Isabella Salvatore is Isabella Swan

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I do not own Twilight or The Vampire Diaries.


When we got back to the Salvatore Boarding House I sat on the couch and waited for Damon's lecture.

"Isabella how could you be so stupid," yelled Damon and so it begins.

"Ok 1 don't call me Isabella 2 I didn't know that she was a Mikaelson," I replied.

"Didn't you know her name," asked Tyler.

"Yes I knew her first name Rebekah and besides I didn't know that the Mikealson's had a sister hell I didn't even know that there was 5 Mikaelson's I thought that there was only Klaus," I replied.

"Yeah well there is 5 Kol, Klaus, Finn, Elijah, and Rebekah," stated Damon.

"No shit Sherlock that would have been nice to know," I smiled at him.

"What are we going to do," asked Stefan concerned.

"She has to move back in here," replied Damon.

"Hello I'm right here and besides we are not going to do anything," I replied.

"But what if Klaus gets to you again he obviously wants something from you," said Damon.

"No he doesn't if Klaus wanted something from me he wouldn't have let me go," I stated.

"What did you and Klaus talk about and why wouldn't he let you go," asked Elena.

"He as going to use me as leverage so he could trade me for the White Oak Stake," I stated.

"But why you," asked Matt.

"Because he knows that I am Damon's and Stefan's sister," I replied.

"How does he know that," asked Damon.

"Because I told him," I replied.


"Because I didn't feel like having it tortured out of me," I stated.

Damon calmed down.

"Well I'm exhausted I'm going to bed," I yawned and started walking out the door.

"Oh no you don't," said Damon and he dragged me back to the couch.

"What the hell," I yelled.

"You are moving back in here," said Damon.

"Like hell I am," I replied.

"Look Isa I get that you are mad at us but you need to get over it," said Damon. Oh 2 can play at this game.

"Oh kinda like how you got over Katherine," I smirked.

"OH BURN," laughed Jeremy, Matt and Tyler.

"That's different," muttered Damon.

"Oh really at least I didn't spend 145 years looking for someone who obviously doesn't love you. I mean I didn't even bother trying to look for you guys," I snapped.

"That's enough Isabella," snapped Stefan.

The room went quiet.

"Wow when did Stefan grow a pair," I asked.

Jeremy, Tyler and Matt laughed.

"I mean it," said Stefan.

"Yeah I bet you did mean it but whatcha gonna do about it hm. Are you going to lock me up in my room and force my to write in my diary about how much life sucks," I asked him.

Isabella SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now