13 • Leo Becomes a Mediator [Part 03]

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Ron gives him a small look. "So, you're really serious about all this?"

Leo nods. "Yeah, dude. I'm not making this schist up. I'm not a good liar," he lies smoothly. He sighs, "Look, I know what it's like to be jealous of your best friend."

"It's not just him," Ron says with a sigh, resting his head on the headboard. "In my family, all my brothers are achievers. I'm always overlooked. And now even my best friend gets the glory. It's just... I'm sick of it."

Leo nods. "Yeah I get it. I was in an orphanage and got thrown around in a bunch of foster homes. All of the kids with me always get chosen first, and get adopted, but I'm not. Then I went to school, and my best friend Jason is strong, handsome, and a powerful de—wizard. Look at me, I'm scrawny. It can get annoying to be the seventh wheel in a group of seven. I always get overlooked, too. That's why I'm here in Europe. I... got sick of being forgotten. My friends love me, of course, but they all have their lives to do in the US. I don't blame them... I'm left behind so I left. I'm not proud of it, but it just... gets too much."

"Yeah, I get what you mean," Ron replies with a nod.

"But between you and me, I think I'm the lucky one."

"Why?" Ron asks.

"Because whenever we have to fight someone or something, my best friends are often the targets. Not me. And even though they get the glory in the end, it's not their fault that that's what the Fates have in store for them."

Ron hums. "Harry does get targeted a lot."

"Yeah, by Darth Vader."

"Huh?" Ron asks, dumbfounded.

"Darth Vader? You know? Star Wars?"

Ron shakes his head.

"You don't know Star Wars? When you wear robes and have a dark lord?"

"What in Merlin's beard are you talking about?"

Leo sighs. "Nevermind. But back to the topic, Harry's being targeted and I don't know you all long but even I saw how terrified Harry was when his name was called. He didn't put his name in the Goblet of Fire. Someone wants him dead and it's probably this Voldy Moldy guy."

Ron laughs. "Voldy Moldy, damn, that's funny. I should tell Harry to call him that if he gets targeted again... Do you really think this is another plot to get him killed?"

Leo shrugs. "It's the most convenient thing. Everyone hates him, and he's alone. If I were that Sith, I'd use this against him. Especially hearing how much Harry suffered from him."

"What the bloody hell is a Sith?" Leo just shrugs. "So... he told you everything?" Ron asks.

Leo nods. "Just the general gist, I feel. Look, we can try to contact your brother if you need more proof of how dangerous this all is."

He can feel Ron cracking, especially with the hesitant nod.

Leo writes to Charlie:

Yo, Charlie Weasley, right?

A little birdy told me you're the best source of information when it comes to dragons. I traveled all around the world for a mentor, and I heard you're somewhere in Scotland! Is that true?

Would like to meet you soon.

A U.S. Dragonologist in Training

"There," Leo says, satisfied that he does not sound like a student from Hogwarts in the letter. "Do you have an owl? You know, I still can't believe you use owls, and quills. Ever heard of a pen? Geez."

"Slow down, mate," Ron laughs. "Yeah, I have an owl. Pigwidgeon."

"...Bless you."

"No, really, that's the owl's name."

"Gods, who on Gaea's sandy butt would—"

"My sister. She's evil," he says with a fond smile. "Anyway, convenient, too, because I don't think Charlie's ever met Pig. He won't know he's mine."

With that, he and Leo send the owl.

Ron was just further explaining the rules of Quidditch when Pigwidgeon came back.

"You're back already?" Ron asks in surprise.

Ron takes out the letter and reads it before Leo does.

He curses under his breath. "I gotta find Harry," he says urgently, running from his place on the bed and falling on his face in an attempt to be quick.

Leo takes a look at the letter.


Yes, that's true. I didn't know there were dragonologists in America! Are you a new group? I'd love to know how you heard about me, and I want to know more about who you are.

Is your owl, okay? I think he's had it rough.


"I guess that answered your questions, huh?" Leo asks more to himself.

"It bloody well did," Ron replies, angrily buttoning up his shirt.

"We don't know where he is, though," Leo says as Ron scrambles around his room.

"I know where he'd be when he's sad. Merlin, I've been such a prat," he says as he struggles to put on a sweater.

"Hey, better late than never," Leo replies with a shrug. "Er, maybe wear your robes? Dinner's starting soon. We got lucky Professor Creepy didn't get a substitute in time," Leo suggests.

"Right! Right," Ron says, clumsily grabbing his robes which are hanging over a coat rack in the room.

He barely got one arm through his robes when he ran out the door.

Leo smiles in satisfaction.

With victory in mind, he calmly walks towards the common room. All eyes are on him and his Slytherin crest, and some are angrily yelling at him to get out.

He pays them no mind as he walks towards Hermione who has a big smile on her face.

"I saw him run out the common room door! You got through to him?" she asks him, standing up in excitement.

Leo shrugs, trying to act cool. "I'm just that good."

"Oh! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Hermione exclaims, wrapping her arms around Leo's shoulder to hug him.

Leo gives her a friendly hug back before she quickly moves away from him with her whole face being red.

Leo laughs it off. "I'm charming that way."

"Mister Valdez, what in Merlin's beard are you doing in the Gryffindor Common Room?" he hears a familiar voice behind him.

He winces and slowly turns around to see the angry look on Professor McNuggets' face.

Leo gives his most charming smile and says, "I got lost?"

"How did you get in the common room?" she replies, much calmer but also more exasperated.

Not wanting to get the twins in trouble, who are also on one side of the room with a look on their face that just says 'Sorry, bro,' he tells the professor, "I hid and waited near the door so I could hear one of the Gryffindors say the password." He laughs awkwardly.

She groans. "Well, best go back to your own common room, Mister Valdez. And I will be informing your Head of House about your behavior."

Leo cringes. "Mierda," he whispers to himself.

"As for you, lions, please be more cautious about the common room password. As soon as Mister Valdez leaves, we shall change the password once more."

And with that, Leo gets kicked out of the Gryffindor Common Room, but he has a smile on his face when he sees Ron and Harry laughing together at the other side of the Dining Hall as he eats with his fellow Slytherins.

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