Chapter Thirty Eight

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      I was walking around the shop room, making my way towards a piece of machinery when I heard my name from Peter and Ned's table.
      "Maybe we should just ask for Y/N's help, he'll be cool about it..." Ned said.
      I stopped and leaned my hands on the end of their table.
      "Ask Y/N what?" I said.
      Peter swiped something off the table and concealed it from view.
      "Nothing." he turned to Ned. "Nothing at all."
      I furrowed my brow.
      "You sure?"
      "Yeah, I'm sure."
      I clicked my tongue, then pat the table once, "Alright, then. I'll be around if you need me."
      I went back to my project.

      I was pacing back and forth in front of the window as I made my call.
      "Yes, yes. I know. Happy Hogan is currently getting the rest of my father's property out of the tower and the moving crew is already beginning our transition. We should all be out of here by the end of this week."
      I stopped and smiled as I saw my newest project coming together out my window.
      I heard a knock at the door and looked over my shoulder to see Charlie standing at the doorway.
      I held up a finger, "Yeah, thank you. Bye."
      I set my phone on my desk and turned to Charlie.
      "What's up?"
      "Wanda didn't show up for training today...I was wondering if you knew anything about that."
      "No. I don't. But I'm sure I'll be finding something out soon...You look like you have something else on your mind?"
      "Yeah, Peter, actually..."
      "What about him?"
      "He and Ned were sneaking around after school today. And they were dismissive when I asked what was going on."
      "I noticed that they were weird earlier today too, in shop. I don't know, he got yelled at by my dad last night, so I'm sure he's taking it harder than he needs to be, he looks up to him."
      "I think there's something else going on, though..."
      "Maybe, I'll look into it. Okay?"
      He nodded, "Okay. Anyways, I saw this new building that was just finishing construction today. It's just down the street aways."
      I smiled.
      "Wanna hear something cool?"
      I waved him out to the balcony and showed him the building down the street he was talking about.
      There was a large crane putting a large sign on the building.
      "Is that an S-Corp sign!?"
      I smiled and nodded, "That's my new building."
      "No way."
      "Way. Come on. I'll show you around." I said grabbing my bag off my chair and heading for the doors.
      He followed after me excited.

      I walked up to the building and looked up at it. It was large and had lots of metal and glass, it turned in a spiral as it went up, and there was a large glass tube in the middle, which was elevators.
I walked up to the doors and pushed them open.
There were construction workers walking back and forth, making the finishing touches.
Charlie looked up at the large modern chandelier.
"Woah..." he mumbled.
"Check this out." I said walking over to the front desk.
I placed my palm on the black counter.
It lit up and data was displayed across the front of it.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Stark." said an electronic female voice. "You as well, Mr. Beaufont."
      "Thank you, IRIS." I said.
      "Iris?" Charlie said.
      "IRIS: Informational Resources Intelligent System. Created by Y/N Stark to manage the new S-Corp building."
      "Frankly, I think it was unnecessary to create another one, but Mr. Stark believes I already have enough on my plate." Smoak said.
      Charlie laughed.
      "Hello, Smoak." IRIS said.
      "IRIS manages the entire building. Everything from who goes in and out, to what doors are open or closed. She manages the entire security system and is our construction manager on the lower floors. Basically if she doesn't work, neither does the building."
      "An overstatement," Smoak said. "I have programs installed to take over if IRIS were to ever malfunction."
      "Calm down, Smoak." I said.
"Check this out: say there was an intruder, and we need to take care of the situation. IRIS, initiate Iron Armor Protocol."
All the doors were shut and locked and large metal shutters came down and covered the glass walls. The room was plunged into darkness and dim, red emergency lights flickered on.
Several workers looked over at us.
"Sorry, fellas, we're just running a few diagnostic tests."
"IRIS, end protocol."
The shutters rose and the doors slid open. I began to walk towards the elevators.
"Come on, let's head up to my new office." I said.
The elevator slid open as I walked toward it and as soon as the doors slid shut it began to carry us up to the highest floor. The eighty ninth.
      The doors slid open and it opened on a rectangular glass corridor.
      There was a desk, where Maggie would be working. Beneath our feet there was a small storage room for several components and weapons for my suit.
      I walked down the small glass room and the doors at the end slid open as I approached. There was a large circular room with a balcony on the far side and a desk just inside the balcony doors.
      There was a living area off to the side and a curved staircase going to a floor beneath us on the other side. The floor was metal and glass and you could see machines moving about beneath our feet.
      " just...amazing..." Charlie sighed.
      A hologram appeared in the middle of the room.
      "I could get used to this view, sir." Smoak's hologram said.
      "So could I, could I..."
      "We won't be operating out of this building until everything is absolutely ready, I want the transition to be as smooth as possible. But with the new facilities that we'll have here, the move should be no problem."
      "Where did you get the money for this...? There's no way this all came from the watches. This had to of cost billions of dollars..."
      "After the release of the watches, I had investors coming in like crazy, that on top of the money from watches, on top of a loan, and some money from my father allowed me to get this..." I said holding my arms out.
      "How are you gonna pay back all these loans?"
      "Already working on it, you wanna know how I got this building up so fast? Robots. I'm calling them Constrobots. They are cheap to make and are able to work collectively to construct any building or structure. They could build a house in just a full days time. I have companies buying them left and right."
      "Things are really taking off, aren't they?"
      "Yeah, and I have an idea that you might be able to help with. You like cars, right?"
      "You'll see."

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