We sqash some bugs

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We Squash Some Bugs
Annabeth POV
I waited outside the Empire state building for Percy. As always Seaweed brain was late. When he finally walked up to me and I swear I heard a bush rustle. It was probably just an Aphrodite camper spying on us. Yeah, that was it.
He finally approached me and grinned slightly "hey Wisegirl." He pulled me close and whispered in my ear "Kids from school are in that bush just so you know. Don't say anything about our parents in English."
I nodded. "So, I thought we should have a picnic in memory of our 4 month anniversary of falling into T- into T-. I'm sorry I can't say it without going onto one of those post-traumatic stress comas." I said sadly.
He nodded in understanding. "A picnic sounds great Wisegirl."
the bush rustled and I heard someone try to whisper but ended up saying very loudly. "I Told you it was his girlfriend!"
Percy rolled his eyes, grabbed and uncapped riptide and beckoned me to the bush. I grabbed my dagger and snuck forward with him.
"James, Kiki, Sarah. Please come out of your pathetic hiding place." Percy said with his emotionless battle face on.
Three people emerged from the bush looking angry. "How did you know we were here Jackson?" A brown haired girl spat.
Percy rolled his eyes "Sarah, do you really think I would tell you?"
she shook her head glaring at him.
I stepped forward. "Isn't this kind of stalkerish, no Extremely stalkerish?" I asked.
A blonde haired girl looked at Sarah and the boy and said "I told you we were stalking them!" she threw her hands up in the air.
The boy rolled his eyes "Kiki, shut up."
Kiki glared at the boy "James, it would be best if you shut up. Remember  what happened last time?"
James paled and I got suspicious.
I looked at Percy and mouthed "Demigods?"
He shook his head and mouthed back "Kiki is, James no, Sarah maybe."
I nodded.
Percy ran forward with his sword and knocked them out. "Let's get out of here I've been dying to do that you know."
He grabbed my hand and we went ran off to his apartment.

Percy jackson: hero at camp loser at schoolWhere stories live. Discover now