"What did?"

Lauren came in, laptop in hand. "The charity money. Its out that we are the ones who has been donating. Every single dollar and every single organization we've donated to is out."

My stomach dropped. The whole reason we sponsored these charities in secrecy was so it never looked like we were doing charity work for Baselines image. The reason we did it was so we could sleep at night knowing we did something good, by ourselves, without the whole world knowning. It was just a thing between the girls and I. Now, that was ruined.


Lauren shook her head, interrupting my broken speech. "It gets worse. Over these past two weeks ela has been doing so great getting herself back on track.. But I feel like she might lose all her progress when she finds out Harry's the one who leaked it."

"Harry leaked it?!" I screeched in total shock.

"Shh!" She scolded me. "Elas in the next room! I don't know how exactly to tell her this. It just all came out of nowhere and-"

Lauren stopped and her face broke out in a sheepish facade. I turned my head to see why, but I already knew. Ela was standing there.

"Lauren, my phone has been blowing up. I know Harry leaked it and I know the secrets out. Its okay though. I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

Relief spread across Laurens face. "Oh. I guess I didn't think of that."

Ela nodded solemnly. "Kinda sucks. Really sucks actually." She moved to sit at the chair oppisite us.

"Yeah it does."

"I don't think Harry meant harm by it. I watched the video of him talking about-"

I interuppted Lauren. "Video? What?"

She opened a new tab on her laptop and silently pulled up the video. It was an interview with One Direction and the Today Show. I felt Elas presence sit behind me on the chair back, and then I pressed play.

"So, things have been a bit elusive with the whole break up of bands and relationships with Baseline..yes?"

All of the boys heads nodded.

"Can we get any details on that? Harry? You and Ela were particualry close."

I watched him swallow deeply and twist his hair in his hands before replying.

"She's the best person I know."

If I wasn't trained in the art of how to deal in interviews I wouldn't have noticed the subtle expression of worry and curiousity on zayns face, a clear sign Harry was going on a tangent. I also wouldn't have noticed Louis eyes widen, another sign Harry was going off script.

"Why break up then?" The host pressed on.

"I think- we both need some time to grow, too mature. This lifestyle is hard because there is so many obstacles but- I'll never fall out of love with her. Time is all we need I'm sure of it."

I slammed my finger on the pause button and whipped my head to Ela.

"Holy shit El! Did you know he was going to do this or did you even know he felt this way?"

She looked saddened for some reason. "Well, we kinda talked about it. He seems to think I can get to this place in my life that will make me accept myself and what not..but its proving so hard to do that with all these things that keep popping up."

I was still not used to the fact that over the time span since elas been working on herself, she now is just open and honest.

"Thing that pop up?" Lauren asked.

"Like this charity money. I'm hurt he spilled the news on this. I told him not to."

I put a hand up. "Stop. I'm un-pausing it. We will continue this conversation after it ends."

She giggled before I pressed play again.

"And how much longer do you believe that will take Harry?"

He sighed long and deep. "God only knows. But I hope soon. " he shrugged a cute typical Harry shrug.

"You say she's the best person in the world. Can you give us some examples?"

"Just her passion and -and love. She does so much for the community and helps so much even with her schedule. The amount she's involved with for charity things. She gives snoymous checks out to so many just so they can-"

"Achoo!" The fakest sneeze I've ever heard in my life followed by a fake cough/hacking of a lung was heard from Niall who sat next to Harry.

"You alright mate?" Liam player along, clearly understanding Harry's mishap and wanting to shut him up. "You know I think we should break, get some water and such." Liam rose from his position.

"Anonymously gives you said? How much? Since when? Just Ela or all of Baseline?"

"Water break! Water!" Liam patted Harry aggressively on his shoulder.

"Shit." Harry mumbled under his break, forgetting he was still miked.

I nodded my head to Lauren and ela. "So that's how it went."

Ela nodded.
"I'm trying so hard not to be mad. He was so sweet in that interview but then ruined it with-"

She paused at the sound of the doorbell.

"I'll get it." Lauren rose and disappeared to get the door.

"He makes it so hard to get back on track." Ela finished her thoughts to me.

"He didn't mean harm, I agree. But I'm still pissed at him for leaking that."

Ela ruffled her hair with her fingers in frustration.

I shut the laptop down and put in on the table beside me. Turning me head to see whose figure was looming in the doorway,

I crindged at the sight.

Harry was here.

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