Biggest Idiot in History

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James POV.

Honestly when I heard that stupid son of Poseidon say that the Ares Cabin and himself were going against us I don't see what all the groaning is about. I snorted to be honest. I saw Will storm out of the cabin glaring at me. What did I do????? (a/n if you can guess i'll gve you a cookie ;)) i whispered to the boy next to me "what's the big deal?"

He looked at me like I was the biggest idiot he had ever seen. "Are you high?? THe 'big deal' is that Ares is extremely vicious and Percy is basially the most powerful demigod at camp!"

I snort at the last part. Little Percy can't be the most powerful, can he? "percy? Powerful?" i snort to the kid.

"I don't know what kind of a history you have with him but you haven't seen him when he's angry. you most defiently haen't seen him-" the kid was interupted by Will coming bak through the door.

"Campers.You don't have to worry this will be a fairly easy game for most" he glanced at me for this part " of us. You don't have to worry about Percy, he has hi sights set on our newest addition James. You cn balme him for this game." he said smirking and grimicing at the same time.

The whole cabin turned on me with no pity or love in their eyes. "what did you do to Percy?" they shouted at me in perfect unision.

"I ent to school iith him this ast year and my friends andI we bullied-"

The cabin looked at me like I was the biggest idiot in history. (i was startng to thnk I was.) "Why the HADES would you do that?" Will shouted at me.

"We wanted emotions?2 i said, it came out more like a question.

"EMOTIONS?!" some girl screached at me the whole cabin had  dumfounded look on their faces.

Will came up to me aand gave me a pat on the back. "James," he whispered into my ear. "you're the biggest idiot in history"


James hoestly was an idiot. He has no capacity in his brain to even begin to understand the word powerful. He thinks he's the most important being n the universe. Ya, no. I don't know what he did to Percy but it ust have been pretty bad. I don't know if he verbally bullied or physsically bllied or both but honestly I don't care.

Percy jackson: hero at camp loser at schoolWhere stories live. Discover now