Chapter Forty One

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I landed on the balcony and stepped out of my suit, sliding open the glass door and stepping into the lavish hotel room.
I walked into Charlie sitting up in bed, reaching his arms to the sky and stretching his back.
His shirt was removed and I could see that he was finally starting to gain some meat on his bones and even gain a little muscle, a long way from the state we found him in.
His dark brown hair was messy and unruly. His eyes were shut tight as he loosened his muscles. His chest was tan and there were small patches of hair under his arms and running down his belly button below his waistline.
He lowered his arms and swallowed, then licked his lips. He smiled, tiredly, at me as he saw me walk inside.
"How did you even get this hotel? Don't you have to be 18?"
"You can pull quite a few strings when you're one of the richest people in the world, Charlie."
He shrugged, "Whatever..."
He slid his legs over the side of the bed and scratched his back, then he stood up, adjusted his boxers, and headed towards the bathroom.
I sat down at the desk and opened my laptop.
"Smoak, load the files from the security cameras and search for anything relating to my father."
A video popped up on my screen and I moved the mouse to press the play button.
The bathroom door opened and Charlie came up to the desk. He had now put on a pair of grey joggers and was currently brushing his teeth.
"What did you find?" he asked.
"Let's find out." I said pressing play.
He leaned on the back of my chair, his head right above mine. I could feel the breath from his nose blowing into my hair.
I watched as a van pulled up to the curb and three men stood up. They walked into the alleyway where we could see two other shadows in the alley. My eyebrow furrowed as a long conversation began. Then I saw the two shadows step out of the alley, visibly Pepper and my father. They walked around the van and got into the back.
"They...went willingly?" Charlie said confused.
      "That bastard lied to me..."
      "Who did?" Charlie said around his toothbrush.
      I shot out of my seat and threw my arms in the air, "José! He told me that someone heard struggling and fighting!"
      Charlie sat down at the desk and began to watch the video again.
      "What the-" he said playing it back. "Wait a second..."
      He continuously played the same part over and over.
      "What's that?" he said, pointing to something on the screen.
      This time I leaned on the back of the chair, my chin floating right over Charlie's head.
      I watched what Charlie was pointing at.
      As they were escorting Pepper and my father to the truck. I watched as his hand darted to the side and something glowing landed under some crates by a building.
"Rewind it again."
Charlie did as he was told and let the video play.
"Pause it right...there."
He paused the video.
"Smoak, zoom in."
The video zoomed in on the object.
Smoak enhanced the pixelated image and it was clear to me what the object was.
"What is that?" Charlie said.
"A Stark Industries broadcast beacon..."
"What is he broadcasting?"
"Well," I shooed him out of the seat and began to mess with the footage. "They're very portable and most often connected with...a tracker."
I pointed to a point where my father placed his hand on the back of the van, when he removed his hand, there was a small blue light glowing from the underside of the vehicle.
"He placed a tracker? On the van?"
"Yep, knowing that we, or I, would come for him."
"That's great and all, but why would they go with them in the first place? The men seemed unarmed and your father is an Avenger. Why didn't they resist? Why did they go with them with no hesitation? Why all the cloak and dagger?"
"There's a million questions we could ask right now, all with no answers. But, we do know what we have to do next."
"And that is?"
"Get that beacon, so we can access the tracker."

"C'mon, help me move this." I said.
Charlie positioned himself on the other side of the large wooden crate and grabbed either side. I did the same on the other side and we began to push it away.
Once it was moved enough I reached behind it and felt around.
"Is it there?"
"I can't tell..."
He waited for me as I felt for it.
"There it is!" I said grabbing onto it and pulling it out.
The beacon was intact and blinking a blue light.
"Smoak, access the files saved onto this beacon."
"On it, boss. Processing..."
I sat down on one of the crates as we waited.
Charlie sat down next to me and as soon as he did he leaned his head back and rested his eyes.
"You sure you're up for this?"
"What do you mean...?" he said not opening his eyes.
"You seem really tired all the time."
"I just need to catch up on sleep..."
"You slept nearly ten hours on the flight and then six hours when we got to the hotel."
"I'm...really behind?"
"Come on, Charlie. Tell me what's up."
He sighed.
      "I wasn't lying...I am behind on sleep, but..."
      "But what?" I nudged him a little.
      "I haven't been sleeping."
      "Um...that's not what I've been seeing?" I laughed a little.
      He smiled, "No. No, like before..." He looked over at me, then back down to his hands. "You've been spending late nights at the company, and sometimes you're there over night. And when you're not at home I don't sleep well."
      "Huh?" I said confused.
      "I-I don't sleep well. Ever since I was rescued, I've had nightmare of James, of Bloodmetal. I'd wake up in a cold sweat, but then as I began to trust you, and I could see the things you could do, I felt safe being with you." He scoffed and smiled. "Even if I just knew you were sleeping across the hall, I felt safe. But it's when you weren't there, that I didn't feel safe. It's when you weren't there, that I couldn't sleep."
      "Oh, Charlie..." I said wrapping an arm around his shoulders and hugging him close.
      "I'm so tired, Y/N...both physically and mentally."
      "I think we should take a break...chill at the hotel, by the pool, hot tub, or even just in the room. Just a day to sit and watch a movie to just slow down a little, how about that?"
      "That sounds nice..." he said drowsily.
      "Come on." I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him to his feet and down the sidewalk.
     He groaned and followed after me.

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