"Yeah," Sasuke agreed. "We should come back here with the rest of the group."

"Mhm," Sakura nodded. "This place would be so lovely for a date, n-not that we are on one, of course."

"It's hangout," Sasuke said. "Just a hang out."

They both sounded like they were trying to persuade themselves of that, and it didn't go unnoticed by Sakura. She shifted in her seat, uncomfortable by the unease that had settled in yet again. "Should we call Claude for the bill now?"

"Okay," Sasuke said, before raising a hand. In an instant the waiter came. "We would like the bill, please."

"Of course," Claude said as he produced the paper from his pocket. "Here you go, monsieur and mademoiselle. I hope you had a delightful time here for your date."

"I forgot to correct you before, we're actually just on a hangout," Sakura explained as both her and Sasuke paid. 

Claude wriggled his eyebrows mischievously and took the money. "For now, maybe. All down? I'll lead you to the exit."

As they walked towards the exit, several people gasped upon seeing them. Sakura blushed in embarrassment, and lowered her face, wishing for the stares to go away. 

Claude bowed to them upon reaching the exit. "It was a pleasure. Come back soon to this restaurant."

"We will," said Sakura truthfully. "Thank you."

"Goodbye," nodded Claude, before leaning in. "Mademoiselle Sakura, good job on taking on a leader ship role in feminism."

He left to go serve another customer and Sakura frowned. "How did he know about that."

"Sakura!" gaped Sasuke, staring at his phone. "It's all over the news."

"What?" she said, panicked as she peered at his phone. It was true, several news sites were popping up on the internet and videos were trending, all with the glaring words of 'Model Sakura Haruno has decided to lead a small feminism group in France'.

She glanced up from the phone, and she felt as though everyone's eyes were on her, watching her every move and judging her for it. People who she had never met before were watching her carefully in the restaurant, all of their eyes terrifying Sakura.

She grabbed Sasuke's hand and lead him away from the restaurant hastily. Ignoring Sasuke's protests, she walked hurriedly towards the park, weaving her way quickly through the families. She eventually stopped and let go of Sasuke's hand when they reached a shady tree.

Sakura plonked down on the lush grass and rubbed her temples. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to grab you and take you away so suddenly."

"It's fine," Sasuke sat down too. "The eyes are all so pressuring, aren't they?"

"Yeah," Sakura admitted shakily. "I know it's something I should be used to considering I'm a celebrity, but it was just all so quick. I made a decision last night and not even twenty four hours later, the whole world seems to know about it. The world is probably going to know all about our hangout too and think it's a date. It's like my life is for their entertainment."

Sasuke leaned over and squeezed her hand gently. "Don't think about it that way. Think of it as if you're so powerful that all of your actions influence others. And I don't know about you, but I'm pretty okay with the world thinking that we're dating."

"Yeah," Sakura smiled weakly. "Dates like this would be great, no matter how awkward they were."

"Not fair, you get to flirt but I don't," Sasuke folded his arms grumpily, but there was a small smile on  his face as the two of them shared a tension-free laugh. The golden noon light hit Sasuke's face, illuminating his breath-taking features that awed Sakura.

not just a pretty face [sasusaku modern au]Where stories live. Discover now