04 • Leo Finds Some Familiarity [Part 02]

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"...and so we were there, just minding our own business when all of a sudden BOOM! HELLO!—these dark creatures just came down at us like some crazy eagles finding fishes flying in the middle of the sea! I could have probably taken them, you know—I mean, face it: I'm awesome... but I just had to get weird in the head like some wimp now, hadn't I? I fell and Festus got in a fight and now we're separated, and oh gods, have you seen him by any chance? He's like family to me and I really need to find him and what am I even still doing here?!"

With that final question, Leo finally stops and takes a deep breath. He realizes that he is still sitting down on the floor where he landed on a few moments earlier. Slowly and wincing, he tries to stand up, determination filling him up in the hopes of finding Festus as soon as possible, wincing a bit as he does so.

Madre de los dioses, he practically yells every Spanish curse in his head. For his sake, he hopes he didn't give too much away. He really needs to find Festus immediately. Although, a few moments ago, he would probably be lighting this whole room on fire in a panicked state. He had probably killed everyone in this room already just to quickly leave the room and find his friend.

"Festus is missing. I should be panicking, right?" he mumbles to himself. Why am I not panicking as much as I should have had?

He looks up in surprise when the red-headed boy speaks up. "The only thing we managed to give you was some calming draught, mate. But, it didn't seem to work for some reason," he adds, scratching his head.

Leo hums. "I don't know... I think that calming draught or whatever worked pretty well, actually. I don't think I've ever been this calm in my life... considering, er—yeah..." he stops himself before he spills any more of his past.

"Bloody hell, mate! If that's your version of calm, I don't want to see how you really are when you're not!" the redhead exclaims with wide eyes. At this outburst the Percy-look-alike and the Hazel-haired girl both nod in agreement.

"Really? I think you'd find that I'm much more awesome than I am right now," Leo adds, wincing when he tried to straighten up more.

I didn't take some ambrosia yet, did I? I didn't have an Archimedes Sphere to break my fall this time either. Man, falling that high is seriously not good for my spine, he thinks, grimacing at the discomfort on his back.

"We don't even know your first name," Hazel-haired-girl states, distracting Leo by taking control of the dominance in the room. Leo instantly knew she would work best with Annabeth. She's like a weird combination of Hazel and Annabeth.

"I'm Leo."

"Valdez? Right?" the redhead asks. He turns beet-red when everyone turns to look at him—almost as bright red as his hair. "We only heard your last name earlier... er, yeah... I'm Ron," he squeaks.

"What our ickle little brother meant to say—

"—is that his true name is ickle little Ronniekins."

"No, it's not!" Ron, Ronniekins or whatever-his-name-is, says but the twins both ignore him.



"Weasley. At your service," the twins ended simultaneously with a bow.

"How long since you two decided to settle with that phrase?" Leo asks the two amusedly. "I'm a bit impressed, I can tell you that."

"They've been doing it since forever," redhead-with-many-names says.

"Hold on, you said brother ," Leo tells the twins before turning to the youngest redhead. "You're brothers with old men?"

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