Chapter Seventy

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At Alaric's Residence: the music is very loud. Katherine is drinking from the bottle of bourbon and dancing. Suddenly she hears someone at the door. Klaus/Alaric enters. When he looks in the room he sees Katherine is sitting motionless on the couch.

"You mind turning that down?" He asks. She uses the remote to turn down the music.

"Why so grumpy?"

"Well, this body has outlived its usefulness," He tells her as Erika walks in with Sam and Dean. Klaus/Alaric looks to them both. "You couldn't go a month without your humans" Erika shoots him a look and then turns to Sam and Dean.

"You remember Nik," she tells them. "Today he's wearing history teacher" she teases walking to the kitchen.

"Possession?" Sam asks.

"Of a sort" Klaus/Alaric explains. "Magical body-hopping," he tells them.

"Do you want a drink?"

"No, Katerina, I don't want a drink"

"Come on. It might loosen you up" She offers him the bottle. He takes it and throws it against the wall, smashing it. He compels her.

"What I want is for you to sit down and shut up" She sits down on the couch.

"Nik" Erika warns as Maddox arrives. Erika moves to Sam and Dean. "Sit down, this might take a while," she tells them.

"Maddox, what took you so long?" Klaus/Alaric asks.

"You've got a lot of luggage" Maddox complains. Two men enter with luggage. A woman enters too.

"Greta. Finally" Klaus/Alaric relaxes.

"Hello, love. Nice body. You ready to get out of it?" Greta asks. Two other men arrive with a giant wooden crate. Katherine looks at them. Erika sits with Sam and Dean who watch the other warily.


Later Maddox and Greta are on their knees casting a spell. There are lit candles all around them. Klaus/Alaric is standing next to the box, his head bowed and eyes closed.

"Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Uenes Phasmatos Et Sonos. Ex Tutam Exum Lamia Matus" Katherine is looking at them. They stop and look at Alaric. He opens his eyes and looks at Katherine.

"Elena?" he asks before he collapses. Maddox stands up and opens the box. Klaus walks out of it and looks down at Alaric before looking to Erika who smirks.

"Now that's more like it," Klaus tells her.


Erika sits on the bed with Sam and Dean, each with a drink.

"Okay, so that" Dean points to Katherine. "Is Katerina? Katherine?" he asks. "A doppelgänger?" Erika nods. "The first one?"

"No" She shakes her head. "The first one was Tatia, she was a girl in our village, it was her blood that was used in the spell that made us, therefore it's her bloodline that we have to use" she shrugs. "Then Katherine....and now Elena"

"Can't you use Katherine?" Sam asks her.

"No, has to be a human doppelgänger" she corrects.

"What else do you need?"

"Vampire and a werewolf....and obviously a witch" she explains. "And then a full moon"

"Tomorrow" Sam points out, she nods.

"Yes, tomorrow" she agrees, Dean takes her hand, she leans against his side, he kisses her head and shares a look with Sam. Klaus watches from the doorway.

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