Chapter Fifty Four

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      I walked out of the high-end store with a bright red shirt and a blue and purple jacket. My black jeans had many rips in them and I had on bright red high-tops.
      I put the phone to my ear as it began to ring.
      "Hello?" I said.
      "It's time for your first assignment, Schiz."
      "Where do I need to be, boss?"
      "The warehouse, 7:00."
      "I'll be there. On the dot." I enunciated every word overly.
      I heard a sigh and scoff, "...freak."
      There was a beep.
      I groaned and shoved my phone into my pocket.
      I continued down the street bumping into people as I went, I got some strange looks. But after a quick glare from me, they stopped.
      You see, some might say that I went off the rails. At least, that's what Charlie tells me. But, personally, I think I finally figured out who I need to be right now. Toxin was the real corruption in this city, and her reign still lasts. So I've gotta destroy it from the inside out, and that's what I'm doing. Soon after Toxin was incarcerated, I went undercover in the gangs that dealt in both her toxins and Paradoxe's tech.
      And so far so good, nobody recognizes me because I changed my hair style and splashed some color, a little red, a little blue, a little purple. Then, I changed my style up, a little more eccentric. And finally, I haven't made a public appearance as myself for quite some time. Most people think I died or took a vacation or something.
      In reality, I've just become one of the most feared people in the New York City underground.
      I glanced at my watch.
      "Huh...perfect," I cooed.
      I took a turn into an alley and then rapped my knuckles on the metal door in the back. A slot slid open.
      "Sai Kotiks.
      "Kotiks...Kotiks...Ah, here. Come on in. You're on the VIP list."
      "Now that's what I like to hear." I said walking past the man, booping his nose as I did so.
      I heard the sound of music as I descended the stairs and when I reached the bottom I saw the party in full swing.
      I walked up to the bar.
      "Hey, lady! Can I get a drink?"
      "Who the hell do you th-"
      The bartender turned to me then stopped short when her eyes landed on me.
      "I'll have your usual right up, Mr. Kotiks."
      I smiled and humphed. Then turned to the party, there were many people dancing and drinking to the music.
      "Here you go," the bartender said, setting a drink in front of me.
      I grabbed the glass then made my way through the crowd, occasionally dancing along the way. I shooed some people out of a booth, then sighed and collapsed into my usual seat with a laugh.
      I took a sip of my drink as I propped my legs up.
      " this is the life."
      I let my eyes slide shut for a moment, but a voice made them open again.
      "Enjoying ourselves, Mr. Kotiks?" a man said.
      "Oh, hey, Tony!" I cheered a little, "What's up? I was in the neighborhood, figured I'd make an appearance!"
      "Well, thank you for stopping by, make sure to have fun. And, Mr. Kotiks? Please keep your feet off the furniture."
      I pointed at him and smiled, "I sure will."
      I let my legs slide off the booth.
      He walked away.
      He's had it out for me since I started disrupting his parties and he hates that I call him Tony, instead of Antonio. But, he plays nice. He's afraid of what I'll do to him.
      I downed the rest of my drink then made my way onto the dance floor, cheering.
When the party started to wind down, I downed the rest of my drink, laughing, and checked my watch.
"Hm...?" I said, blinking a few times to make sure I saw it right.
It was right.
"Shit," I said standing up.
I bolted for the door and out into the night. I tried to hail a taxi but eventually gave up and made a run for it.

I arrived at the warehouse at exactly 7:15.
I burst inside to see a group of men gathered around a table.
"On the dot, huh? Nice of you to join us, Schiz..." the boss said.
"Glad to be here!" I smiled, sarcastically.
"Take a seat."
I sat down on a chair in the circle, the men on either side of me scooted their chairs away.
"We're gonna be doing a pickup job. We've got several crates of both chems and tech. We need it all to get here, no loose ends. Schiz will be running this job," I perked up with a little gasp and clapped my hands together.
"Heh...he'll be in charge. You listen and report to him as you would me. You get orders from him no one else. And Schiz, I expect you to be serious tonight?"
Some of the other guys chuckled.
"What?" I said frowning, "I can be serious!"
They all got up and made their way to their assigned vehicles.
I began to make my toward the mission leader's car.
"And Schiz?"
"Yeah?" I said, cheerfully.
"Don't screw this up," he said.
I nodded, "Never. I'll do it by the book."
He turned away and went over to his office.
I stepped inside the car and turned it on, adjusting the rear view.
There was a little bit of static as the comms were turned on.
"Everybody, ready?" I asked.
      The GPS has already been booted and set up, but it flickered off for a second. Blank letters appeared on the screen.
      I've got your back- SS
      The GPS flicked back to normal.
      There were numerous responses to my pervious statement.
"Then let's go!" I cheered slamming my foot on the gas and ripping into the streets, my tires squealed and there was smoke behind me. The others just followed loosely behind me.

I leaned against my car loading bullets into my gun.
It was a large revolver with paint splattered all over it.
I aimed it, just for play, then put it in its holster. I pulled my jacket tighter and reached into the backseat, pulling out my bat. It was an old wooden bat with several blood stains on it, and in big letters on the handle was written: REVENGE.
I smiled as the other cars began to pull into the parking lot.
"Welcome, fellas!" I yelled, receiving many shushes from them.
I rolled my eyes and turned to the building.
The truck we were loading the crates into pulled in and the back opened.
"Ready," they said.
I nodded and made my way to the door.
"Are we expecting company?" I said.
"No. Not unless you keep talking that loud."
I whirled on the man and placed the tip of my bat on his chest.
"You mock me or snap at me one more time and I swear I'll beat your ass bloody and leave you here! Capisce?"
They all nodded.
I kicked the door in and walked inside.
There were two security guards with batons.
I smiled, "Hello, boys..."
      I ran at them sliding on the ground and taking out one of their legs, then popping to my feet and swinging at the others head. My bat smacked across his head and then I used the momentum to knock out the other.
      I stood all the way up and flipped my hair out of my eyes.
      I looked to my men standing at the door, their mouths were agape.
      I cocked my head.
      "Don't just stand there staring! Come on, we've got a job to do."
      We stormed the building heading for the supply room, taking out any guards along the way.
      We swung the doors open to the supply room and scanned it.
      One of my men started to walk forward, I grabbed him by the collar and yanked him back.
      "Ay, what the hell?"
      I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out a handful of chalk dust.
      I blew it forward into the room.
      Several lasers appeared shooting across the room.
      "Why did you just have that on you?" one of them asked.
      "It helps with climbing," I shrugged.
      I began to step in and around the lasers.
      I turned to see one of my men walking forward.
      "Ah! Nope! Leave this to me. You all stay put."
      I expertly made my way to the other side of the room then walked over to the wall and pulled a lever down. The laser field flickered off.
      "Come on, boys," I said.
      We walked forward and began to move the crates back to the truck.

      When everything was loaded and ready to go I hopped back into my car and drove back to the warehouse. We pulled in and stepped out of our cars, cheers went up as we began to unload.
"And went off completely without a hitch! Aren't you proud of me, boss?"
"So very proud, Schiz. I knew you had it in you."
I sighed wistfully and fell into a seat.
I was about to reach for my phone when I heard a click and looked up to see my boss aiming a gun at my face.
"No loose ends though."
"Wh-what are you doing, boss?"
"Don't play stupid with me, 'Schiz'. I figured it out. Who you really are, Y/N Stark. And I'm not gonna let you be a little rat any longer..."
I smiled.
"You won't shoot me. You don't have the guts..."
He growled and pulled the trigger.

Iron Boy [Peter Parker x Male Reader]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara