Blue Cookies

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Percy's POV

I sighed loudly as I put Annabeth and mine's suitcases I to the trunk of the car. This had felt like the longest weekend ever and to be honest, I wasn't happy about getting back to reality. Unfortunately,school beckoned and I need to go back to make sure James and Sarah didn't go around yelling about the gods. Well, I may actually let Zeus kill him for that...besides the point. I needed to keep them out if trouble and I had a huge test in English coming up. Paul was having us do a mock court thing as a test on the book. ((I'm sorry if I mess this part up horribly it's, been 2 years since I read it and I didn't really understand it as I was in sixth grade. Also, I've never done a mock court so bare with me :))) that would be interesting..

Anyway, I faked a strangely real smile at Annabeth before sitting in the car and starring it kissing her Softly before starting to drive back to Manhattan. "Annabeth, I wish you went to Goode with me." I mused turning a corner my eyes focused on the road glancing back to make sure James and Sarah were getting back okay, I think someone was getting them home.. Maybe they'd just stay here forever and say that lightning killed them all! Yeah I wish. I heard Annabeth sighed which snapped me out of my thoughts "Me too Perce," she smiled slightly "but unfortunately the step-monster- sorry Helen- is homeschooling me and I don't know how much longer I can take it. I think that may be needing soon though so, yay." she sighed leaning against the seat back with her eyes closed.
"My mom would be happy to let you stay with us" I grinned glancing at her out of the corner of my eye.
I saw her nod smirking slightly "she already did, apparently, Helen contacted her and basically dumped me on Sally. I'm starting Goode on Monday, surprise!" She grinned. I looked over at her grinning madly "Seriously?!" I asked excitedly. Finally, people would believe me that I had a girlfriend! Also, my best friend would be with me at school that would be nice for sure.  "I love you Annabeth" I grinned squeezing her hand excitedly.
Annabeth smiled and closed her eyes and drifted into an uneasy sleep. "I love you too, Percy Jackson" she whispered before falling asleep.
A half hour ((IDK THE TIME FRAME SORRY I LIVE IN NC NOT NYC)) later we arrived back at my mom's apartment building. I parked the car in the lot and got the two small bags out carrying them both on my back. I picked Annabeth up letting her sleep as I carried her up to my family's apartment, she buried her face in my chest as I carried her. I could have woken Annabeth up, but it was rare we got a good sleep and I figured it would be easy enough to let her sleep. Besides, I loved carrying her.
I used my foot to knock on the door and less than a second late the door was practically ripped off its hinges by my mom opening the door so quickly. "Percy!" She grinned opening her arms to hug me when she noticed Annabeth she frowned slightly "is she hurt?" She asked worry lines creasing her forehead.
I shook my head "she just fell asleep and I didn't have the heart to wake her up" I said truthfully. My mom nodded understanding the situation and opening the door wider so we could get in. I walked into my room and laid Annabeth on the bed grinning widely when I noticed the rest of her stuff piled into the corner of the small room. There was still only one bed, well played mom, well played. I put our bags down when I suddenly smelled cookies. My eyes widened and I ran into the kitchen like a dog smelling meat in those old cartoons. I saw the fresh pan of blue cookies and I looked at my mom expectantly."I swear you are a five year old in a 17 year old's body" she laughed shaking her head in disbelief with a chuckle handed me two cookies "Thanks Mom" I said in a sing song voice "oh and um are Annabeth supposed to sleep together?"I asked taking a big bite of the decadent chocolate chip cookie the chocolate still warm.
Mom looked at me and nodded "Yes, I hope that's alright we don't have a guest bedroom and I'd hate for her to sleep on the couch. I'm assuming you both are cool with falling asleep together?" She said forming the sentence very craftily as she made it clear, no sex.
"Yes mom, I get the message!" I laughed walking back int my room with my hands in surrender walking back into my room closing the door and taking a bite of the cookie. I sank down onto the bed and played with her hair as I ate my cookie.
Annabeth woke up probably a half-hour later she sat up sharply looking around she turned and I saw her relax when she noticed me. I offered her a cookie which she took smiling at me slightly "You didn't have to let me slee- Oh my Hera these cookies are good" she moaned closing her eyes and taking another bite. "Why am I in your bedroom?" She asked finally looking around confusion clear in her beautiful grey eyes.
I laughed awkwardly "Well unless you want to sleep on the couch we're gonna be roomies" I smirked grinning. I pulled Annabeth on my lap and kissed her neck softly. Annabeth moaned very softly "Percy" she whined playfully whacking my shoulder.
I smirked at her grinning "sorry" I chuckled wrapping my arms around her waist. "Should I go get more cookies?" I asked trying to hide the clear excitement in my voice.
Annabeth nodded eagerly and crawled off my lap allowing me to stand up and get more cookies. I stood up and snuck out grabbing the whole jar and sneaking back in closing my doors down Holding the cookie jar up and sitting on the bed with Annabeth smirking opening the jar.
Suddenly my mom yelled there was an obvious laugh in her voice, "PERCY JACKSON"

Percy jackson: hero at camp loser at schoolWhere stories live. Discover now