why I came here, actually. Some guy named Charlie Weasley—the recommended dragonologist—is here. I wanted to know more about dragons so I can improve on the features on Festus!" he says excitedly.

Dumbledore's eyes sparkle, and Leo can tell that the headmaster trusts his words. He doesn't know why but he was not going to complain. [2]

"Have you talked to anyone about your... real identity?" Dumbledore asks.

Leo nods. "Fred and George Weasley know. I also met three other students. Harry, Ron, and Hermione, but they think I'm from Ilvermorny."

He ignores the shared knowing yet amused look between Dumbledore and McGonagall.

Quests of Valdez: The School of Magic (Harry Potter x Percy Jackson fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora