Attack of the Owls

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Annabeth POV
I walked over to the three new kids who I recognized from my date with Percy. I think their names were Sarah, James, and Kiki.
James saw me facing them and bumped his friends on the shoulder. He recognizes me. I start smiling cheerfully (very fake thank you very much.) and recite the welcome speech. "Welcome to camp-Halfblood. The world of Greek and Roman Mythology is real and you are their children. Come watch the orientation video. "I lead them to the big House to watch the new welcome video. It features me and Percy a lot. When we were right outside the steps I turned to them and my smile melted and I had an angry look on my face. I drew my dagger and advanced on them.
Kiki had big eyes and stuttered "P-p-p-ple-e-e-ase d-d-don't h-h-hurt us-s-. We're only kids."
I rolled my eyes at them still pointing my dagger. Sarah stepped forward with a fire in her eyes that I've seen Clarrise's "We're not scared of you, you dumb blonde."
The grip on my dagger tightened and I looked to James. His black hair was just like Percy's. The only difference between the two was his eyes. James had hazel eyes. To tell the truth I wasn't the slightest bit attracted to him. Kiki was, I could tell by the way she looked at him. It was the same way I looked at Percy for 5 years.
James spoke up. He was obviously an Apollo kid. "I don't think she's dumb. I think she's beautiful. Want to go on a date with me Annabell? Everyone wants to go on a date with me. Come here honey." He grabbed me by the waist and tried to kiss me.
I angrily raised my hand summoning owls. (Athena had given me that power after I got out of Tartarus.) The owls started pecking him all over I mean all over. It was hilarious actually. He did let go of me which was an up. I took the owls away when he was on his knees begging for mercy.
"Go see the movie," I commanded them. Kiki (The only one who seemed to have a brain) rushed inside obviously scared of what I could do. James sulked his way inside. Sarah glared at me and stomped inside muttering what sounded like "We shouldn't have stalked them."
I went over to the Poseidon cabin skipping happily and knocked on the door three times. Percy opened the door still scowling. When he saw my face he wore an evil grin. "What did you do to them?" He asked a five-year-old asking his mom for a lollipop.
"I just set some owls on James when he tried to kiss me and I threatened them with my dagger," I said casually.
"HE WHAT?!" Percy screeched very mad.
"I took care of it Seaweed Brain calm down." I saw kissing him on the lips hard.
his lips respond and kiss back. We stand there for a good five minutes making out when someone coughs. I turn around blushing to see my arch enemies. "Yes?"
"The horseman wants to see you," James says obviously still sulking about the owls.
"Okay let's go. Percy, you coming?" I ask through his door.
"No." He yells.
"Okay bye, Seaweed Brain."
"Bye Wisegirl."

Percy jackson: hero at camp loser at schoolWhere stories live. Discover now