13 • Leo Becomes a Mediator [Part 01]

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"Yes, Mr. Headmaster, sir? You called for me?" Leo asks as he enters the Headmaster's office. It was cool to say the password to the gargoyle and have it move aside to reveal the stairs to the office. Leo will never get over it.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Valdez. I'd like to talk about your friend in the Forbidden Forest," the Headmaster says from the window and walks towards his office desk. "Please sit."

Leo heads to the seat in front of the Headmaster's desk, already anxious. "About Festus? What happened? Is he okay?"

"I can assure you, Mr. Valdez, that your friend is fine, or at least, the same as how you last saw him," the Headmaster reassures him.

"Oh, good," Leo sighs in relief. "So, what is this about?"

"Firenze, one of the centaurs in the forest, and I had a brief talk. The centaurs have negotiated to bring what's left of your friend, and for you to have him fixed here at Hogwarts so you don't have to be in the forest back and forth—especially since it is dangerous. Of course, we will make a room for you where only you have access to with a password. No other means may be used to open it like magic spells. Is this acceptable to you?" the Headmaster asks.

"Yes! Yes, of course! Gods, I miss Festus," Leo exclaims.

"Alright, then it's settled. Professor McGonagall and I will personally have this fixed for your discretion. She and I will personally see to bringing your friend, without others seeing, here at Hogwarts. I will be sending you the password and the location of your friend's room as soon as we're done with the room and have transported your friend in said room. However, I would like to inform you that it may take weeks to be done," he finishes.

"Yes, sir! That's no problem! Thank you, sir!" Leo exclaims.

The headmaster gives him a small smile. "And I would suggest refraining from going to the Forbidden Forest to see your friend. I am assured by the centaurs that your friend will be safe with them." He hums. "It is interesting, indeed, to see the centaurs so cooperative with this predicament."

Leo shrugs. "They just like me, I guess."

He sees a twinkle in the headmaster's eyes. "I am sure they do."

The news from the Headmaster makes him feel a lot better as he walks towards the Gryffindor Common Room.

"Password?" the woman wearing pink in the painting said, eyeing his green tie.

Here's hoping the twins gave me the right password. "Balderdash." [1]

The woman nods and the whole frame opens to reveal a common room.

He slowly walks in and immediately is met with an environment so different from the Slytherin Common Room.

If the Slytherins have a dark solemn mood in their common room, the Gryffindors definitely have a warmer cozier one. The circular room is adorned with reds and golds, with a fireplace that has the portrait of a lion.

Leo doesn't help feeling that he should have been here. Gryffindor must be the house of fire. Seeing that he is fire itself, he should have been here in the first place.

As he walks in, the whole room stares at him.

"What are you doing here, snake?" someone yells.

"How did you get our password?!" another yells.

"Go back to the snakes, Valdez!" some other person says.

Leo raises his hands in surrender. "Easy. Easy. I'm not here for a war. I'm just looking for Ron and Harry. They're my friends."

They all look at each other, almost all skeptical to why he is here.

"Leo, our American friend!" Leo sees Fred walking towards him with George behind him, waving at him.

"I see you managed to get in," George adds.

"Yeah," he replies distractedly, looking around the common room for a particular person.

"Forge, I don't think he's here to see us," George says.

"I'm so offended, Gred," Fred replies.

Leo looks at them. "Sorry, guys, I'm here to fix something."

"Must be the toilet in our dorm, it's clogged," Fred jokes.

Leo laughs. "Must be your fault, Fred."

Fred shakes his head. "I am always to blame. It's actually George."

George chuckles. "I always get away with it... Anyway, since you're not here for us, we better head on. We're working on something, and we're just about to go, er... check it out."

Leo nods at them. "I'll see you!" he says as the twins leave the common room door.

Once the twins leave, he realizes that the air has changed in the common room. Everyone seems to be whispering among themselves on why he's here, and some even yelling at him to go back where he belongs.

Leo realizes Gryffindors and Slytherins have a lot in common. Why on Tartarus' name are they fighting, he will never know.


[1] "Balderdash" is the Gryffindor Common Room password according to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 12 (The Triwizard Tournament).

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