Ch. 8 - The Heart Wants What It Wants

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"The bed's getting cold and you're not here, The future that we hold is so unclear, But I'm not alive until you call, And I'll bet the odds against it all, Save your advice 'cause I won't hear, You might be right but I don't care, There's a million reasons why I should give you up, But the heart wants what it wants, The heart wants what it wants"


*Michael's P.O.V*

"This is all my fault" Ashton mumbles as we walk towards the hospital.

"You don't know that" I tell him quietly, not really paying attention. I was too busy worrying over Luke.

The three of us remain silent as we walk inside, the first thing I notice as we walk through the doors is a young woman- probably in her twenties- with short brown hair that was sticking to her face, with what looks like blood & sweat, sobbing into her hands as a nurse tries to calm her down.

"It's all my fault" she cries, "It's my fault he almost died, I almost killed him! I almost killed Luke Hemmings!".

"Oh, shut up!" mutters a man as he is wheeled inside on a stretcher, "It was me that ran into your car, if it is anyone's fault, it's mine".

The young woman, who hadn't noticed we were there, just started wailing even louder. I wanted to go comfort her or something, but Luke was more important to me, I just want to find him.

"Come on" Calum whispers, moving in between Ashton & I and placing his hands on our backs to move us forward.

We silently make our way to the area we had been told to go to when we arrived, I don't know where it is though because Calum wouldn't tell me.

All I do know is that Luke isn't dead, and isn't going to die. That's all I need to know though, right?

Eventually, after what felt like walking for a thousand miles, we find someone who can take us to Luke's room.

"People already know what happened to Luke" Ashton whispers as we follow a nurse down an almost empty hallway, "It's all over Twitter, some people think it was a suicide attempt".

"It wasn't though" I say, stopping dead in my tracks.

"We don't know that for sure" Calum mumbles, grabbing my arm and forcing me to continue walking.

"You can go in one at a time or all at once, it doesn't matter" the nurse tells us as we stop at a closed door, "Luke's doctor is in there at the moment, though, so if you all are interested in talking to him, it's best you all go in at once".

"Thank you" we all say quietly.

"Listen-" she says quietly, suddenly sounding like she cared a lot more than she should, "Luke is lucky enough to be alive as it is... But he is even more lucky that he is famous".

"Why's that?" Calum asks, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"He was seriously drunk, meaning he was underage drinking, and driving without a licence" she explains.

"Wait, he was drunk?!" Ashton asks in surprise.

"Yes" she nods, "He could be in huge trouble... But I managed to get him out of said trouble".

"What? How? And why?" I ask in both joy and confusion.

"Having a husband who's a police officer has its perks... And I'm a huge fan" she says with a smile.

"Thank you!" I whisper-yell, leaping forward to hug her.

"No problem, anything for you boys" she says, hugging me back. "Now, I have to go, so goodbye!" She says as we pull apart.

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