Chapter Thirteen

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      I flew through the air, with Peter clinging to my neck. Every so once and awhile I would jerk, or turn really violently. And he would yell at me.
"You ready?"'I yelled into the comms.
"For what?" he yelled back.
I did several barrel rolls in a row and started to dive for the ground while spinning.
"Stoooppp!!!" he screamed.
I hovered just before we could hit the ground and I dropped down lightly. He immediately jumped off my back and ripped off his mask, running for the closest bushes.
"You can swing from skyscrapers everyday and climb up huge walls, but as soon as you start flying you get sick?"
"When I do that...I have something to hold onto if I fall. I don't if I'm free falling through the sky."
"You know I'd catch you...?"
"That's what I keep telling myself..." he said as stuck his head back in the bushes.
I sighed then looked around. I saw three black vans coming down the street next to us. They're brights were on and they were illuminating where we were standing. I tackled Peter and dragged him behind the bushes.
I gagged as the smell of vomit filled my nose.
"Sorry..." he mumbled.
The vans pulled into the gravel driveway where we were previously standing. They opened the doors and about seven of them stepped out.
"Smoak, engage Enhanced Reconnaissance subroutine."
"Right away, sir."
My helmet vision zoomed in on them. A box with sound waves appeared next to each of their heads, telling me who was talking.
"Where they at, boss?" one of the men said.
"They'll be here soon. Just have patience."
I turned to the supposed boss.
"Smoak, initiate facial recognition software. Identify that man."
I waited.
"Neil Sokolov. Male. Age 32. 6 feet 1 inches. Brown eyes. Brown hair. Distinctive scar along his cheek. Extensive criminal record. Multiple counts of illegal weaponry, arson, assault, the list goes on and on."
"Hm. Scan the vans. Let's see what's inside them."
"Is there anything that suit doesn't have?" Peter whispered.
"I thought of everything I could..."
"Guns, sir. A lot of them. Most of them not even released to the market yet. All very dangerous."
"Great..." Peter said.
"We'll be fine. This suit it entirely bulletproof."
"Yeah, mine's not."
"You wanna sit this one out?"
"No way. I wanna fight with Renegade..." he said, I could tell he was smiling behind his mask.
      "That's what I thought. Let's go." I jumped the bushes and walked up to the group.
      "Wait!" he whisper-yelled.
      "Hey! Look, I know it's Friday, you wanna go and have fun with your friends, all that jazz...but don't you guys have any personal restraint?"
They all turned and aimed their guns at me.
"Ah, I got word from my cousin. That some idiot came and pretended to be that bozo Iron Man, foiled all his plans. Made a real fool out of him. I don't like when people make jokes out of my family." he said with a heavy Russian accent.
"Yeah, well, me either. Should've thought twice about that Iron Man kick..." I said aiming my palm at the man.
"Fire!" he yelled as he dove for cover.
I shot two of them, then began to walk towards them.
"Smoak, I'm apprehending the sellers, where are we at on the buyers?"
"My satellite scans tell me that there is two cars on their way here."
"Spidey, intercept the buyers right before they get here." I said into the comms.
"On it." he said jogging away and shooting a web at a nearby building.
I took care of the rest of the goons then approached the seller boss.
"Where are you getting these weapons?" I snapped.
"Why would I tell you? I will say nothing."
"Do I look like the police to you? When I'm here, there is no 'right to remain silent', so get to talking."
I heard an explosion off in the distance, I turned my head to it, in that split second that I did something hit my helmet and I staggered backwards. My head shot to Sokolov.
"You'll get nothing." he muttered with a gun to his head.
"No!" I leapt for him trying to stop him.
Blood splattered out the side of his head and some of it made it onto my shoulder.
I fell to my knees.
"Damn it!" I punched the ground.
I felt around my helmet, there was a perfect dent right above my right eye.
He tried to shoot me.
I heard another explosion, I turned and stood up then headed off to the source.
Spidey was fighting three guys, one of them was holding a huge makeshift gun. When he fired raw purple energy shot out with an explosion a moment after it was shot.
He was chasing Peter with it, Peter kept dodging his attacks.
I landed and started walking towards him.
"Hey! Hands off!" I shouted.
He took aim at me and right before I could fly out of the way it blasted me right in the chest. I flew backwards due to the explosion and landed on my back.
The data on my screen glitched slightly.
I groaned as I attempted to sit up before falling back onto my back.
"Smoak, what's my status?" I groaned.
"Your injury is holding steady, stitches are still there and there isn't any bleeding. I believe the explosion has done minimal damage. Although, one of the medical stations is damaged, but nowhere near the injury. We'll have to do several repairs to the suit when we return."
I nodded, I looked over as Spidey ran up to my side and put a hand on my shoulder.
"Y/N! Are you okay?" he said.
      "Yeah. I'm fine..." I said, composing myself. "Just a little out of it."
      "Aw, is the spider tending to his little friend."
      The two began to walk in a circle, Peter trying to talk him down. The other one having none of it.
      "Enough talk." I watched as a man wrapped an arm around Peter's neck and put a gun against his temple.
      The other man was still aiming at him with the big gun. He began to chuckle.
      "Well, you got one thing right...enough talk." I said as I blasted the man aiming at Peter.
      He fell to the ground and dropped his gun.
      I shot the gun and it shattered into parts.
      "Let him go." I said to the man holding Peter. I slowly walked towards them.
      "Take another step and he gets a bullet in his brain."
      I froze.
      "You do not want to do this."
      "Why not?"
      "Cause I'm not afraid to kill you."
      He scoffed.
      "You may put a bullet in my friends head, and he may die. But will it really be worth it? Because I swear, I would make sure you die in the most miserable way possible. It may drive me crazy that you killed him, but no matter what happens. You'll still end up dead. Do you want that? Or do you wanna drop that gun and run?"
      The man looked at me, then lowered his gun. He dropped it at Peter's feet and ran away from us.
      Peter turned on his heel and hit him with a taser web, he fell to the ground unconscious.
      Peter ran up to me and hugged me.
      He whined.
      "Hugging you is weird when you're wearing the suit..." he whined.
      "I like it. Finally makes me as tall as you."
      He chuckled and smiled at me.
      "Besides, last time I stepped out of this suit on field, I took a bullet."
      He smiled at me then turned to the mess around us.
      "There was a luxury car too, when it saw me and sped away. I didn't catch them. I'm assuming it was the main buyer."
      "It's okay. I'll have keep an eye out, we'll catch him."
      He nodded.
      "What are we gonna do about the van full of weapons?" he asked, taking off his mask.
      "I've already contacted the proper authorities. A clean up crew is on its way." Smoak said into my earpiece.
      "It's already taken care of." I said.
      He nodded slowly, then his face broke into a smile.
      "Altogether? This was a pretty good date..." he said.
       My faceplate clicked up with a mechanical whir.
      "Yeah, it was." I said.
      He leaned forward and kissed me, then went behind me and grabbed onto my neck.
      "Let's go." he said.
      My faceplate closed and I launched into the skies with Peter on my back.

