Hello Brother

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My plane finally landed, good timing to I was getting thirsty and I doubt the old my next to me will taste very good. I find my luggage and head for the bathroom and decided to change, I put on my mini skirts, a crop top that says "Love is a waste of time" and a pair of black high heels. I head outside and I called a taxi.

"Where to," asked the Driver.

"Mystic Falls please," I replied.

After an hour of awkward driving the driver decides to try and start a conversation with me. Can't a girl go somewhere without someone trying to talk to me!

"So where are you from," asked the Driver.

"Mystic Falls but I decided to move to Forks, Washington," I replied.

"Why," asked the Driver. Why the hell is he so nosy.

"Family issues, my brothers left me for some bitch named Katherine," I snapped. I am seriously not in the mood.

"That sucks," said the Driver.

"No shit Sherlock," I replied, people can be so stupid sometimes.

"Sorry I didn't mean to upset you," said the Driver sincerely.

"Yeah I know its just that I don't like to talk about my family," I replied.

We drove for another hour before we finally reached Mystic Falls.

"How much," I asked the driver.

"Don't worry about it," said the Driver and he drove away.

"Ok then," I looked around and noticed that he dropped me off at some bar called "Mystic Grill" how original. I walked in and ordered a shot of whiskey and a BLT sandwich. The waiter asked to see my ID so I just compelled him to let me get a drink. When I got my food and drink I looked up at the waiter and noticed that he had blonde hair and baby blue eyes, he's cute but he just isn't my type. I drunk my drink but I had to spit it right out. Vervain, this town knows. Shit if there's vervain in the water supply that means that the waiter wasn't compelled he just let me have the drink. I finished my food and decided to go to the salon and use that red dye I bought in Forks. When I get to the Salon I told the lady where I wanted the dye. One hour later my hair was finished and I looked smoking hot, I looked at my watch and saw that it was 10:30. Once I was done at the Salon I decided to go and apply to High School, if I am going to try and find my brothers most likely Stefan goes to school...if they are even here. Before I left I decided to go talk to the waiter and ask him about what he knows about the Salvatore's.

"Excuse me," I said while tapping on his shoulder.

"Yes," he replied.

"I was wondering if you knew anything about the Salvatore or if you knew where they lived," I asked.

"The Salvatore's? Yeah they live in the old Salvatore Boarding House and Stefan Salvatore goes to High School with me," he replied.

"Ok thank you," I replied and I started to walk away.

"Wait," yelled the waiter.

"Yes," I asked him.

"How do you know they," he questioned me.

"Let's just say that I am an old friend of theirs," I smirked at him and I left the bar.

As I walked to the school I noticed how much Mystic Falls has changed, it's not that frightened town that was chasing out the vampires, they seem more peaceful, so relaxed and quiet...too quiet if you asked me. I'm surprised that half of the population isn't gone since Damon is in town I would think that most of the town would be dead. I arrive at the school and head for the Administers office.

"Hello, how can I help you today," said the secretary who was looking at my clothes like I was crazy.

"Yes I would like to apply here," I replied with a smile.

"Ok do you have all of the paper work," she asked me.

"Yes," I replied and handed the paperwork from Forks, I always kept an extra stack just in case.

"Isabella Salvatore, are you by any chance related to Damon and Stefan Salvatore," she asked me.

"Yes, actually I'm there younger sister," I smiled.

"Oh I didn't know that they had a younger sister," she said, looking kind of confused.

"I don't live with them, I lived in Forks, Washington with a family friend," I replied.

"Oh, well I'm sure that they will be please to see you," she replied, handing me my school schedule and locker combination.

"Doubt it," I whispered to low for her to hear.

I looked at my locker number 666 of course. By the time I find my locker and get the supplies I needed the bell rings saying that it is time for class. I look at my schedule and see that I have History with Mr. Saltzman. I walked into his classroom and I could tell that everyone's eyes where on me. I gave the teacher my paperwork and my schedule, which he has to sign.

"New student," he asked me. Obviously is everyone in Virginia stupid or something. (I have nothing against Virginia its just part of the story)

"Yes," I said rolling my eyes.

"Well class it looks like we have a new student. Please welcome Isabella Salvatore," said the teacher to the class.

I could hear everyone gasp and whisper about how they didn't know that the Salvatore's had a sister.

"Isabella," I heard someone ask, I look up and see that it was my older brother Stefan or should I say the traitor.

"Hello brother," I replied with a smirk.

Cliff hanger! I know sorry guys. What do you think is going to happen next: Is Bella going to forgive the ones that picked love over family or is she going to take her revenge on them?

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