14 • Fire Shouldn't Be Restrained [Part 01]

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It's been almost three weeks since Harry was chosen as the Hogwarts champion. And it was only last week Thursday on the tenth when he managed to get Harry and Ron bring their friendship back.

He will never forget the anger he had last November second-just three days since he came to Hogwarts-in their Potions class with the Gryffindors. It was supposed to be a good thing for him since it was the last class of the day, but of course, things weren't too good before the class started.

It started early that morning. Waking up, he was surprised to see something right in front of his face.

Someone's hand. Holding a button pin.

He was still a little delirious from waking up so it took him a while to see what's written on it in red angry letters.


"Wear this if you want to stay being a Slytherin," he heard Malfoy say from beside his bed.

He rubbed his face. "What's the catch?" he asked him.

"Oh, nothing," Malfoy replied, putting the button pin on Leo's chest.

Leo looked down to see that the red message had disappeared only to be replaced in green letters with:


With an angry grunt, he ripped the button pin from his chest and threw it on the other side of the room, almost hitting Malfoy. He let himself have a small smile when the button pin nearly split one of the bedposts' in half. He kept forgetting he has godly strengths. One of the perks of being a demigod.

"I'm not wearing that," he told Malfoy.

"You will if you want to keep the house united," Malfoy replied, rather shaken at what happened at the bedpost.

"I want to unite all the houses, not just Slytherin," Leo said with a huff, his morning ruined.

He didn't bother listening to Malfoy's reasoning on why Slytherin must be held higher than any of the other houses. He just ignored the son of a-

Shaking his head to the present, he looks around the corridor as he walks towards the Dining Hall for lunch, seeing the stupid freaking button posts on, not just Slytherins, but almost everyone except Gryffindors.

He will never forget what happened the afternoon after his ruined morning.

He was talking to the Hufflepuff he met in Professor Hagrid's class, named Susan after their class in Transfiguration with the Hufflepuffs where they didn't do anything but study the theory again, which actually made sense to Leo even though he wasn't a wizard. He sat beside her because she was the only one he knows who is not a Slytherin. He wanted to be a little bit away from Malfoy's shenanigans.

Because of that, he was a bit behind the Slytherins when they reached the dungeons.

He just arrived just as Harry and Draco both took out their wands and casted spells with both lights hitting each other and ricocheting somewhere else.

Harry's spell hit Goyle and the latter instantly had boils all over his face. Hermione, on the other hand, was whimpering as she clutched her mouth. [1]

"Hermione!" he heard himself and Ron yell, both of them running to the witch.

Leo looked in horror as Hermione's teeth grew larger-past her bottom lip, to her chin. Hermione felt them, panic-stricken, and let out a terrified cry. [1]

"Gods, Hermione, what do we do?" Leo asked her, panicked. Surely, Hermione would know what to do in this situation, right? She's the brightest person he'd ever known besides Annabeth, of course.

"And what is all this noise about?" said a soft, deadly voice.

Snape had arrived. Leo was partly relieved. A teacher, of course! Hermione, and even Goyle, needed some help. The Slytherins clamored to give their explanations, including Leo himself, but Snape pointed a long yellow finger at Malfoy.

"Explain," the professor said.

"Potter attacked me, sir-" the coward started.

"We attacked each other at the same time!" Harry shouted.

"-and he hit Goyle-look-"

Snape went over to Goyle whose face now resembled something that looked like poisonous fungi.

"Hospital wing, Goyle," Snape said calmly.

"Malfoy got Hermione!" Ron exclaimed. "Look!"

Ron forced Hermione to show Snape her teeth. She was doing her best to hide them with her hands, though this was difficult as they had now grown down past her collar. The Slytherin girls were doubled up with silent giggles, pointing at Hermione from behind Snape's back. Leo rubbed Hermione's back to comfort her.

Snape looked coldly at Hermione, then said, "I see no difference." [1]

Hermione let out a whimper, her eyes filled with tears, she turned on her heel and ran, ran all the way up the corridors and out of sight.

Harry and Ron started shouting at Snape at the same time, their voices echoing so much in the stone corridor. Just as Snape started giving the two detention, everyone quieted down.

They were all staring at him. All of them stepped back in fear.

He must have been quite the sight-fire coming out of his hair, shoulders, arms, and hands, to the sole of his feet.

Blue fire.

The hottest a fire can be.

Leo was angry.

"σκάσε," Leo said quietly in a deadly tone.
[Shut up!]

"Mister Valdez, I believe you should-"

"σκάσε!" Leo yelled, feeling his fire getting larger.

"Leo, snap out of it!" he heard someone yell. He turned around to see a concerned and terrified Harry with his arms outstretched towards him, trying to calm him down.

Leo takes a deep breath, his fire dissipating in an instant. "Sorry about that, professor," he replied calmly, not really looking at the professor.

Snape, for the most part, looked rather shaken, but immediately calmed himself down. "I will forget this happened, Mister Valdez. This is your first warning," he said before letting them all inside the room to make antidotes.


[1] From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 18 "The Weighing of the Wands", pages 298 to 300.

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