Chapter Thirty

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I slowly buttoned my black dress shirt over my chest and tucked it into my pants. I saw Nat come up behind me and hold my jacket up.
I put my arms behind me and she helped me slide my black suit jacket on. I buttoned the first button and smirked.
"Alright. Let's do this..." I mumbled walking over to the door and down the hallway into the living room.
   Bucky and Steve were at the coffee table, conversing and going over plans.
      They were in full uniform.
"You ready?" Steve asked glancing up at me.
I nodded once and glanced at the papers on the counter, they were floor plans of the building.
      "Luxe Tech? That's risky."
      "Yeah?" Steve said. "Why's that?"
      "They're one of the most famous tech companies of this generation, they have some of the most advanced tech in the world, therefore they have some of the best security in the world. Ex-government and ex-military guards, advanced security cameras, heat and motion detectors, not to mention the hundreds of levels of clearance needed to even look at the warehouses and factories."
      "What are you saying?" Nat asked coming in behind us, full uniform.
      "If you want to get anywhere near they're servers or information level, you'll need some serious skill, that I don't even know if we have."
      "We can do it. We'll just have to be careful." Steve said.
      "You guys gonna let me know why we're even infiltrating now?"
      "You remember Ultron?" Nat said.
      "The robot that almost destroyed the world? Yeah, I remember."
      "Well, we believe that he's using tech from Ultron, and if he uses it the wrong way...well we think he could wake up Ultron, whether it be intentional or unintentional." Steve said.
      My face fell.
      "You mean...he could potentially destroy the world?"
      No one said anything.
      I ran my fingers through my hair.
      "Okay. Okay, well, we'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen."
      Steve's phone chimed.
      "Your driver's here, kid. Before you go, take this." he handed me a small earpiece.
      "We'll be in your ear the whole time kid, don't worry. We'll be ready to jump in if you need it." Nat said.
      I swallowed and nodded placing it in my ear and heading for the door.
      I walked down the hall towards the elevator of the hotel we were in.
      I pressed the button and the doors slid open, I stepped inside and pressed lobby. After a few seconds, the doors slid shut and the elevator began to slide down the shaft to the ground level.
      The doors slid open and the doormen in the lobby opened the doors to the street.
"Mr. Stark." they both said and nodded.
The luxury car was parked at the sidewalk, I opened the door and slid into the backseat.
"You know what to do." I said to the driver.
He hummed and pulled away into the street headed towards Luxe Tech.
When the car stopped at the sidewalk and the someone opened the door, the butterflies in my stomach fluttered awake.
"Mr. Stark, we've been waiting for you, right this way." the man said, leading me into the doors of the modern building.
I looked up immediately as the ceiling opened into a huge cavern. There was a huge, modern chandelier hanging from the ceiling.
I held my breath and examined the entire room.
"Wait here. I'll bring Mr. James."
I nodded as he walked off.
      I sauntered over to the front desk and planted a small device on it.
      A moment later a voice called out to me.
      "Ah! The young Mr. Stark, pleasure to meet you." Thomas James said.
      A voice in my head called for me to say something snarky, but I bit my tongue and played the role.
      "The pleasure's all mine, Mr. James."
      "Oh, please, call me Thomas. No need for pleasantries." I smiled and nodded. "I hear you're hear for a tour, getting the scoop on what the tech industry is like, huh?"
      "Something like that." I chuckled.
      The earpiece in my ear came to life, "You're doing  great, kid. Keep it up." Steve's voice said.
      "Well, let's not keep the crowd waiting," he said jokingly, "Right this way."
      He led me down several hallways and down some stairs and elevators, talking and socializing the entire time. Several security guards all followed us, along with some other workers.
      "Sir, I've got access to the security cameras in the building, forwarding access to Mr. Roger, Barnes, and Miss Romanoff in the van now."
      James led me down the hallway and stopped near the end gesturing out a window, looking down on the area beneath our feet.
      "And where the magic happens."
      There were hundreds of machines and workers working on constructing different pieces of technology. My eyes scanned the large factory room for anything out of the ordinary when I saw a black elevator door on the side wall with two large men in suits standing on either side.
      "Surely not all of the tech Luxe Tech makes is made here in the building?"
      "No, no. We have several other warehouses and factories scattered about, but some east lifting work is done here in our mini factory."
      "Huh, that's neat. Can we go down?" I asked.
      He clicked tongue, "Sorry, even though you're a welcomed guest, there are some places not even our own workers are allowed, let alone an outsider, my apologies."
      "None needed, I understand the necessity for high security. What's next on the tour?"
      I used my powers and felt a slight tinge of regret on his mind, but also a fearful tone.
      I believe my plan had worked to get him to let me in somewhere else, that he normally wouldn't let me in, all because he felt bad that I couldn't go down there.
      "I suppose I could show you the server room, all good companies have one anyway."
      "Alright then, you lead the way, Mr. James."
      "Thomas, please." he said once more.
      I followed him and the rest of the group down the hallway again.
"Well played, Y/N." Nat said.
      After a short walk two doors slid open to reveal a large room full of computers and servers.
      "Wow, this might even be bigger than my father's..." I said with fake enthusiasm.
      It wasn't. Nowhere near the size of my dad's.
      "Really? Now that's something to be proud of." he mumbled.
      After I was done looking around, I followed him out of the doors, but not before I planted a small device on the door, leaving a blinking blue light.
      As we headed back to the entrance, I saw a woman come up to James and show him something on a tablet, his brow furrowed and he glanced over his shoulder back at me, I made a confused expression, then he looked away. He said something quietly, then sent the woman back on her way.
      As we reached the doors, James turned to me and held out a hand.
      "It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Stark. I wish you well in the Tech Industry, I have a feeling you'll end up just fine."
      I shook his hand, "Thank you, sir. That means a lot."
      After he had walked off and disappeared, I walked over to the front desk.
      "Excuse me, could you tell me where the closest bathroom is?"

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