Chapter Fifty

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      My eyes scanned the glass tablet, as I walked up and down the aisles of workers.
      Charlie was next to me, marveling at everything.
      "I still can't believe the unveiling of the S-Corp car line is only a week away."
      There were many cars around us being constructed and examined.
      "Yeah, me neither..." I mumbled, my eyebrow furrowing at the data. "It'll be close. Making sure both the Alpha and the Sirion production will be caught up, but I think we can do it."
      "You'll pull it off, Y/N. You always do."
      "Thanks, Charlie. Until then, I have a surprise. Follow me," I said setting the tablet down and leading Charlie away from the factory level and down a hallway.
     "Close your eyes," I said.
      He scoffed and rolled his eyes, before giving in and closing them. I opened the door and grabbed his hand pulling him into the next room.
      I positioned him just right then walked away and stood next to the surprise.
      " them."
      He slowly opened his eyes.
      I held my hands out towards an all black Jovi Alpha, one of my companies newest cars.
"What's this?" he said with a chuckle.
"It's yours," I said, raising my eyebrows and reaching inside my jacket. I pulled out some keys and tossed them to him.
"My dad told me how Pepper took you to get your license the other day. I had a feeling it wasn't just a coincidence you got it right after I told you about my car line."
"Sometimes you're too smart, Stark..."
"Come on. You're taking us to lunch."
I walked around the car for the passenger seat.
"Sick..." I heard him mumbled as he started for the drivers seat.
He situated himself in the driver's seat and pressed the ignition button.
The large touch screen display came to life and a few pieces of data appeared on the windshield. The engine roared to life, then quickly quieted down.
"Good afternoon, Charlie. Welcome to your new car. My name is Jovi. Your personal driving assistant, your PDA. Nice to finally meet you, Mr. Stark has told me quite a lot about you."
He turned to me with a kid-in-candy-store look in his eyes. I smiled.
"Did you have a destination in mind today?" she asked.
"Peabody Sub Shop."
There was a brief pause.
"Route set. Exit the parking garage and turn right...the weather is great for driving today, a perfect 63° and no chance of rain. Drive safe!"
She toned down the conversation.
"This is amaaaazing...!" he said excited.
"I'm glad you like it, but trust me you haven't seen anything yet."
"Show me your favorite features."
I thought about it, then reached forward and pressed a button right above the display.
A holographic map came to life in front of me, which was entirely interactive.
He glanced over.
"That's so cool!"
"And the best part? It's real time. If something big is going on in the city, you'll be able to see it from right here. For example, the protests going on downtown?" I panned the map and zoomed in on a few certain streets. You could see the outlines of people with signs crowding the streets.
"Traffic and detours no more..." Charlie said.
I smiled then sent the map away.
"I have to ask. Jovi? What does it stand for?"
I cleared my throat and swallowed.
" doesn't mean anything. It's not an acronym. Jovi was my mother's name..."
"Oh," he glanced over to me the back to the road, "I'm sorry."
"This project was my biggest and my favorite, so I took the opportunity to honor her and named it after her."
"That's...really sweet."
"...yeah," I took a deep breath.
Charlie didn't prod anymore and the rest of the ride was silent.

      "So, tell me. Why cars? What made you want to make cars?"
      I shrugged, "I like cars."
      "I know that. But that's all? That's the only reason?"
      "I'm rich, own a multi billion dollar company, and I love cars. Why wouldn't I do something I love if I have the resources to do it?"
      He met my eyes and took a bite of his sand which.
      "You might be one of the most strangest people I've ever met..."
      "Thank you."
      He chuckled and took a drink.
      "So listen, I have one more surprise. And you don't have to take it. You can tell me no, I just thought I'd offer. Okay?"
      He nodded, his brown hair shaking slightly as he did so.
      "I have a new opening. A mechanical and design consultant. For the new line of cars...And it's yours if you want it."
      "You're offering me a job? At S-Corp? To work with the cars?"
      I looked to the side then back to him and nodded once.
      I was nervous for a while, when he didn't respond and just looked at me, but then he broke into a smile.
      "When do I start?"
      I smiled back.
      "Whenever we need you. You won't have to be in the building or in an office all day, you'll be more of a call-in deal. When we need your assistance and expertise someone will call you in and you'll get to work."
      "Do I get my own office?" he asked excitedly.
      "Yes, I'm gonna give you an office."
      I laughed and shook my head, taking another bite of my sand which.
      We fell into comfortable silence as we ate, until I heard some commotion on the other side of the restaurant.
      I saw a bunch of people murmuring and pointing at the tv.
      I stood up and wandered over, ignoring Charlie's questioning. He followed after me once I was past the table.
      I furrowed my eyebrows and my eyes landed on the tv screen.
      It was dimly lit and there was a figure standing there. It appeared to be a woman but she was wearing a burlap sack hood with welder's goggles over the eyes. There was a makeshift gas mask on the lower half with many hoses and tubes.
      I could see a black leather lab coat on the woman's shoulders. She was holding a long syringe.
      "...this city is filled with injustice. It's time someone stepped up to eliminate it. Take this man, for example, John Hudson. A lawyer...a corrupt lawyer. And now...Doctor Toxin will teach him a lesson."
She stepped aside to reveal a man in a suit strapped to a standing table.
She approached him.
My hand shot up to my glasses.
"Smoak, track it."
"On it."
"This is what I will do to every single injustice in this city. One by one."
My eyes widened and panic spread as she put an oxygen mask over his face and walked over to a lab table.
"Smoak, get me a location. Now!"
"I'm trying, boss. It's heavily encrypted."
Charlie put a hand on my shoulder.
"I know."
The man was screaming and trying to shake the mask off.
"Almost there..."
I put a small version of the footage on my glasses screen and stepped into the street, calling my suit.
"Don't worry, dearie. It will be quick. Only minutes," the masked woman said.
She began to press different things and combine different chemicals.
My suit landed in front of me and I stepped inside.
"An abandoned warehouse near Brooklyn, sir. Marking the coordinates, now."
A blip appeared and I blasted off towards it, full power.
"This is for New York City, may your journey to hell be an easy one," she said, pouring the liquid into a device and pressing a button.
Five seconds later she began to crank a valve.
I watched as something seeped into the tubes and up to his face. He started to hold his breath.
I flew faster, Charlie was struggling to keep up behind me.
"Good luck...Avengers..."
I saw as the man had to give up holding his breath.
His mouth opened and he was forced to take in the pink gas.
He began to choke and cough and convulse.
I saw the veins on his neck bulge and his eyes began to bleed.
He was dying.

I crashed straight through the windows and landed on the ground. There was no sign of movement.
I saw a spotlight shining on one area in the middle of the warehouse. The scene of the crime.
The man, John Hudson, was still strapped to the table. Slumping forward.
His eyes dripped blood and his lips were blue.
His neck was sliced open.
I walked closer, Smoak began to scan the body.
"He's gone, sir. A most deadly way. He had no chance."
"...we were his chance."
"Y/N..." I heard Charlie say behind me. I turned to see him looking at something on the wall.
There were large red letters dripping on the wall.
"'s blood," Smoak said.
I gulped as I read it. A sick feeling clouding in my stomach.

I'm only just beginning, Stark. I will reign terror on your city and then I will bathe in its blood. Try all you want, you'll never truly win...
The Spider is next...

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