Losing People

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I do not own Twilight or The Vampire Diaries.


Edward pulled me into a passionate kiss. I pulled him in closer and deepened the kiss. What am I doing? No! I can't do this with him again. He broke me once and I won't let him do it again. I pushed him away.

"Bella? What's wrong," he asked concerned.

"No! You don't get to do this. You don't get to waltz back into my life and do this. You need to move on and so do I. We will never work out," I said walking away.

I walked into history class and noticed that we had a sub today. I glanced at Elena with a questioning look.

"I'll tell you later," she mouthed.

"Ok," I replied.

I sat down in my seat and noticed that Caroline, Bonnie and Tyler weren't here. That's strange Caroline never misses school.

When the class was over I grabbed Elena by the wrist and pulled her into the girl's bathroom and locked the door. I checked each stall to make sure nobody was lurking.

"What's going on? Where Alaric? Why isn't Bonnie, Caroline or Tyler here," I asked her confused.

"Something is wrong with Alaric, he has been having a lot of blackouts lately and is losing track of time. Meredith Fell did an MRI on him to see if there's anything medically wrong with him," said Elena worried.

"Why? So he has a few blackouts doesn't mean that he's crazy," I told her.

"It's more than that...I found Alaric last night, he was stabbed so I took him to Meredith," said Elena.

"So why did you take him to get an MRI," I asked her.

"Because by the way his wound was, it looked self-inflicted," said Elena.

"You think Alaric stabbed himself! That's crazy! Why the hell would he stab himself," I asked her.

"We think the ring is causing Rick to have black outs," said Elena.

"Ok so what does an MRI have to do with anything," I asked her.

"Alaric has a ring that lets him cheat death, how many times can he die before it changes him," said Elena.

"Where's Caroline, Bonnie, and Tyler they need to know about this," I told her.

"Caroline's father was killed yesterday...he died with vampire blood in his system and he is in transition," said Elena sadly.

"Oh my god," I gasped.

"He isn't going to complete the transition. Bonnie is with her right now and so is Tyler," said Elena.

"And you think Alaric did it," I asked her.

"I don't know but it isn't a coincidence. Meredith's ex boyfriend was murdered with one of Rick's stakes," said Elena.

"Where is Alaric right now," I asked her.

"At home. Bonnie gave him some special herbs that will help him," said Elena.

"Okay I'm going to go check on him," I said walking away.

"No you can't," said Elena grabbed my arm.

"Why not," I asked her.

"Because if something is wrong with Rick and he does have a alter ego. He will kill you, he has been killing the founding families and last time I checked your a founding family and also a vampire," said Elena.

"We need to make sure that he is taking the herbs," I told her.

"Fine, then I'm going with you," said Elena.

"No. Your more vulnerable then I am," I replied.

"If Alaric's alter ego wanted to kill me then he would of already done it," said Elena trying to convince me.

"Ugh fine. Let's go," I told her walking out of the building.

*2 months later*(I wanted to fast forward)

I can't believe it. After everything we all went through it wasn't suppose to end this way. I walked forward and pulled Alaric into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Alaric," I cried into his shoulder.

"This wasn't your fault," said Alaric weakly.

Elena and Jeremy were sobbing. Elena clinging to Stefan and Jeremy next Bonnie. Alaric let me go and walked into the Salvatore tomb. We all went are separate ways: Bonnie went home, Tyler took Caroline home and Elena and Jeremy came home with Damon, Stefan and I.

Poor Elena and Jeremy they lost so many people, their parents, their Uncle John, their Aunt Jenna, Jeremy lost Anna and Vicki, Elena also lost her birth mother and now they lost Alaric. How do they deal with the grief, knowing that everyday they will never see the people they love again. For a vampire it's easy, all you have to do is turn it off and then all the pain, guilt, grief will be gone. I walked into my room and laid in my bed.

"I'm tired of losing people," I whispered to myself and fell asleep.

Ta Da!!! I posted this chapter because I got a little hate on people having to wait for this chapter. So I hope you enjoy!!! Make sure to review!!!

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