Murder is a Dangerous Game

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Kiki's POV

I stormed back into the Athena cabin and flopped back down on my bed. James is an Idiot. Maybe he'll learn his lesson, maybe tomorrow night will be better. I almost laugh at the thought. Of course tomorrow will be better! I mean it's my best friend James, the sweet little boy who's been in my class since forever but I never said anything to him till middle school.
"Why you back so early?" Malcolm asks sitting on my bed next to me. "Do I need to murder James? I'd be happy to."
I disregard his last comment and take a deep breath. "Well James had this pic-nic planned out with sandwiches and lemonade and then he was trying to seduce me and I slapped him he didn't back off. He almost tried to rape me." I say quietly. Malcolm's face is a deep shade of red. He grabs a spear and a big book. Probably going to find James and kill him. He deserves it.
I look through the window and see Malcolm head towards the deserted beach. Except there's a different couple there. Oh it's Percy and Annabeth. Malcolm stops to talk to them and Percy stands up with Malcolm and Annabeth sprints back here. "Kiki, stay away from that-that- monster."
I sigh, "James isn't a monster. He just needs to learn boundaries."
"Are you okay?"
I nod "Yeah, I'm fine. James won't be though."
"Our brother and your boyfriend are going to murder him." I say as casually as humanly possible.
Annabeth nods seemingly unfazed. "Malcolm is just over protective, he'll get over it. He almost strangled Percy before our first date." She says laughing.m"After what he did to you though I have an old friend I'm going to call up. No girl- not even you- deserves to get treated that way."
Annabeth walked out of the cabin. The next sound I heard was screaming.

Malcolm's POV
Like I said before James is going to be murdered. Painfully. Nobody messes with my sisters. Ever. Especially those too weak to defend themselves.
I stomped over to the beach and took analysis of what I was carrying. honestly I had just grabbed the two biggest things I could find. That turned out to be a hard back version of the Hobbit and a Sharp spear. I wonder how much damage that book can do. I'm gonna find out!
Sitting on the beach I saw Perxy and Amnabeth eating each other's faces off. More common known as Making out. eww. I walked over to them "Have either of you seen the slime ball?"
Percy turned to me confused "Is that a metaphors or did I miss a giant slime ball?"
I took my eyes at him. Why did Annabeth have to pick such an idiot? "Metaphor. I mean have you seen James? In going to murder him."
Annabeth raises her eyebrows questioningly. "Why? I mean I'll gladly help you but, I just want to know why."
I laugh "Let's just say if he gets within twenty feet of Kiki I will become a son of Zeus and strike him down with lighting."
Annabeth chuckled "What did he do to Kiki?"
"He tried to seduce her and almost raped her."
Annabeth stood up and ran to the Athena cabin. I looked back at Percy who had an evil glint in his eyes. "I wanna help."
"Fine" I mutter and start towards the forest.
Percy follows behind me. At a slight trot. "What's the plan Mr.Strategy Man?"
I stop "Uh, I have a Plan. Attack."
Percy shrugs and chuckles "That' a valid plan"
We get to the heart of forest and I can practically hear Janes shaking in a tree. I elbow Percy and point upwards towards a tall tree. He smirks and grabs a shard pinecone. Percy throws it up the tree at James who shrieks like a little girl. He jumps down from the tree and smiles sheepishly.
"Uh hi?"
I grind my teeth and start to growl "I've killed plenty of monsters James. One won't make much of a difference."
James smirks and rolls his eyes grabbing his sword. It's small, probably a foot long. "Well, I'm a good attacker so I can beat you."
Percy sighs and pulls out riptide. "James, I don't want to kill you. Murder is a dangerous game. I swear though, if you don't drop your ego I won't hesitate to kill you."
"Ha, try me!" James says holding his sword in a ready position.
I step I between the two. "Percy, let me kill him. Please?"
Percy laughs "As long as you strategically throw that book."
I nod in understanding. "What are you talking about? The only type of damage a book can do is emotional! Right?" James asks with a hint of fear.
"I wish." I say. I throw the book aiming between his legs he grasps his area in pain.
"Ow." he says in a squeak.
"You get one more chance James. Use it wisely." I say putting my spear under his neck. I move it away and Percy and I turn back to the camp.
"Wow," Percy says whispering. "I really thought you were going to kill him."
"Next time I will."

Percy jackson: hero at camp loser at schoolजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें