Dates, Brotherly Love and James, the Worst Boyfriend Ever.

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A/n this chapter is rated PG-13 for some slight sex references.

James' POV

I watched as Sarah and Kiki started to leave the room. I smiled at the though of Kiki staying with me the entire time. She was really pretty. Well, some girls were prettier than her. I am planning to ask her out at some point I just don't know how. "Leaving without me, eh?" I ask smirking to myself.
I see Kiki and turn and rush back over to me. She put her hand on mine and starts to cry joyful tears. I look up at Sarah and see her hinting for me to ask her out. "James are you okay?" Kiki asks looking up at me.
"I am now that you're here." She blushes and looks down. "Do you wanna go out with me tonight?" I ask
Kiki looks up at me kinda looking like a chipmunk. "Sure!"
I told you no one resists James, except for Anniebell that is. Speak of the devil, there she is with Jackson. "What do you want?" Jackson looks like he wants to punch me but his girlfriend steps on his toe and he sighs.
"I'm sorry." He mutters like a three year old.
"For?" His girlfriend prompts.
"Almost killing you."
Annabel rolls her eyes and looks at me expectantly. "Do you have something to say back James?"
"I forgive you. This time. I'm still stronger than you though."
Jackson clenched his fists and he looked like he wanted to run a sword through me. Annabel held him back when he looked like he was going to charge me. "Percy. You don't have to resort to their levels. Sometimes the strongest person is the most humble." I swear she glanced at me. In a bad way like in a 'he isn't humble way!' I am totally humble. Wait what's humble?
Percy looks like he wants to argue but he doesn't. He turns around and leaves the infirmary. Annabella turns to me, "Look you little idiot. Percy went through enough since he was twelve. So unless you want me to skewer you I suggest you SHUT THE HADES UP." With that she turns and runs to find her boyfriend.
I roll my eyes at her. "WHATEVER!"
Kiki glances at Sarah and sighs. "James, maybe you should take Annabeth's" OH! That's her name! "advice." Kiki says hesitantly.
I glare at her "No. I'll pick you up at seven wear something nice." I give them the 'shoo-shoo' gesture and they get up and leave.

---------------------- 12 HOURS LATER---------------------------

I stand up in front of a mirror in the Apollo cabin and straighten my washed out t-shirt. I ruffle my amazing hair and strut out of the cabin. I walk up the Athena cabin and knock on the door. A blonde haired boy opens the door. He scowls when he sees me. "Yes?"
"I'm here for Kiki."
The boy rolls his eyes and shuts the door. "I'm guessing you're James. The little idiot who thinks he's better than everyone here?"
I shrug "I don't think that. I know that. What's your name anyway hotshot?"
"Well Malcolm. Can you just get Kiki out here?"
"Not yet." He grabs my shirt and pulls me awfully close. "If you hurt my little sister-or even think about hurting her- I will hurt you. If I see you even glancing in the direction of another girl I will personally kill you, have Nico bring you back to life, then kill you again. Got it smart mouth?" I nod weekly as he pushes me away. He pulls the door open and yells, "Kiki you've got a visitor."
Kiki rushes to the door. She looks pretty, I guess. She's wearing a Pink short sleeve dress that goes slightly past her knees. Her hair is in a high bun and she's wearing little to no makeup. "I said wear something Nice. This doesn't categorize as nice." Malcolm glares at me.
Kiki looks down and mutters something incoherent.
"Whatever, let's go." I start to walk towards the lake to where I set up a dinner for us.
She follows behind me running to catch up.

I walk on to the beach and sit down on the checkered picnic blanket I had layer out for us. I had made peanut and butter sandwiches and gotten pink lemonade. Kiki sits down on the opposite side of me. "So," she says picking up one of the sandwiches looking for a Plate. Whoops. She sighs and puts down the sandwich " James are we five? I haven't eaten a peanut butter sandwich since I was ten." She slams it down and looks me in the eyes.
I chuckle "if you want to do something more adult, I hope you brought protection. 'Cause I forgot my condoms."
She looks at me appalled "Edison James Walters! You know how I feel about that. I'm not doing 'it' until I'm married. Even if I did it before then, I would never do it with you!"
I roll my eyes. "I know you want to baby. Come here." I lean towards her and try to kiss her. She slaps me.
"I swear if you don't stop I will go tell Chiron you tried to rape me."
I roll my eyes. "Fine. Be that way. Do you want a sandwich or not?"
"I think we're done for the night. Let's try again tomorrow night."
I run a hand through my hair and nod. "Do me favor and don't tell Malcolm any of this?"
"In your dreams." She gets up and turns away, and runs back to her cabin.
I grab my picnic and hide in the woods.

Malcolm's POV

Percy jackson: hero at camp loser at schoolWhere stories live. Discover now