14 • Fire Shouldn't Be Restrained [Part 02]

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Leo shakes his head at the memory. He didn't see much of Hermione, Ron, and Harry after that incident. He often saw each of them alone, and all of them didn't seem to be in the mood for him. Plus, he didn't really know what to say to them since their friendship was in shambles.

So, he did what he often did—go back to machines. He had been sneakily going to the Forbidden Forest on his own to fix Festus, and true to their word, the centaurs had been keeping a careful watch of his friend.

It's probably why they talked to the Headmaster to keep Festus inside the school instead.

But after a week of them being hella awkward with each other, Leo took matters into his own hands. And look how good that decision came to be.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Hermione asks him.

They're currently at the Three Broomsticks. It's the Saturday before the First Task on the twenty-fourth. He, Hermione, and Ron are sitting together with Harry somewhere under an Invisibility Cloak.

That piece of magic he can understand—with Annabeth's invisibility cap in his memory. The magic he wasn't prepared for was the beauty of Hogsmeade and this amazing drink called Butterbeer.

"I don't know how else to help Harry," he grumbles.

"You've done all you could," Ron replies. "I'm still a bit sceptical that Ancient Greek can be used to tame a dragon, but to each their own, I guess."

Leo shrugs. "It worked on me. It's like any other language, I bet."

Hermione hums before saying, "You know, maybe I should try and get some of the villagers involved in S.P.E.W." She looks around the pub thoughtfully. [1]

"What's that?" Leo asks.

"Don't ask," Ron huffs.

"Yeah, right," says Harry beside Leo. "Hermione, when are you going to give up on this spew stuff?"

Hermione hisses, "When house elves have decent wages and working conditions! You know, I'm starting to think it's time for more direct action. I wonder how you get into the school kitchens?" she wonders.

"No idea, ask Fred and George," Harry replies.

"I know how to get into the kitchens," Leo replies with a shrug.

"How? You've been here for like three weeks?" Harry asks in surprise.

"I shall keep my source hidden, thank you very much," he answers. "Also, Harry, bro, can you like... take off the cloak. It's really weird talking to someone who isn't there."

"No, we just saw Rita Skeeter and her photographer friend come out of here a little while. For sure if word comes out that Harry is here, he'd be bombarded," Ron replies.

"Look, it's Hagrid!" says Hermione.

They see Professor Hagrid and Professor Moody talking to each other a few tables down. As the two start to leave, Moody pauses to look at their table with his magical eye which still gives Leo the creeps. He taps half-giant in the small of the back, mutters something to him, then they make their way to their table. [2]

"All right, Hermione, Ron, Leo?" says Professor Hagrid loudly.

They all say their hellos.

Moody limps around the table and bends down near Leo. At first Leo thought Moody was looking at him until Moody says, "Nice cloak, Potter."

"Can your eye—I mean, can you—?" he hears Harry say beside him.

"Yeah, it can see through Invisibility Cloaks," Moody says quietly. "And it's come in useful times, I can tell you."

The half-giant smiles at him. "Harry, meet me tonight at midnight at me cabin. Wear that cloak." Straightening up, he says loudly, "Nice ter see the three of yeh." He winks and departs. Moody follows him. [2]

"Why does Hagrid want me to meet him at midnight?" Harry says, very surprised.

"Does he?" says Hermione. Leo nods in confirmation. "I wonder what he's up to? I don't know whether you should go, Harry..." She looks nervously around and hisses, "It might make you late for Sirius."

At Leo's questioning look, Ron supplies him with an answer. "Harry's godfather."

After that ordeal, they continue on with Hermione and Ron helping Harry memorize any spells he might use against a dragon with Leo pointing out ways to not harm the dragon. Ron was less enthusiastic with Leo's suggestions. Hermione was, too, at first, that is until Leo says that dragons should not be used for entertainment in the first place. They're living beings like wizards. Hermione starts explaining what S.P.E.W. is, and Leo lets her talk.


It is dark again, and the small little creatures are once again trying to chain her and the others down using their sticks. They are restless. This is not their territory and they sense the danger nearby. Their captors, though, obviously do not sense them, and so leaves all of them open for an attack.

Despite this, they would not give up and they would reclaim their lost freedom.

They are creatures who should not be controlled by these pesky two-legged beings.

With a loud roar, she attempts to breathe fire on those who dare chain her. She flaps her wings only for the chains to constrict around her tighter. The others just watch, knowing that it is a useless endeavor. They all tried and all had sadly failed. They are simply biding their time for an opportunity to present itself.

They are all wise from all the years they had lived, and they knew that there would be a time when someone would come save them.

For a time, they thought that it might be the handler with hair as red as their fire. He is kind and treated them like the intelligent creatures that they are. He spoke of his family as he cared for them. And they understood that though he cared, he was unable to do anything.

With another defeated roar, the Hungarian Horntail finally settles down, hopefully her point being made. The other dragons are right in telling her to wait for she senses another being with fire.


[1] From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 19 "The Hungarian Horntail", page 320.

[2] From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 19, "The Hungarian Horntail", pages 322.

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