Chapter Thirty One

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      I stepped into the empty bathroom and closed myself into a stall. I pulled out my phone and sent code to the bug in the front desk to cut the cams and send data to the front doors that someone left a few minutes after now, 'me'.
      I stripped my suit off, revealing a black under-layer of sneaky, more comfortable clothes.
      I lifted my legs and waited on the toilet for a long time, before it was finally time to get out there.
      "We're headed to the front doors, meet us there to let us in." Nat said.
I snuck out of the bathroom and around the corner of the hallway, I saw two guards patrolling the entryway lobby. I snuck up to one and wrapped my arm around his neck, knocking him out and tossing him behind the desk before taking cover behind a wall and turning my head to watch the other guard move closer to me.
      I whirled around the corner, swinging a leg and wrapping my knee around his neck, pulling myself onto him and throwing him to the ground, before smacking his head against the ground, causing him to fall unconscious.
      I grabbed his keycard and jogged over to the doors sliding the card and pulling them open, Nat and Steve jogged inside.
      Bucky was staying in the van.
      "Alright people, I managed to get us two stops. The servers and the factory level, there's a room that was heavily guarded and I wasn't even allowed into he factory room, so we need to check it out."
They nodded in agreement and I began to lead the way to the server room.
Nat attempted to pull open the door.
"You said you got us access."
I raised my wrist and pressed a button on my smart watch, there was a flash of blue from the device I planted and a soft click as the doors unlocked.
"Have I ever let you down?"
She smiled and shook her head pulling open the door and entering the room with me beside her. Steve stayed as lookout.
I glanced at the time on my watch.
"We've got about seven minutes before the guards make their way this way, Nat. Let's make this quick." I said.
We began to plug several devices into different server towers, copying and sending files back to ourselves.
The doors opened and Steve jogged in.
"We've got company."
We all jogged into the aisles of servers and hid in the maze of flashing lights.
"I know I saw someone come in here, c'mon let's just sweep the area." a voice said.
"I think you just want some action."
There was a scoff.
I held my breath as I listened to the footsteps.
I looked over to Nat and gave her a look, she nodded.
As soon as the man took another step, I swung out of my hiding space and elbowed his throat. He staggered back and choked. I swung my leg around throwing him into a server tower, knocking him out.
"Todd, you okay?" a voice said.
A second later I heard several grunts and a thud. I rounded the corner to see Nat standing above the other guard.
"Let's tie them up, then get out of here." she said.
Steve and I tied them up, then we exited the room and I headed down the hallway leading them to the factory room.
We jogged down the stairs and down the hallway, to the end where it over looked the factory. I pointed out the door.
"There. That's where we're headed."
Steve and Nat nodded, then turned for the door to the stairs, I followed behind them as they eased their way into the room, crouching behind cover to avoid detection from the guards going about the room.
Smoak gave me a thermal scan view on my glasses.
We made our way close to the guards by the elevator door and we all lined up behind cover.
"How do we wanna do this?" Steve said. "Any plans?"
"Y/N told us he had a plan." Nat pointed out.
"I always keep a few tricks up my sleeve."
I pressed a few buttons on my watch, initiating machines about the room. They moved about trying to do their jobs when there was nothing to do.
Confused voices sprouted up around the room and the guards by the door went to investigate.
As soon as they were gone we made a beeline for the doors. Smoak opened them for us as we headed for them, and as soon as we got in I smashed the close door button. The doors slid shut just as I saw the guards turn back to us.
I scanned the buttons on the keypad.
Close door, open door. Alarm. Phone. Button F. Button L. Button S5.
I turned to Steve and Nat.
"Hell if we know." Steve said.
I pressed S5.
      The elevator hummed to life and began to slide down the shaft. I felt the floor sink, for about a minute before it finally slowed to a halt.
      There was a ding and the doors slid open. We all tensed as soon as the scene was displayed before us.
      There was a dark hallway with red flashing lights. There were doors every few yards on either side, with small, circular, glass windows. I slowly walked towards the first and peered inside.
      As soon as I saw what was inside I jumped back. I fell against the wall behind me and nearly hit the ground, Steve rushed to help me.
      " no no..." I mumbled.
      Nat walked up to the door and looked inside.
      "Steve." she said.
      After he got me to my feet, he walked over to the window and looked inside after Nat.
      "Is that one of-"
      "Sokolov's ghouls..." I mumbled.
      I took a step forward again and watched as the skin and bone creature crawled about the room, chasing the red light, and clawing at the walls with its long fingers.
      "They're...studying it..." Nat said.
      "What's up with the lights, Y/N? Surely they're not always like this." Steve said.
      "I believe a silent alarm was tripped when the elevator was used unauthorized. We need to be quick."
      "You guys got that?"
      They nodded.
      "Let's keep going."
      We continued down the hallways peering inside each door we passed.
      There were several other creatures and specimens inside the rooms, both dead and alive.
