Chapter Eleven

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After my vision faded to black I couldn't process much anything. I can remember being carried bridal style and being carried through the air. I remember somebody putting me on a gurney and rushing me down a bright hallway. I remember seeing Peter watching me, and I remember reaching for his hand and mumbling his name, trying to get a full sentence out before passing out again.
I remember somebody putting an oxygen mask on my face and seeing my dad put his hand on my shoulder.
The oxygen mask was taken off my face and seconds later I was asleep.
There was a darkness, that seemed to last forever until images began to take shape. I saw Ultron's bots swarming Steve as he fought them off. Whenever I tried to help him my arm would just go right through the bots. They soon became overwhelming and they devoured Steve. I turned away as his screams filled my ears. When I opened my eyes Natasha was standing there. I reached out to touch her, but my hand went right through her.
"It's okay..." she said looking at something behind me. I slowly turned.
There was a man there with a smoking gun, the bullet went right through me and hit Natasha. I watched as she collapsed to the stone floor. Her limbs at awkward angles, blood pooled around her head, but there was no bullet hole...
When I turned around my surroundings changed again and I saw my dad leaning up against a rock, his face looked almost charred and his eyes were distant. His Iron Man suit was broken and sparking. I reached up, but still, like a ghost, my hand drifted through him. I watched as the light faded from his eyes and his head slumped. A tear slipped down my face.
I closed my eyes and my hands tangled in my hair, I began to scream, not words...just screams. Screams of agony, and pain, and sadness, and loneliness. All three of their bodies showed up around me.
I closed my eyes and cried. Sound filled my ears, I don't know what it was, but it was loud, and I couldn't identify where it was coming from. It sounded like thousands of hushed voices talking over another. I covered my ears, but it did nothing, it was as if the sound was in my head.
"Stooop!!!" I screamed, the images faded away and the noise silenced. I turned around and saw Peter standing there.
I ran up to him and went to hug him, to my surprise my arms didn't go through him. I nuzzled my nose into his shoulder crook.
"Y/N, I don't feel so good..."
He started to fall forward on me.
"Peter? Peter!"
He was holding on to me like he would never let go.
"Y/N, Y/N I don't wanna go. Help me, Y/N, I don't wanna go. Please...Y/N."
"Peter!" I yelled him holding onto me.
I didn't know what was happening.
I went to hold his head, but right before my fingers touched him, he disintegrated and floated away in the wind.
"...Peter...?" I said, quietly.
I fell to my knees.
"Peter..." My tears consumed me and I could barely breathe between my sobs.
Suddenly, a gut-wrenching pain appeared in my stomach. I looked down to see blood pouring down my shirt.
I collapsed onto my side and I let out a steady breath of air...

