Oak, herself saw the tweet and laughed because she'd never felt uncomfortable around a group of lads purely because she got on better with them than she did females, that did cause her to get picked on in school like getting slut-shamed for hanging out with more guys but it didn't phase her in the slightest, she was comfortable doing what she was comfortable doing just like everyone else.

Last night, when Oscar heard The Blue's material for the first time he was completely taken aback he knew they'd be good but the messages they sent were so heartfelt and incredible that he reckoned they were a force to be reckoned with, he predicted that by the end of the year they'd be doing very well for themselves.

——— ••• ———

Elias Andino
Hi Tree x

Oak Rivers
hi eli, you okay? x

Elias Andino
Not really :(

Oak Rivers
why what's wrong? it better not be to do with peter.

Elias Andino
It's not to do with that

Elias Andino
I miss you!!!

Oak Rivers
you had me panicking for a mo there. i miss you too but i'll be seeing you tomorrow cause we're getting into manc in about an hour :) x

Elias Andino
Have yous all had fun? x

Oak Rivers
it's been amazing so far the rest of the lads are so lovely x

Elias Andino
I'm so glad you've all be having fun, I'm so proud of you all, it's really amazing what you're doing x

Oak Rivers
aw don't make me cry eli

Oak Rivers
i'm also very proud of you and how well your designing is coming on, you'll be working for hassie stewart in no time x

Elias Andino
Don't get me excited like that, it will never happen in a MILLION years x

Oak Rivers
it will because you're fabulous x

Elias Andino
You're far too kind x

Oak Rivers
It's the truth & nothing but :) x

Elias Andino
I'm sorry fucking stupid Karen is shouting at me I have to go, I love you !

Oak Rivers
oh karen hmm, bye , love you too x

Elias had been missing his blue-haired friend a lot even though it'd only been two days, he was so proud of what The Blue were doing and he was so happy for them but he felt lost without Oak. He needed some advice on Peter, his on and off boyfriend but he didn't want to do it via text or call, he wanted to see her in person.

He'd spoke to her everyday and had been keeping up to date on their social media's about what they were doing but he felt like she'd been away for months, he'd spoke to Harper and she helped him out a lot but he wanted a second opinion from his rockstar best friend. "Elias can you stop looking at your bloody phone for once!" Karen, Elias' boss yelled at him making him roll his eyes as slyly as he could. He worked at paint shop, he had the boring job of mainly jotting down the supply of each colour and it dragged on making his actual hours seem like triple.

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