03 • Where'd This Come From? [Part 03]

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"He's alive," Harry whispers to himself in shock before exclaiming, "Merlin! He's still alive!"

"What?" Ron asks as Hermione finally turns back around to look in the crater. "How is this even possible?"

To check further, Harry grabs the boy's wrist to check the still beating albeit a bit weak pulse. "I got a pulse!" Harry yells at them in alarm.

"Oh, Merlin! We need to get him to Madam Pomfrey!" Hermione yells, wiping her cheeks and immediately putting on her headstrong determined face.

Harry quickly conjures a stretcher. "Ron! Get in here!" he yells, making Ron jump in the crater to land on the other side of the mysterious lad, helping Harry put him in the stretcher with Ron holding him by the legs and Harry holding him by the shoulders.

"Be careful!" Hermione screeches.

"Harry?! Ron?! Hermione?! What're yeh lot doin' 'ere?!"

"Hagrid! Help!" they all yell.

Immediately their Care of Magical Creatures Professor comes quickly, panting slightly after running in a panic at three distressed students.

"What happened?! Are yeh hurt?!"

"No," Hermione quickly replies, "but someone else is."

"Over here, Hagrid!" Harry and Ron both yell, gently placing the boy down on the conjured stretcher as Hagrid walks down the crater.

"Merlin! What happened 'ere?" he asks, carrying the boy in his arms with ease.

Whilst Ron and Hermione tell Hagrid what they've noticed, Harry walks behind them in silence, secretly glad the boy is unconscious because if he is anything like him, it would be a bit haunting to be looking like a corpse whilst being cradled like a baby by Hagrid.

"Yeh shouldn't go running in the Forbidden Forrest like tha'," Hagrid reprimands them. "Yeh dunno what's out there."

Harry snorts, earning everyone's attention. "Oh, we know," he says. Ron snickers.

"Honestly, you two, someone is injured and you're laughing out here."

"Oh, come on, 'Mione, you've had your share of adventures in the Forest," Ron points out.

"Oh, yes, running away from a professor who is a werewolf and seeing my friend and his godfather nearly die from a hundred dementors! Oh, that's fun." The two boys stare at her before she finally smiles. "Okay, it was a little fun."

"I just realised we've never been in the Forbidden Forest together before... like all three of us together. When I first encountered Voldemort in our First Year, I was with Draco and you two were together. Second Year, I was with Ron. Last year, I was with you."

"Yeah, spiders for me. Dementors for Hermione," Ron says. "Dunno what's worse, to be honest... then again, Draco got You-Know-Who—nope, no, spiders. Definitely spiders are the worst."

Harry and Hermione share a glance before shaking their heads in amusement.

"All those times, yeh kids were out there saving people... and 'ere yeh are again with the saving," Hagrid comments, frowning at the heavily injured boy in his arms.

"Can't we go faster?" Ron asks worriedly. "It looks like he really needs Pomfrey."

"Can't jostle him too much. Might make it worse," Hagrid replies.

"But how could he still be alive?" Harry asks. "That crater was too big. I'm not a genius but even I know that means he fell from a high distance."

"I dunno, but wha' matters is tha' the lad's alive," Hagrid replies just as they reach the doors to the Hospital Wing.

Quests of Valdez: The School of Magic (Harry Potter x Percy Jackson fic)Where stories live. Discover now