      I snuck behind the building and landed in the lab. Peter let go of my neck and took his mask off. I walked into the engineering lab and the machines began to take off my suit. Peter stood in front of me as they worked.
"You sure you're okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine."
The machines finished and I walked into the lab, slipping on my glasses. Peter grabbed my arm and turned me to him.
"I know I seem overbearing, and protective. And I won't lie, I am. But it's only because I care about you. I love you. And I don't know what I would do with myself if something happened to you on my watch."
My face fell a little as he spoke. I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"I know. And I'm sorry." I relaxed as he held me.
I nuzzled his shoulder crook as we hugged, "I'm sorry for being rude..." I mumbled.
"It's okay." he said.
"So. How was your little field trip?" a voice said by the door.
We both turned to see who it was.
"Hi, Mr. Stark..." Peter said nervously.
"Huh?" I said, quirking an eyebrow, pretending like I didn't know what he was talking about.
"Oh, I'm sorry, did I stutter?" he said.
"A lot. It's one of my peeves about you." I said nonchalantly.
"No, sir! You didn't. Loud and clear." Peter said scared of how Tony would react to my statement.
"Uh-huh. I got word a few minutes ago that a 'Renegade' was found buying a corn dog with Spider-man. It's all over social media."
I looked to Peter. He looked terrified. I thought about how stupid this whole situation was and how funny Peter looked, and I broke out laughing.
I laughed and laughed until I couldn't breathe.
"Is this funny to you?" Tony said, although I saw a smile creeping up on his lips.
Peter stares at me, then slowly, no matter how hard he tried to hold it back, he started laughing too.
"You two are unbelievable..." Tony said, a smile spreading across his face.
I staggered to the side and grabbed onto Peter's arm for support. He laughed even more at me.
"Those two are adorable..." Pepper said to Tony as she came in.
"Yeah, sure." Tony said.
When I finally pulled myself together, as well as Peter, Tony spoke again.
"I also heard that a, Neil Sokolov, has been taken in by the coroner. Pronounced dead by suicide. A stash of weapons was found and taken in by the proper authorities and several buyers have been arrested."
We both nodded slowly.
He smirked at us, then turned to leave.
"Good work." he called over his shoulder.
Pepper gave a respective nod, then turned to follow Tony.
I turned to Peter.
"Did you hear that?" I said punching his shoulder. "He's proud. Not angry."
"I think I peed myself...I was so scared."
"Why do you look up to my dad so much?"
"He chose to place his trust in me. He chose me. I look up to him because not only is he an amazing superhero, he's a genius, his technology changes the world. By him taking me under his wing, he's not only helping me as Spider-man. He's helping me as Peter Parker."
I nodded.
He kissed my cheek, then headed for the door.
"Goodnight, Y/N."
"Night, Peter."
He left, leaving me alone in the lab.
I sighed, then sat down in the chair. I pulled up the diagram for my suit and began to make updates and repairs.

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