Chapter Eighteen

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I was over the man's shoulder as he carried me towards the double doors of a tall building. He pushed them open and the woman fell in step behind us.
She leaned down a little to look me in the eye and mock me, occasionally.
I looked anywhere but her.
I was led into an elevator and my face was turned towards the wall. I couldn't see anything.
When the elevator stopped there was someone waiting for us at the stop. The man, the woman, and the new person shared a few words before I was flung into a wheelchair, and taken down a hallway by someone else.
At the end of the hallway there were two men with guns guarding the doors. They pushed them open for us and I was pushed into the room. There was a desk and a woman behind it.
She was a little older and had a fancy dress on. She had short brown hair, and was smoking a cigarette.
I began to be able to wiggle my fingers and toes. I could move my mouth around a little. Possibly enough to speak, but I didn't let them know that.
"Ah, guest is here..." she said as I was wheeled in front of her desk. I was able to move my head just enough to look at her.
I watched as she took a slow drag from her cigarette and blew the smoke to the side.
"We've been watching you for some time, and we believe you'd be an excellent candidate for our new program."
"You...won't... get away...with this." I struggled to speak. "People will...come for me."
"I'm sure they will. Eventually. But they'll have no idea where to find you. Previously we were strictly arms dealers. A gang. And then we slowly morphed into a mob. And empire. We've received an influx of scientists and engineers. We had a device in that van that blocked out any trackers, cell phones, satellite signals. They stopped any cameras from viewing them, any devices from hearing them. No satellite footage or tracking. Nothing. They'll find you eventually, but it will be a long...long...time." she said, smiling evilly.
"Trudy Sokolov, I presume?" She nodded. "Burn in hell, you old hag."
She scowled then shouted to someone behind me.
"Re-administer the paralytic. Then go straight to trial six. I wanna see just how much he can handle..." she glared at me, leaning across the desk.
I glared back, then spit in her face. She smacked me and I found it hard to move my face back to her.
"Make it trial seven."
"Ma'am. That amount of strain on his body could kill him. We shouldn't go to five, let alone six or seven." a woman said.
"I said...trial seven."
There was a moment of hesitation, "Yes, ma'am."
Someone grasped the handles of my wheelchair and injected something into my neck. I fell limp and my head slumped forward. I was pushed into the room adjoined to the woman's room.
Two people came forward and lifted me onto an old hospital bed, then for a moment, nothing happened. I was in peace. I began to think about my family.
      My dad back at the base freaking out that he lost me, Peter being worried that something happened. Steve and Nat instantly putting their heads together to figure out where I went. I would give anything to still be in training with them.
I watched as the woman came over with a large syringe with a blue liquid in it. She came up to me and grasped my arm. I closed my eyes as she brought the needle up to my arm, she stopped and sighed.
I quirked an eye open to look at her.
"I'm sorry..." she mumbled, before injecting it.
I immediately grunted as pain raced up my arm and throughout my body.
My mind swirled until my eyes rolled to the back of my head, the last person I thought of was Wanda, before my world went black.

When my eyes slowly opened, I was in a grassy field. There was light and I saw a small sun in the sky. I leaned up and looked around. There was nothing but field in every direction. I stood up and began to follow the path in front of me.
The dirt path continued for miles and miles, I continued to follow it with nothing else to do. After what seemed like forever, the road split. Each path was different. One had spiders, crawling all over it. One had electricity, crackling over it. And one had a soft red light, drifting around the ground. It reminded me of Wanda's energy. I staggered down the road with the red light and held my arm above my eyes to block the beating light.
I continued to stagger down the road until the world faded to black once again.

I sat straight up, screaming.
I was in the room with the old hospital beds, except I was in a different part of the room. My wrists and ankles were restrained to the bed. I tugged my arm, but it wouldn't budge.
I looked around me. I was in a glass cell, the rest of the beds crowded around my cell. I saw the door crack open and someone stepped inside. The figure slowly walked towards me, then stepped into the light.
Trudy Sokolov.
"Settling in well?"
"What did you do to me?!" I seethed.
"You feel it, don't you? That new piece of you? The piece you never knew was missing?"
"You'll find out in time..."
"Stop playing games with me!" I screamed.
As I did, the items scattered about my room flew towards the glass and made a large bang. The bed I was on collapsed, and I lay in a pile of broken parts.
I groaned and turned to crawl away from the parts. I looked up to Trudy where she carried a sly smirk.
"What just happened...?"
"Welcome to your new powers...Y/N."
She started to walk away.
I crawled towards her and banged my fist on the glass and blue energy radiated every time. I screamed for her to come back and to let me out.

Peter's P.O.V

      "Mr. Stark. Come on. There has to be something we can do. It's been two weeks! Two weeks since he went missing. He could be in serious trouble if he's not already dead. We have to do something. What do we do?"
      "Kid, I don't know what to do. We have people all over the place trying to find him. As soon as he turns up we'll go after him. I'm his father, I'm scared too. But there's nothing we can do."
I ran my hands through my hair and let out an exasperated and frustrated sigh.
"Fine. Just keep me updated..." I mumbled as I walked away from the kitchen.
I wandered around the base for awhile before ending up in front of Y/N's room. I slipped inside and began to search for anything.
"Smoak, you there?"
"Yes, Mr. Parker. Hello."
"Hi, uh, what's your last record of Y/N?"
I tapped my foot restlessly.
"He was training with Ms. Romanoff, then had left to head to bed when you intercepted him with the emergency in the lab. After that he was walking towards the kitchen,  when someone knocked at the door. They conversed, then-"
      "Nothing. That's where my data stops. They must have blocked me somehow."
      I groaned and fell onto his bed. I sunk into the memory foam and fell into bliss as his scent met my nose. I sighed.
      "Where are you, Y/N...?"

      Y/N's P.O.V

      I cowered in the corner of the large cold room. The lights came on and I sighed as I stood up and prepared myself.
      "It's been twenty-nine minutes, Y/N. They'll be out any minute now."
      "Fuck you." I snapped.
      "Such naughty language, Y/N. Emotions flaring?"
      "We'll see."
      There was the sound of ripping flesh and groans. I summoned my energy. The ghoul-like creatures ran at me.
      I blasted one after another, and threw them at each other until they finally hit the ground.
      They got up and prepared to charge me again.
      "You have to kill them, Y/N. They don't go unconscious..." Sokolov said.
      I fell to my knees with tears and a scream, and the energy ripped through the ghouls, causing them to fall to the ground, dead.
      "Good. Very good. Molly, get in there and administer the drug to the creatures and then give  Y/N his drug."
      The doors slid open and I ran for them, but the woman shot me with a syringe, before I could stop
her. I watched the blue liquid inject itself into me. I groaned in pain on the ground until I fell unconscious.

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