      At the end of the hallway was a large, heavy metal door. There was no window, but there was a slide so you could see in through a small gap.
      I carefully and slowly slid it aside and looked inside. At first, I saw nothing, but then there was a bit of shuffling on the other side of the room and I saw the faint trace of a boy, probably about my age.
      Shock crossed my face as I searched for a way to open the door. I tapped on my watch and a small glove materialized around my hand, a smaller version of my full gauntlet. I aimed it at one of the door hinges. It whirred to life.
      "Wait!" a voice scorned.
      We all whirled to see Thomas James in the hallway behind us. He was holding up a hand.
"You don't want to do that, Mr. Stark..." he warned.
"I think you've crossed quite a few lines between science and obsessiveness, James." Nat said.
"This ends here." Steve said.
"You don't understand-none of you do. That boy in there, he's dangerous, he can't control himself, he can't control his powers."
"His powers...?" Steve said.
"Who is he?" I asked.
"That's not the p-"
"Who. Is. He?"
James sighed, "His name is Charles Beaufont. He's fifteen years old. He came to me for help dealing with his...abilities. So that's what I did."
"Liar!" the boy screamed slamming on the door behind me, causing me to jump.
I turned back to James.
      "Why would I lie to you, Mr. Stark? This boy's abilities cause his emotions to spiral out of control, he can't control himself."
      I felt my eyes shift to glow bright blue, as I looked into his mind.
      "Y/N...?" Steve said.
      They faded and I raised my hand and shot all three hinges in one fluid motion.
      The mini gauntlet retracted back into the watch.
      "No!" James yelled lunging for me and tackling me to the ground.
      He clawed and punched at me, all while I smiled and chuckled.
      "What's so funny!" he yelled as Nat kicked him off me.
      She shot him with a tase and he was knocked out cold.
      I got up to my feet and wiped the blood from my lip and nose.
      "You get all that, Smoak?"
      "Of course, sir."
      I smiled and nodded, then turned to the door.
      "Open it." I said.
      Steve walked forward and grabbed onto the door handle, pulling on it with his enhanced strength. Now that the hinges were gone, the door fell forward and crashed to the ground.
      I slowly stepped forward into the room.
      My watch illuminated a flashlight.
      I heard shuffling and the stream of light swiped the room, landing on the boy.
      He winced back at the light.
      "Hey,'s okay. My name is Y/N. Are you Charles? Charles Beaufont?"
      He nodded skeptically.
      "Okay, Charles-Charlie, can I call you Charlie?"
      He nodded slowly.
      I read that giving someone a nickname tends to establish trust and a sense of friendship.
      "Okay, Charlie. These are my friends, Steve and Natasha. We're here to help you, you don't have to be afraid, okay? Let us help you."
      "...he never comes alone...there must be more on the way..." Charlie mumbled.
      I looked over my shoulder to Steve and Nat, they nodded and headed into the hallway.
      "Come here. Come on. Let's get out of here before they come, okay? Just follow us. We'll make sure we get out of here safe. Just trust me."
      I held out a hand and Charlie glanced at it.
      He slowly brought his hand forward and placed his larger hand in mine. I helped him to his feet and for the first time I got a good look at him.
      He was tall, taller than Peter and me. He had dark brown eyes, that were mesmerizing and perfect dark brown eyebrows. His nose came to a nice point and his jaw was so sharp it could cut paper. His hair was a dark brown, but messy and shaggy, he most likely hadn't had a haircut in a while. He looked as thought he once had a lot of muscle, but now he seemed to be too thin. His hair fell in front of his eyes, and I saw a scared damaged glint in them.
      I smiled at him and he smirked a little back.
      "Guys! We got company!" Steve shouted.
      A moment later Steve and Nat leaped into the room and took cover on the side of the door, I pulled Charlie to the other side with me. He seemed terrified.
      "...shit." I mumbled.
      My glove automatically formed around my hand and powered on.
      "Y/N, you got anymore tricks up your sleeve?" Natasha asked.
      "Just this."
      I aimed my hand out from the corner and a high pitched blast filled the hallway. I saw Steve, Nat, and Charlie all cover their ears. I watched as some of the guards dropped their guns and covered the ears with both hands.
      I took the chance and fired at some of the men, Steve and Nat followed me taking them out. When they were all down I walked back to where Charlie was hiding and took his hand again, pulling him into the hallway.
      "Who are you people?" he said, a bewildered look on his face.
      "That's a long story." Steve said.
      We began to head down the hallway towards the elevator, but Charlie pulled on my arm.
      "This way. It's more discreet and safer." he said pointing down an adjacent hallway.
      I turned to Steve and Nat and they had skeptical faces, I turned and sighed.
      "You asked me to trust you, and I did. Now it's your turn." he said.
      "Your call, Y/N." Nat said.
      I looked down the hallway to the elevator and down the adjacent hallway.
      "Let's go." I said, following Charlie down his way.

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