07 • Dinner Feast Goes Wrong [Part 03]

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He leaves the bathroom wearing only his pants, to see Farley and another guy with her. "AHHH!" he yelps, hiding his skinny body with his arms.

He sees Farley herself close her eyes—the only thing that showed that she was just as shocked as him—but she is as calm as he met her. "Right, Valdez, this is Nott. He agreed to lend you some clothes."

"Right, thanks, Nott," he says, still embarrassed and he knows he is as red as a dragon's coldest fire.

"The only reason I'm lending it to you is that they are the smaller ones our elves placed in my trunk. I don't need them, though it doesn't hurt to be prepared for anything, but in this case, I've always wanted to throw these but the elves just keep finding a way and a reason to keep them," he replies nonchalantly, already heading to his bed which is conveniently beside Leo's. Leo wanted to ask more what he meant by elves but since Nott said it so casually, it might be weird for him to ask anything so he kept quiet.

"Thanks, still," Leo says instead, getting four shirts Nott offered.

"You don't think you have some trousers for him either, do you?" Farley asks Nott with her eyes still closed even though Leo is already buttoning up his new, oddly nice-fitting shirt. "Valdez, needs to change his."

Leo looks down at his large brown pants. "What's wrong with my—" he stops at the judging stare of Nott and the pursed lips of Farley. "Right."

Nott sighs. "Why must I be so nice?" he asks.

"Don't forget, Nott, Slytherin's stick together, and Valdez needs all the support Slytherin can give. Even if it's just to keep our reputation intact," she replies, talking to the wall.

"I'm dressed now, by the way," Leo quietly says, his ears hot. Farley still doesn't open her eyes.

Nott rolls his eyes. "Fine. You're in luck because the elves brought in some of my old trousers, too."

"Thanks, man," Leo says, getting the three trousers.

He wanted to ask if he has some underwear for him but Leo thinks he might get murdered if he asks that. He'll just settle with cleaning his one underwear everyday.

"I'll be in the common room. I'll walk you both back to the Feast so you can finish your meals," Farley replies.

"No thanks, I'll go there now," Nott replies, closing his luggage and leaving the room with Farley following him.

Leo stands there for a moment before letting out a huff. "Damn, it's gonna be hard staying here, isn't it?" he asks himself before changing his trousers. He wants to fold them up to his knees as well, like how he does it to his brown pants, but decides against it. Instead, he looks like a well-dressed normal teenager with worn-out boots and crazy wet hair.

He places the dirty clothes on the bed and decides to do something about them later after the feast before going back to the common room where Farley waits.

"Where's your robes?" Farley asks as soon as he is in view of her.

"Umm, they're upstairs."

"Bring them here, I'll clean them. You can't go back robe-less."

"What you don't have to—"

Farley sighs. "Cleaning charms, Valdez. We have them."

"Ah, right," he replies before retreating back to the dorm and grabbing the robes.

With the flourish of her wand, the food on the robes disappear quickly.

"Magic is so cool," Leo whispers.

Quests of Valdez: The School of Magic (Harry Potter x Percy Jackson fic)Where stories live. Discover now