In the Ares Cabin

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(The Picture is of Jame if you wanted a visual of him)
(This is during the last three chapters)
Sarah's POV
My guide, Clairesse, led me to her cabin grumbling about the features and sometimes muttering things like "she hurt Prissy" "I should hurt..." and other frightening things.
Once we finally got to the cabin she said "Well here's your cabin, you'll sleep here" then she muttered something that sounded like "You should probably keep one eye open when you sleep"
"W-what was that?" I asked slightly scared of this girl. Her hair was kinda stringy and she. Was. HUGE.
Clairesse turned around and glared at me. "I said, You should keep one eye open when you sleep. As much as I dislike Prissy, he and Princess are good leaders, and even the Ares cabin respect him to some degree. When you mess with Prissy you mess with Camp Half-Blood." she ended her impressive speech with a death glare that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
"Message received" I said my voice shaking.

About 20 minutes later there was an announcement over the PA system. "Campers, Chiron has declared a special capture the flag game tonight. Ares against Apollo! Also I will be joking the Ares team." I recognized Percy's voice on the speaker.
I turn to Clairesse "What gives Jackson authority?" I ask her.
She rolls her eyes and pats my shoulder "I've been asking that for years kiddo, but Prissy is an amazing fighter and leader and he'd never betray us because his fatal flaw is loyalty."
I node not really understanding a word she just said.
Before the battle I see the Apollo campers (including James) planning their strategy. Suddenly what seems to be the head of the Apollo crew (a/n yes I meant to put crew) says really loudly and stupidly "James will go over by the river."
Over on our side I see Percy quietly laughing at something. "Just like my first game, remember Clairesse?"
She mutters some unflattering words at Jackson.
He puts his hands up in surrender. "Hey, we both fell for Annabeth's plan to be fair. Speaking of plans Sarah, to guard to the flag. Everybody else in trees or in the field. I want Clairesse, Mike, Samuel. We'll be going to the river."
Everybody nodes and doesn't question his decision. I want to but he's already gone.
The centaur dude announces the rules which I may not have payed attention to. Whoops. Then he blows a conch shell starting the game. I get into a ready stance and hold my sword high. I may not know ho to fight, but I appear to be able to. About five minutes into the game an Apollo camper comes into my area and I start slashing his arrows with my sword. Suddenly, one of my sisters jumps down from the trees, she attacks the camper and ties him to a tree.
Eventually we do win the game and I proved to be a worthy fighter. Finally, something I was good at. I hear a scream from the river and I see a huge wave that probably suffocated James. Great.
I run over to the river and see an unconscious James lying on the ground. I spin on my heal to face Percy, "What the Hades happened to him Jackson?"
Percy sighs and yells to some Apollo campers "Take him to the infirmary." He turns to face me "Look, Sarah, he's not dead-yet- just give him time he passed out from oxygen loss he should be fine."
"Does that happen often?"
Shakes his head "Never."
"Then why the HADES did it happen to him?" I ask him the my body shaking of anger. It wasn't that I like liked James- ah Hades nah, that's Kiki's thing!- James has always been like a brother to me. When my mom got remarried to an idiot he always let me come over to his house so I didn't have to be around Mark.
Percy sighs "He called me something's that ticked me off okay! I lost control of myself and created a tsunami. It won't happen again. I hope."
"It better not." I look around my surrounding and I try to find James' stretcher. "Where did they take him?"
Jackson points to the big blue house. "Big house, last door to the left." With that he runs off to cabin 6, presumably to see his little girlfriend.
I sigh and run to the Athena cabin first to grab Kiki. I knock on the door and a boy with blonde curly hair answers. My heart stops beating and I can't speak. "I-I re came for um a Kiki." I say trying not to sound like a fool in front of this total hottie. "So er what's your name? Mine's my name is" ah crap why can't I remember my name.
Kiki comes to the door apparently hearing the whole conversation. "Sarah her name is Sarah." The by. Odds and goes back into his cabin. he forgot to give me his name! I'll try again next time. Kiki grabs me by the arm and smirks "So we've been here for what 6 hours, and you've played a Canute the flag game, and developed a crush, quite a big one might I add, on my brother.
"What's his name?" I manage to squeak out. My face feels totally red. Ö
Kiki smirks again. "Lincoln. His name is Lincoln. So Why did you come and get me?" I look down my shoes suddenly interesting. "Sarah, what happened? Where's James?" Kiki asks me suddenly. I start walking towards the big house with her. "Sarah what the heck where are we going?" she rips her arm out if mine. "What the heck is going on here? Is James dead?"
I sigh and run a hand through my mousy brown hair. "No, he's not dead. He just passed out from oxygen loss. Jackson accidentally created a tsunami and made him pass out."
You see normally Kiki is very calm and rational. Now was not one of those times. "HE WHAT," She said her face growing a deep shade of red. She marched back towards her cabin and burst through the door. I quickly ran to catch up with her.
When I go into the Athena cabin I see Kiki with her hands in her hips talking to Jackson. Jackson is probably just telling her the same crap her told me. I walk over to Kiki and put a hand on her shoulder. "Kiki, yelling at him won't do you any good." Kiki turns to me with tears In her eyes. "As much as we want it to yelling won't make James wake up, but maybe visiting him will." I try to say as sweetly as possible to my friend. She nods and runs out the door again. Dang she's fast!
We enter the big house and sit beside his bed. He's soaking wet and unnaturally pale, but thankfully his heart rate is still steady. Kiki put her hand in his and whispers something to him. She sits like this for hours and hours and hours. Now and then a boy with blonde hair in a doctors coat feeds him little lemon squares and lemonade sometimes. I don't know. I don't question it. When the breakfast horn blows I take Kiki's hand. "You have to eat. He'll be fine for five minutes while we eat."
She nods and starts to leave with me.
We almost leave when we hear a familiar voice "Leaving without me 'eh? Some friends."

A/N I know, I'm a sucky, sucky author, I'm sorry I haven't given you guys a real chapter in a while. I've been busy though. Maybe I'll update twice today...please just don't brutally kill me!!!!!! I'm sorry!!! In other news how did you like Sarah's love interest Lincoln??? Should I make it tragic, or sweet? I already have James and Kiki's 'romance' planned out. Ya'll might hate me for it but, it'll create some waves that's for sure.
So Vote, comment, suggest!!

Percy jackson: hero at camp loser at schoolTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon