01 • Leo Goes on Vacation [Part 02]

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With languages, if the POV-person understands it, we use "[ ]" for the translation. If the POV-person doesn't, "« »" will be used.

"Whoa, whoa, chill!" Leo says in surprise.

The two boys are wearing grey and pale blue suits underneath robes that make them look like Jedis—if a Jedi wears pale blue robes rather than dark brown ones.

"Qui es-tu?!" the taller boy with a scar on his eyebrow—the one pointing the piece of stick between his eyes—practically yells at him. "Parler!"
«Who are you?!» «Speak!»

Leo's brows furrow at the boy's words. That did not sound Spanish at all.

If Piper was there, she would have easily told him that the boy was asking who he was and had yelled at him to speak. Unfortunately for Leo, he's all alone. Even Festus isn't with him at the moment—hiding amongst the trees.

"Bro, I don't know what you just said," Leo admits, raising his hands up in surrender. "I'm not going to hurt you or whatever..."

"El es americano," the smaller boy who has a few freckles—the one pointing a stick on his chest—whispers to the boy behind him.
[He's American.]

"¡No soy idiota!" Scar-Man murmurs exasperatedly through gritted teeth—making Freckle-Boy roll his eyes for the nth time that day.
[I'm not an idiot!]

"¡Sí, sí! ¡Soy americano! Soy mexicano americano... y tejano... de los Estados Unidos... Well, I'm actually living in New York now but I don't think you care much about—er—lo siento; ADHD..."
[Yes, yes! I'm American! I'm Mexican American... and Texan... from the United States...] [Sorry; ADHD]

"¿Cómo te llama?" Scar-Man asks firmly, digging the branch on his forehead just as Freckle-Boy's branch touches his chest.
[What's your name?]

Leo knows better than anyone that he shouldn't underestimate whatever it is being used as a weapon—especially seemingly harmless-looking ones... and these sticks are definitely weapons in the eyes of these two blue-clad boys.

"Leo..." he responds, nearly introducing himself as the Super-Sized McShizzle but the two both look like they'd kill him on the spot if he dared to crack a joke.

"What do you want?" Scar-Man growls, digging the stick deeper, making Leo flinch at the contact despite it not looking threatening. Scar-Man's murderous glare definitely makes up for that.

"¡Nada! ¡Nada! I swear! I'm just passing by! I'm a traveller!" Leo says, unconsciously returning to his accent which he hadn't used since he was little.
[Nothing! Nothing!]

Scar-Man turns to Freckle-Boy. "Peut-être qu'il est un Moldu."
«Maybe he's a Muggle.»

"¿Qué estás haciendo?" Freckle-Boy asks in confusion. "¿Por qué hablar en francés?"
[What are you doing? Why speak in French?]

Oh, so it was French. If only Piper was—he stops his thought process before he falls down that rabbit hole again.

"Porque," Leo interrupts, "no entiendo francés."
[Because I don't understand French.]

They glare at him.

"¿Eres los dos fresas?" he asks jokingly before he could stop himself.
[Are you two rich-kids?]

Leo watches as the two boys scrunch their brows in confusion.

"¿Solo dijo fresas?" Freckle-Boy asks Scar-Man.
[Did he just say strawberries?]

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