My eyes slowly opened and a bright light stung my eyes. I quickly shut them and slowly let them adjust. When I could see, I looked around the room. It was the same room I woke up in when I first got here. I shifted slightly and gasped quietly. My stomach ached. My shirt was removed and there was a white bandage all the way around my lower body. There was a small bloodstain.
I heard the shifting of clothing and looked to the source.
Peter was sitting in the chair next to the bed, his arm laying on the edge of the bed as he used his arm as a pillow. I reached forward to touch his hair, when my mind flashed to the images in my sleep, of Peter disappearing. I slowly reached forward and sighed when my fingers touched his hair. I ran my fingers through his hair, smiling slightly at his small snores.
"Peter." I said quietly, holding his arm and rubbing it with my thumb.
He woke up at the contact and didn't see me at first. He looked around and his eyes fell on me.
"Y/N?" he said.
I nodded, smiling loopily.
"You're up, oh my god." he said, he leaped forward and wrapped me in a hug.
"Ow. Ow. Ow."
"Ooh. Ooh. Sorry." he said tearing up. "Sorry," he said wiping them away. "it's just been so long..."
"What do you mean? How long was I out? Couple days?"
"Y/N, you were in a coma for three years..."
"What?" I whispered.
"We're the only ones left. After you saved me, more of the gang members came. They killed everyone except us, to live with what we've done."
"My dad?" I said.
"The first one to go," he said, no emotion in his voice.
"I can't believe this. I've been alone for so long..."
"I'm so confused..."
"That's okay. Everything will make sense soon..." he said creepily.
"What?" I said starting to crawl away.
"It's time to go back to sleep, Y/N."
"I've slept enough."
Peter lunged at me with a syringe in hand he slammed it into my neck and inserted the drug. I hit him, hard, before I started to slip away. I lunged at him and as soon as my fist connected with his face he turned to dust, and my surroundings melted away.
"What's happening!?" I screamed.
A bright white light filled everything and I was momentarily blinded then I shot straight up in bed. Peter was next to me again but this time he shot awake as soon as I sat up with a scream.
"Hey. Hey, Y/N. It's okay. It's okay..." he said hugging me and stroking my H/C hair. I looked up to him and eyed him, suspicious now.
"How long was I out?" I said.
"Too long," Peter said.
"How. Long. Was. I. Out?" I demanded.
Smoak chimed in, "You were out for thirteen and a half hours."
I sighed with relief.
"Everyone's okay?" I said.
"Yeah, everyone's fine..." Peter said.
"Oh, thank god..." I muttered.
"What's going on?" he asked.
"I'll tell you later...How long have you been here, Pete?"
"I've been by your side since you fell to the ground. Your dad flew us together, I helped roll the gurney, I forced myself to stay through the surgery, they protested but I demanded I stay by your side, and then I've been here waiting for you to wake up..."
"You didn't have to stay that long, Peter..."
"I wanted to. And I wanted to be here when you woke up." he smiled sheepishly at me.
"I remember, when I was being rushed here, I remember holding your hand and saying your name, but I didn't get to say the rest of what I wanted to say."
"What did you wanna say?"
"I know it seems early, but anything can happen with what you do and I guess now what I do, but Peter, I wanted to say...'I love you' I wanted to say it in case something happened, but I mean it, Peter. I love you..." I said a tear slipping down my face, my eye lids still slightly droopy and my head swirly.
He stared at me, shocked, but in awe. A tear slipped down his face too.
"I love you too, Y/N." he said instantly connecting our lips.
"I hate to cut this short, but I'd like to talk to my son." Tony said at the door.
Peter shot away and put his hands behind his back.
"I wasn't doing anything, sir! I was...checking to make sure the oxygen tubes were working!"
I facepalmed, and giggled loopily.
"Yes, cause you do that but suctioning yourself to my son's lips..." Tony said.
Peter blushed fifty shades of red.
"He already knows, Pete. I had to tell him, before I saved you."
He sighed in relief. He nodded towards my father, gently swiped some of my stray hairs to the side and kissed my forehead, then stepped around my dad and left.
Tony walked over and sat down next to me.
"That was a very stupid thing you did..." he muttered.
"No, I don't think so..." I said, smiling a little.
"But, you know why I'm not mad?"
"Cause it's the exact thing that I would've done at your age."
I smiled at him.
"It may of been stupid, but it was brave too."
"I wasn't thinking about being brave. I was just protecting, Peter. I just did it, I didn't even think about it."
"I should've known better, taking you into a house full of heroes and not expecting you to end up acting like one. So, I'm gonna make a deal with you. When you're better and healed, if you wanna keep being Renegade, you can. But only if you get training from me, and Cap, and Romanoff, and Rhodey. Got it?"
I nodded slowly.
"I know I may not always show it, but I am proud of you."
"Thank you."
"And I know I may not always say it, but...I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, dad."
He kissed my forehead, just as Peter had done, then he left.
A minute later, Mj walked in.
"Peter invited me." she opened her bag and plopped a stack of papers down on the table. "That's your makeup work."
I gave her a thumbs up.
She sat down, and smirked at me.
"Well, how do you feel?"
      "Like I just took a bullet to the chest..." I said sarcastically, causing her to smirk at me. "But I've been worse...I'm not dead yet. I've learned to kind of set aside pain."
      "What do you mean?"
      "I mean me and pain came to somewhat of an understanding awhile back."
      "And what does that mean...?"
      "Pain is an ally to me. Death has always been my greatest fear, always. I'm terrified of dying. But pain, pain's an ally because although it hurts, and it tells us when we're badly wounded, it's an ally because it tells us that we're not dead yet..."I murmured.
      "There are worse things then death, Y/N."
      "Not to me. Death is the end of everything, death is the ending. There's nothing after death, but life is so terribly worth living..."
      "Well, I guess you're doing alright then?"
      I started to nod, but then something strange shot through my chest, my hand clutches my heart, and the last thing I heard was Mj shouting and something beeping erratically.

      I opened my eyes slowly, this time there wasn't any bright light, it was dim. I looked for Mj, but she wasn't there. Someone else was.
      "Peter...?" I said.
      He looked up to me.
      "You're awake." he said grabbing my hand.
      "What happened?"
      "You went into cardiac arrest."
      "We don't know. Your body has been under a lot of stress, so it could've been the smallest thing to throw you over the edge."
      "I don't get it. I felt so fine..."
      "I don't know, Y/N. But I'm glad you're okay." he said squeezing my hand.
      "Do I deserve to die?"
      "What? Why would you think you deserve to die?"
      "There's a lot to my past that I don't talk about. A lot of things that I regret doing, but there's a lot that I don't regret. I've done some terrible terrible things, Peter. What if this is the universe's way of biting back?" I said choking up.
     "Everyone deserves a second chance."
     "I've had a lot more than two chances, Peter."
     "No, Y/N. You don't deserve to die."
     He squeezed my hand harder and nodded. I nodded once back, then drifted off to sleep.

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