And so, Chloe has driven her Volkswagen Beetle to the garage owned and run by Jack Mitchell, hoping that Beca was there to confront. As she stepped foot in the oily, greasy garage she couldn't help but notice the smell of gas fumes and oil as well as the noise of the local radio playing loudly around the place while mechanics were working.

"Hey, can I help you Miss?", an older blacked hair man with specks of grey, wiped his hands on a cloth as he walked over.

"Uhh.. Hi, is Beca working today?", she shot him a friendly and polite smile, instantly calming as she watched him smirk and smile back, recognising the same signature feature from both her boyfriend and his twin.

"Yeah, I'll just grab her", he'd shove the dirty cloth into his back pocket before walking away back into the garage. "B, you've got a girl here to see you", he'd shout over the radio.

Chloe nervously ran her fingers through her red hair, smoothing out her light blue sundress. When she looked up again, she was met with the sight of Beca Mitchell, dressed in an old grey and black chequered shirt, open with a white vest underneath that was blotted with oil and dirt. All of her hope of not becoming aroused at the sight in front of her was lost when those stormy dark blue eyes locked on hers as she got closer. The way that Beca moved her baseball cap to sit backwards on top of her head was the icing on top of a cake that she was growing more and more hungry for.

"What are you doing here, Chloe?", the redhead's forehead creased when she was met with the cold welcome and questioning.

"Well, seeing as you won't talk to me at school and you're never at your house for.. whatever reason", she noticed Beca smirk a little as she tried to come across cool, calm and confident with a hint of anger, "You left me no choice but to come to your place of work", she crossed her arms, celebrating on the inside as she watched Beca's eyes move down to her chest for a fleeting second before going back up to her face.

"And why would you want to talk to me?", Beca remained casual and uninterested.

"B-Because", Chloe stammered, cursing to herself for tripping over her words. "Because I miss talking to you, laughing with you and just being around you in general", she thought and wanted to let out, but knew better than to confess. "Because we still need to finish our English essay for next week"

"Right, okay", Beca rolled her eyes, "I've been busy with practice and work and.."

"And sleeping around with a different girl every day", Chloe interrupted her, instantly feeling stupid for letting herself come across as jealous.

"I didn't realise my whereabouts were anything to do with you, Beale?", she let her gaze fall over the cheerleader in front of her, watching and smiling to herself as she watched the anger fill up even more within the beautiful redhead.

"When your disappearance messes with my grades which can then mess with my college plans, it is definitely my business", Chloe pointed her finger at Beca now, "Why have you been avoiding me?", she wasn't going to leave until she got a believable answer.

"You don't get it do you?", the soccer star scoffed under her breath, shaking her head.

"What? Because we kissed?!", Chloe whisper-yelled, quickly looking around the garage to see if anyone was listening to their conversation.

"Oh, why don't you just repeat it a little bit louder Beale, I don't think my uncle quite heard you", Beca dragged Chloe by the elbow back outside now towards her car. "Did you expect everything to just go back to normal after that? It's not that simple, Chlo"

Trying to ignore the fact that Beca had used her nickname again for the first time this week Chloe felt guilty again, "Look, it doesn't matter anyway.. I'm with your brother and you're clearly enjoying yourself", she'd roll her eyes as Beca would smirk again, "But we still need to finish this essay either way"

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