Game Night Part 1

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I do not own Twilight or The Vampire Diaries.


When I finished reading some off the girls in the class were crying, including the teacher.

"That was beautiful Isabella," cried the teacher.

I sat back down in my seat and let the sound of the class drown away.

Now you are all caught up...


I'm in the middle of 6h period and I totally forgot that today was the blood testing lab. Elena, Caroline, Stefan, Tyler, and Rebekah were excused from this class, so the only vampires left in the classroom is the Cullen's and me.

"So today we are going to do the Blood Testing Lab can you all now turn in your permission slips," asked the teacher.

I raised my hand.

"Yes, Ms. Salvatore," said the teacher.

"I forgot to have my guardian sign my permission slip, so that means that I can't do the lab right," I asked hopefully.

"Actually Ms. Salvatore Mr. Salvatore called me and gave permission over the phone," smiled the teacher and began grabbing the slips.

I looked around at the Cullen's who had a worried look on there face. I turned away...remind me to kill Damon later.

"Now class let's begin. First grabbed the needle and poke your pointer finger and then put the blood on the sample swab in front of you," said the teacher.

The kids around me began poking their fingers and the smell of blood became overwhelming. I could feel the veins in my eyes begin to pop out. I took a deep breath and they went away. It's time to pull the Bella Swan faint. I stood up and began to walk drunk-like to the teacher.

"Ms. Salvatore are you feeling ok," asked the teacher worried.

I "fainted" in front of him and might I say I am pretty good at fainting. I could hear all of the students in the room run up to me.

"We need to take her to the nurse," said one student to the left of me.

"Yes, of course, um, Edward do you think you can carry Isabella to the nurse's office," asked the teacher nervously.

"Yes," said Edward and he picked me up and walked out of the classroom.

We were near the front exit when I opened my eyes.

"Nice performance," smiled Edward.

"You can put me down now," I snapped at him.

He put me down.

"I'm going to kill my brother," I growled.

"Yeah that wasn't cool of him to do that," said Edward.

"Why were you in class today I would think that you would be home or something," I asked him.

"We weren't going to come but then we found out that your friends didn't go to class today and we thought that it might look suspicious if we didn't show up either. Why were you in class," he asked me.

"I forgot about the lab today and I thought that since I didn't have my slip signed that I wasn't going to be able to do the lab but my brother decided to be a dick and gave me permission to do the lab," I snapped.

"Well you should probably go home I'll tell the teacher that you started to throw up so I had your brother pick you up," said Edward.

"Ok...thanks," I whispered and I walked outside and saw my car in the parking lot with my keys in the engine. I got in my car and started heading home.

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