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"It's Damon, he wasn't able to stop Alaric," whispered Stefan.

"What does that mean Stefan?" I asked him.

He doesn't answer me.

"WHAT DOES THAT MEAN STEFAN!" I scream at him.

"Klaus is dead," replies Stefan.

Bella Prov

"No," I gasped.

"I'm so sorry," said Stefan.

"No! No! No! This is all my fault! If I didn't desiccate him, then he wouldn't be dead! What about us? What about Tyler?" I asked him, tears streaming down my face.

"It's not your fault Bella, we all agreed to do it. There's nothing we can do about Tyler...and there is a chance that Klaus was lying about being our sire," replied Stefan.

"And if he wasn't lying?" I whispered.

"Then you might want to say your goodbyes," said Stefan sadly.

"What about Caroline? What about Bonnie's mom?" I asked.

"I will tell them. I'm going to go say goodbye to Elena," said Stefan.

I ran up to Stefan and gave him a hug.

"I love you," I cried.

"I love you too," he replied.

Stefan left the house. I grabbed my phone and called Damon.

"Hello," says Damon.

"You're still alive," I smiled.

"Well, it hasn't been an hour yet," says Damon.

"Don't say that! I will see you tomorrow," I snapped at him.

"Yeah...," he whispers.

"I love you, Damon," I said.

"I love you too," he replies and then hangs up.

I sat down and grabbed 7 pieces a paper and began to write a letter, one for each of the Cullens. Once I was finished I grabbed my leather jacket and drove to the Cullen's house. If I do die, I don't want to die with unfinished business. The Cullen's were already outside when I got to their house. They must have heard me coming.

"Bella! What a surprise," smiled Carlisle.

"Look, I don't have a lot of time. I just wanted to bury the hatchet before I go," I tell them.

"What do you mean?" asked Jasper.

"Klaus...he's dead," I whimpered.

They gasped.

"I am so sorry, Bella. Excuse me for asking, but what does that have to do with you?" asked Esme.

Oh right...they don't know.

"When an original dies every vampire from their bloodline dies with them and according to Klaus, he was our sire," I replied.

"So that means...," said Alice, who clearly didn't want to finish her sentence.

"That means that there is a 1/4 chance that I am going to die," I replied.

"No!" said Edward in disbelief.

"Is there any way to save you?" asked Rose.

"No...I just didn't want to die without saying goodbye," I cried.

Alice runs up to me and wraps me in a hug. I immediately wrap my arms around her.

"I love you, Bella," whispers Alice.

"I love you too," I replied, tightening my grip around her.

"I am going to see you tomorrow," she says confidently.

I nod. She walks into Jasper's arms and begins to sob. Carlisle and Esme come up next.

"We shouldn't have left you back in Forks. You are our daughter and I am so sorry for the pain that we have caused you," sobbed Esme.

I pulled both of them into a hug.

"You know that there is a chance that Klaus was lying about being my sire, but if he wasn't," I said, pulling the letters from my back pocket.

"I want you to give these to everyone," I said as I handed Carlisle the letters.

Emmett runs up next and pulls me into a hug so tight that I can't "breathe".

"Okay, Emmett let me go before you kill me," I joked.

"Tomorrow, when you're alive and well we are going to be laughing about this," smiled Emmett.

I look at Rose, who just nods.

Everyone walks inside except for Edward.

"I forgive you," I tell him.

"You do?" he asks.

"Yes, I do. I understand now that you left to protect me," I replied.

I walk up to him and kiss him on the cheek.

"I love you," he says.

I cup his cheek and smile.

"I know," I reply and walk to my car and drive away.

TADA! So, Bella finally forgives the Cullen's! Are you surprised? Make sure to review and tell me what you think about this chapter!

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