The Quest

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Percy's POV

If I could change one thing about my past it would be accepting my mother's offer to be homeschooled. Kiki wouldn't be dead, I wouldn't have to interact with James. I guess the only good thing is that Sarah found someone.

Also, I wouldn't ave to deal with James' insistent flirtation with Annabeth. She had mentioned something to me about James potentially leaving camp. Maybe everything could finally go back to normal and maybe I won't have to go on this stupid quest and tag along under James' authority. Oh Hades no.

Anyway, I walked out to the lava climbing wall where I saw the King Idiot himself attempting to scale the wall and failing even harder than I first did when I first came to camp. And that's an accomplishment in itself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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