Date Night Part 1

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I do not own Twilight or The Vampire Diaries.


I woke up this morning and realized that it was Saturday....finally I don't think that I could of handled another day of school. I looked at the clock, 10:30, damnit why can't I sleep in for just once. I walked down stairs and started making myself a bowl of cereal when I got a text from Klaus.

Bella(Bold) Klaus(Italic)

Hello love I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me tonight.

Tonight...when and where.

Yes tonight at my house at 7:00pm.

Why me?

Is it so hard to believe that I fancy you?

Have you met yourself?

Ha ha.

No but seriously why me out of all of the girls in Mystic Falls why me?

How about I explain it to you over are date.

What should I wear.

Anything you look good in everything.

Ok cool.

So is that a yes?

Sure why not it could be fun.

Excellent! I'll pick you up at the Salvatore Boarding House at 6:45.

Ok goodbye.

Goodbye love.

I can't believe it I am actually going to go on a date with Klaus Mikaelson......oh shit he is picking me up at the Boarding House my brothers are going to kill me!!!!! Oh and speaking of my brothers I decided that I am going to move back to my old house. I finished eating my bowl of cereal, got dressed and headed towards the Salvatore Boarding House.

*30 minutes later*

I walked up to the door and walked in only to be tackled by my brother Damon.

"Get the hell off of me," I said hitting him.

"Sorry," mumbled Damon.

"So what brings you here little sister," smirked Damon.

"OH and by the way there is something called knocking," said Stefan.

"Why should I have to knock when this is also my house," I asked them.

"You don't live here," said Damon.

"I do now I'm moving back in," I said smiling.

"Seriously," said Stefan smiling.

"Yep but I'm going to need your help moving back in," I told them.

"No problem little sis," smiled Damon.

*5 hours later*

"Well this is the last box," said Damon.

"Thanks," I replied.

"Hey Isa can I talk to you for a minute," asked Stefan.

"Sure," I replied.

"I'm so sorry for being such a dick to you I didn't mean what I said that day I was just pissed at you please forgive me," begged Stefan.

Isabella SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now