02 • Romania Sends Leo Elsewhere [Part 01]

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Carpathian Mountains, Romania (Romanian Dragon Sanctuary)

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Carpathian Mountains, Romania (Romanian Dragon Sanctuary)


It was busy. No, scratch that, it was hectic.

That was the first thought that popped into his head.

Everywhere you look you could see people running to and from places holding the same sticks—sorry, wands—that the two blue-clad boys from that French school-with-a-complicated-name had.

Standing at the edge of the reserve and watching the restless sanctuary, Leo couldn't help but compare it to their journey to Romania.

It was surprisingly easy, he found, since he was somehow able to sense where the dragons were—the same way one can sense a monster except the feeling isn't as sinister in sensation. As they got closer to their destination, to Romania, the connection—whatever it was—grew stronger until they could finally see the place that they had been heading to.

Surprising enough though, the dragon sanctuary was enclosed with a faint bubble of something which was not that different to the Mist. It was a little less defined, however, and easily detectable by a demigod like him, but it's probably just as dumbfounding to mortals as when they encounter the Mist.

Then again, he shouldn't have been surprised. They are, in his theory, a really long line of descendants of Hecate working together. I mean, they are aware that the Greek gods existed—and that they are not myths—and it should explain how they got magic in the first place.

Not wanting to risk Festus being caught by professional dragon keepers, he dismounted a good distance away. It was better to walk alone than to risk losing one of the most important friends to him after all. Thankfully, it is located deep within a mountain range full of trees—not unlike the one in France (gee, wizards really love their mountains and trees, don't they?, Leo thinks), so it was easy for Festus to hide.

Being in the Dragon Sanctuary though, he begins to realize that he might not even get the chance to ask anything from anyone with how much busy and in an absolute extreme level of panic they are all in.

He contemplates making a scene but decided against it because, though it would capture their attention, he would most likely be thrown away in the fires for annoying them so much. Granted, he won't burn but the intention is clear.

So what should he do? What could he do?

As he ponders over which action to take, the Fates probably decided to be kind enough to present him an opportunity. Well, "kind" is such a strong word since the Fates hate him, and the opportunity is not exactly... kind per se, but coming from the Fates? It's just as good as.

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