The Cullen's go to Mystic Falls

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I do not own Twilight or The Vampire Diaries.


It's been 3 weeks since I last seen my beautiful, innocent, loving Bella. She is the meaning of my entire existents yet I let her go. I haven't been outside of the house since Alice and Jasper made me go hunting with them. It hasn't been the same with Bella. Emmett doesn't laugh, Alice doesn't shop as much, Carlisle spends most of his time in his office or at work, Jasper feels guilty about what happened at Bella's party, Esme feels like she has lost a child, even Rosalie misses Bella. We all miss Bella but I feel like a part of me has been ripped out of my soul...if I even have one. Emmett and Rosalie just came back from hunting when Alice called a family meeting.

"Edward gets your ass out here," screamed Alice.

Ugh why can't they just leave me here to rot. I vamp speed down to the living room where Rosalie was sitting on Emmett's lap, Esme was sitting next to Carlisle and Alice was sitting next to Jasper.

"I think it's time that we move to a different place," said Alice.

"Why I like it here," said Rosalie.

We are currently located in California which is kind of difficult since the sun is out almost everyday.

"Because it's to hard to go to school when the sun is out and anyways a change of scenery would be good for us," said Alice while looking at me.

"Where do you think we should go," asked Carlisle.

"Well personal I think we should go back to Forks but since that isn't going to happen I suggest that we move to Mystic Falls, Virginia," stated Alice.

"Why there," asked Esme.

"Because it's just like Forks, it rains 95% of the time and it has a forest which we can hunt in," smiled Alice.

"That sounds lovely," says Esme.

"When should we move," asked Emmett.

"As soon as possible," said Carlisle.

"Well we better get packing," said Jasper.

Great now we are moving to a place that will remind me of Bella so much for a change of scenery.

*The next day*

We finally finished packing all of the things that we wanted to bring with us. Esme bought us a house in Mystic Falls which had 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms(one in each room), a huge kitchen(That we won't use), and a living room. It look like are old house in Forks.

"Edward you ready to go? Are plan leaves at 7:30," asked Alice.

I looked at my watch 5:30.

"Yeah lets go," I replied.


*Alarm goes of*

"Ugh 5 more minutes," I yelled.

I've been staying at Elena's house because I still haven't forgiven my brothers for what they did to me back in 1864.

I was about to fall asleep until I felt a cold liquid going down my shirt making me wide awake.

"Rise and Shine," yelled Elena, Caroline and Bonnie.

"What the hell," I shrieked.

Caroline, Elena and Bonnie were laughing.

"You will die," I yelled but couldn't help but laugh.

"Later we are going to be late for school," said Elena.

"Oh shit," I said and ran to the bathroom.

I finished getting ready for school wearing blue jeans, black combat boots, and a shirt that says "I'm not totally useless, I could be used as a bad example." I applied a small amount of makeup and came out of my room where Stefan, Caroline, Elena, Jeremy, Tyler, Matt and Bonnie were waiting for me.

"Nice shirt," said Tyler.

"Thanks," I smirked.

*At school*

When we got to school everyone was talking about the new kids.

"I didn't know that new students were coming today or I would of helped them around," pouted Caroline.

"Maybe next time," said Bonnie.

"Yeah lets hurry so we are not late for class again," said Elena who was looking at me.

"Hey don't look at me. You were the one who followed us," I said.

Elena rolled her eyes.

"Come on," said Bonnie.

"I have a feeling that this will be a great day," said Caroline.

"I hope so," I replied.


We landed in Virginia and had a taxi drive us to Mystic Falls. On are way there I have to admit the scenery is beautiful.

"We should go camping this weekend," exclaimed Emmett.

"That sounds like a great idea," says Esme.

"Eww I'm not going to go camping," complains Rosalie.

"If y'all do go camping you better be careful there have been many recent animal attacks lately," warned the driver.

"What do you mean," asked Carlisle.

"Well just this week 5 people have been killed by an animal. All drained of blood," stated the Driver.

We all looked at each other. Vampires. It has to be.

When the driver drops us off at are house we pay him and he drove off.

"5 bodies all drained of blood? That's a lot of blood for on vampire," says Alice.

"What should we do," asked Esme concerned.

"Nothing the Volturi will do something if it gets out of hand," stated Carlisle.

"Well kids go upstairs and get ready! You have school and you are already late," said Esme.

"Ugh why do we have to go to school again," complained Rosalie.

"Because we have to try and fit in," explained Carlisle.

"Fine lets go," said Rosalie.

"We will take my car," I said.

My family looked surprised that I even talked.

"Ok," smiled Alice.

"Well lets go," said Jasper and off we went.

What do you think will happen? Hope you guys like this chapter! Make sure to review!

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